The Topic and the Arrangement of the Materials

107 3 Tell Me A Story Competence: Create a narrative text based on the generic structure and language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a narrative text. Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a narrative text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately D. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good narrative text B.7. 3. Select the correct word to complete the sentences in a paragraph B.5,6. 4. Produce a good direct speech based on the situation provided B.4. 5. Produce a good indirect speech based on the situation provided B. 3. 6. Predict the topic to be discussed A.4, 5. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Be careful in evaluating a narrative text by doing proof reading E.1, 2. A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students mention the title of the narrative ’s pictures provided. 2. Students are asked to explore their knowledge about the narrative mentioned before. 3. Students share their knowledge with their friends in group. 4. Students are asked to identify the sentence pattern used while sharing their experiences. 5. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed. B. EXPERIENCE 1. Students are asked to read and study the explanation and the example given about descriptive text. 2. After reading, students are asked to analyze the example based on the Narrative Texts Indirect Speech Direct Speech Jumbled paragraphs Jumbled sentences Language Features 2 x 100’ 108 Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group discussion and presenting their reflection in front of the class. Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. pay attention to others while sharing in group discussion D. 2. pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class A.3, C.2,4. explanation given. 3. Students are asked to produce a good indirect speech from the situation given. 4. Students are asked to produce a good direct speech based on the situation given. 5. Students are asked to fill the gaps to complete a paragraph. 6. Students are asked to organize the jumble sentences to make a good paragraph. 7. Students are asked to write a number of the paragraph to make a good narrative text. 8. Teacher and the students discuss the generic structure and language features of the text given. C. REFLECTION 1. After reading and identifying the generic 109 structure of the text given, students are asked to mention the most important thing to be involved in a narrative text. 2. Students are asked to share to what extend are the benefits of learning writing a narrative text in their pastoral ministry as a candidate for the priesthood. 3. Students are asked to share their reflection in a group of three. 4. After finishing sharing in group, students are asked to present their reflection in front of the class. It can be representative. D. ACTION By finishing experiencing and reflecting the previous activity, students are asked to create a narrative text. 110 E. EVALUATION 1. After writing a narrative text, students are asked to ask some people to proof read their writings. 2. Students are asked to revise their writing and submit it. 3. In the following meeting, students are given some feedbacks by the teacher. 4 Think and Act Competence: Students create a an argumentative orand persuasive texts. Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a an argumentative orand persuasive text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately D. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good argumentative text b.6. 3. Select the correct word to complete the sentences in a paragraph B.4, 5. 4. Draw a mind mapping based on the text given B.7. 5. Predict the topic to be discussed A. 3, 4. A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students are asked to share their opinion about the statements given. 2. Students share their feelings about mind mapping given to their friends in group. 3. Students are asked to identify the sentence pattern used while sharing their experiences. 4. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed. Argumentative and persuasive texts Jumbled paragraphs Jumbled sentences Language Features 2 x 100’