110 E. EVALUATION 1. After writing a narrative text, students are asked to ask some people to proof read their writings. 2. Students are asked to revise their writing and submit it. 3. In the following meeting, students are given some feedbacks by the teacher. 4 Think and Act Competence: Students create a an argumentative orand persuasive texts. Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a an argumentative orand persuasive text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately D. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good argumentative text b.6. 3. Select the correct word to complete the sentences in a paragraph B.4, 5. 4. Draw a mind mapping based on the text given B.7. 5. Predict the topic to be discussed A. 3, 4. A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students are asked to share their opinion about the statements given. 2. Students share their feelings about mind mapping given to their friends in group. 3. Students are asked to identify the sentence pattern used while sharing their experiences. 4. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed. Argumentative and persuasive texts Jumbled paragraphs Jumbled sentences Language Features 2 x 100’ 111 Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing an argumentative orand persuasive texts. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group discussion and demonstrating their drawing in front of the class. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Be careful in evaluating an argumentative orand persuasive texts through peer feedbacks E.1, 2. Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. pay attention to others while sharing in group discussion D. 2. pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class A.1, 2, D. B. EXPERIENCE 1. Students are asked to read and study the explanation and the example given about an argumentative orand persuasive texts 2. After reading, students are asked to analyze the example based on the explanation given. 3. Students are asked to study the mind mapping of the text given. 4. Students are asked to fill the gaps to complete a paragraph. 5. Students are asked to organize the jumble sentences to make a good paragraph. 6. Students are asked to write a number of the paragraph to make a good descriptive text. 7. Students are asked to draw a mind mapping of the previous text. 8. Teacher and the students 112 discuss the mind mapping of the text given. C. REFLECTION 1. After reading and identifying the generic structure of the text given, students are asked to reflect the benefits of studying an argumentative orand persuasive texts in their daily lives. 2. After reflection, students are asked to draw an object to represent those benefits found at the previous activity. 3. By finishing drawing, students are asked to share their reflection about their drawings in a group of three students. 4. After sharing in group, students are asked to present their reflection in front of class. 113 D. ACTION By finishing experiencing and reflecting the previous activities, students are asked to write an argumentative orand persuasive texts. E. EVALUATION 1. After writing an argumentative orand persuasive texts, students are asked to exchange their work with others and ask some feedbacks about their writings. 2. Students are asked to revise their writings and submit it. 3. In the following meeting, students are given some feedbacks by the teacher. 114 English Writing Materials Based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program Students LESSON PLAN Unit : 1 “Here, I am” Meeting : 1 and 2 Type of Text : Descriptive Text Time Allocation : 2 x 100 minutes Basic Competence : Competence: Students create a descriptive text based on the generic structure and language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a descriptive text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group or presenting something in front of the class. Indicators : Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a descriptive text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately. 2. Organize the jumble paragraphs to make a good descriptive text. 3. Select the correct wordphrase to complete the sentences in a paragraph. 4. Produce a good sentence based on the jumble words provided. 5. Apply the correct form of verb or to be to complete the sentence. 6. Predict the topic to be discussed. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. be careful in evaluating a descriptive text through peer feedbacks. Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Pay attention to others while sharing in group. 2. Pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class. 115 Teaching Activities: Steps in Ignatian Pedagogy Teaching Activities Time Allocation A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students explore their experiences about their mothers. 2. Students share their experiences to their friends in group. 3. While listening to friends‟ sharing, students are asked to identify the generic structure used. 4. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed and clarify the answer. 10‟ 15‟ 5‟

B. EXPERIENCE 1. Students are asked to read and study the

explanation and the example given about descriptive text. 2. After reading, students are asked to analyze the example based on the explanation given. 3. Students are asked to apply a correct form of VERB or TO BE to complete the sentences. 4. Students are asked to arrange the jumbled words to produce a good sentence. 5. Students are asked to fill the gaps to complete a paragraph. 6. Students are asked to organize the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph. 7. Students are asked to write a number of the paragraph to make a good descriptive text. 8. Students are asked to mention generic structure of a descriptive text. 9. Teacher and the students discuss the generic structure. 10‟ 30‟ 20‟ C. REFLECTION 1. After reading and identifying the generic structure of the text given, students are asked to reflect the benefits of studying descriptive text in their daily lives. 2. Students are asked to reflect their strengths and weaknesses in learning descriptive text. 3. After reflection, students share their reflection in a group of three. 4. Students are asked to write down about the value they have learnt from the text given. 5. Students are asked to list new vocabulary from the text given. 6. After finishing sharing in group, students are asked to present their reflection in front of the class. 10‟ 15‟ 5‟ 10‟ 15 ‟ 116 D. ACTION By finishing experiencing and reflecting the previous activity, students are asked to create a descriptive text. . 30„ E. EVALUATION 1. After writing a descriptive text, students are asked to exchange their works with others and ask some feedbacks about their writings. 2. Students are asked to revise their writings and submit it. 3. In the following meeting, students are given some feedbacks by the teacher. 