Syllabus Speaking Skill a

21 based materials. This kind of material is advantageous for the students because they are student-centered. The topics of the material can be chosen by getting learners’ characteristic. These are the steps of designing the materials that the researcher uses: Step 1. Conduct the Learner Analysis The researcher conducts the learning analysis to know the students interest, needs, and difficulties in learning English so that the researcher could design the suitable materials for them. Step 2. Identify the Competence Standard The researcher identifies the competence standard because it is the basis for the rest of the steps. Step 3. Formulate the Basic Competences Specify the basic competences to be achieved in terms of measurable student behavioral outcomes. Step 4. Formulate the Indicators The indicators can be used as the guide to choose the learning materials and decide the learning experiences. Indicators are adapted from the basic competences which are used in the level of study. Step 5. Select the Learning Content Select the learning content which is suitable with the learning experiences and can be used to achieve the standard competence and basic competences and also indicators. Then, the researcher creates the syllabus. 22 Step 6. Decide the Learning Experiences Set and list the learning experiences which support each indicator. Step 7. Evaluate the Design Materials The design materials evaluation is done by distributing the questionnaire to the participants. The participants gave their judgments, comments, opinions, suggestions toward the designed materials. Step 8. Revise the Design Materials Getting the feedback from evaluation result, the researcher revises designed materials. 23 This following figure describes the linear step adapted from Kemp’s Model. Figure 2.2: The Adapted Kemp’s Instructional Models Conduct the learner analysis Identify the competence standard Formulate the basic competences Formulate the indicators Select the learning content Decide the learning experiences Evaluate the design materials Revise the design materials 24


The purpose of this chapter is to present the method used to answer the questions stated in Chapter 1. The discussion is presented into six major parts, namely research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was an educational research and development RD in which the research process is used for developing the designed materials. Borg and Gall 1983: 772 stated that educational research and development RD is a process used to develop and validate educational products. According to Borg and Gall 1983: 775, there was a cycle to be followed: 1. Research and information gathering. In this step, the researcher began the research by distributing questionnaire to the students. The questionnaires for the students were collected to get the data about students’ characteristic and also students’ needs. Besides, the researcher conducted interview to the teacher to get the data about the goal, the activities, and also students’ characteristic of the extracurricular English Club. Those data helped the researcher in designing the material.