15‟ 10‟ Teaching Strategies: Individual work, group discussion, class discussion, experiencing, sharing, identifying, reflecting, writing, and evaluating. Materials Sources: Internet, handout, worksheet. Assessment Sheet: Name: Score: Writing Rubric – Descriptive Essay Criteria Evaluated 4 3 2 1 Focus Sharp, clear main idea. Main idea is present. No clear main idea, but some points are mentioned. Little or no main idea. Content Many supporting details that explain the main idea in terms of sight, smell, touch, taste, andor sound. Several supporting details that explain the main idea. Some use of sensory details. Some supporting details that explain the main idea. Little use of sensory details. Few supporting details that explain the main idea. No use of sensory details. Organization Highly organized using a variety 3 or more of transition words to make ideas flow. Logically organized using some 2 transition words to make ideas flow. Little organization and ideas are not tied together. No flow of thoughts is seen but some ideas are mentioned. Style Strong variety of vocabulary and sentence structure with strong awareness of audience. Strong use of imagery and figurative language. Some variety in vocabulary and sentence structure with some awareness of audience. Some use of imagery and figurative language. Little variety in vocabulary and sentence structure with little awareness of audience. Little use of imagery and figurative language. No variety in vocabulary or sentence structure with no awareness of audience. Almost no use of imagery or figurative language. Mechanics Few or no errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Some but not many errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Several errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Many errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Scoring : 17-20Excellent 15-17 Good 12-14Adequate 12Fair Taken from: Analytic scale for rating composition tasks Brown Bailey, 1984, pp.39-41 elaborated by the writer. 118 ANSWER KEY Unit 1 Activity 3: Apply the correct form of VERB or TO BE to complete the following sentences 1. I have have a close friend. 2. She to be is beautiful, attractive and trendy. 3. She want, always always wants to be a trend setter of the day. 4. She pay, always always pays much attention on her appearance. 5. She have, really really has perfect appearance. 6. She to be is really mad on that shoes. 7. The blowfish mens shoes to be are as elegant as she have has . 8. The products provide provide varieties of choice. 9. Ballet, casual, boot athletic shoes to be are designed in attractive way. 10. The products to be are international trader mark and become the hottest trend. Activity 4: Arrange the following words to make a good sentence 1. Hindu Budhist – Borobudur - temple - is  Borobudur is Hindu Budhist temple. 2. build - it – under – was – Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom – in the nineth century.  It was built under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom in the nineth century. 3. is - in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia – Borobudur –located  Boroburdur is located in Magelang, Centrak Jave, Indonesia. 4. by the Gupta architecture of India - is – its construction –influenced  Its construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of India. 5. on a hill 46 m high - is – the temple – and - consist of eight step like stone terrace - constructed  The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like stone terrace. 6. in bas relief - are - the first five terrace - and –square– surrounded - with Budist sculpture - by walls adorned  The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. 119 7. with - is - each of them - a circle of bell shape stupa.  Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. 8. at the centre - crowned - the entire adifice - of the top circle - by a large stupa - is  The entire adifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle. 9. extends - the way - and - to the summit –some 4.8 km of passage- through - starways  The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and starways. 10. temples at Angkor, Cambodia - influences - the design of borobudur – which - the structure of universe – symbolizes  The design of borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia. Activity 5: Fill the gaps below by choosing the words in the box provided thick has bored are color beautiful disappointed write tear is There are many experiences that I write there. My diary has many colors but red is the dominant color. Its cover is the a i atio of Japa gi ls and beautiful butterfly. Every piece of paper has a different soft color. Its size is about 20x15 cm and it is thick. Sometimes, I tear the paper of my diary because when I was writing something in the diary, I felt disappointed or bored . Activity 6 : Organize the following sentences to make a good paragraph 1. Now, my diary is not so thick. 2. I wrote my name at the top of the cover. 3. My name had been written since I bought it. 4. I asked the seller to write m a e at the top of dia s o e . 5. At the a k of dia s o e , I put also photo. 120 Activity 7: Write a number 1 up to 5 to arrange the following paragraphs to make a good descriptive text St. Peter’s Basili a St. Pete s Basilica is the largest church ever built in the world. It is lo ated i Vati a Cit . It s o e of the holiest pla es fo Ch istia s especially for adherents of the Roman Catholic. This basilica is also called as a papal basilica because from this basilica the Holy Father often gives his blessing. There is a central balcony which is called the Loggia of the Blessings, that is used for a ou e e t of the e pope ith Ha e us Papu a d his Urbi et Orbi blessing. It was constructed in 324 by Emperor Constantine. In 1506, the construction on the current building began under Pope Julius II and was completed in 1615 under Pope Paul V. It covers an area of 2.3 hectares 5.7 acres and has capacity of over 60.000 people. Total length is 730 feet and width is 500 feet. Height from pavement to top of cross is 452 feet. St. Pete s Basili a has so e ie s su h as St. Pete s s ua e, e te io of St. Pete s Basili a, a e, ight aisle a d t a sept, do e a ea with baldachins, cathedral of St. Peter, left transept and aisle, and cryptgrottoes. This basilica was the grave of St. Peter who had died as a martyr in Circus, but now, his simple grave is directly below the altar of the basilica. St. Peter s Basilica is famous as a holy place of pilgrimage, especially for adherents of the Roman Catholic in the world, for liturgical functions and historical associations. 1 3 … … … … 4 … … … … 2 … … … … 5 … … … … 121 Activity 8: From the previous activity, mention the generic structure of a descriptive text Generic Structure of Descriptive Text Identification Description 122 English Writing Materials Based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program Students LESSON PLAN Unit : 2 “My Diary” Meeting : 3 and 4 Type of Text : Recount Text Time Allocation : 2 x 100 minutes Basic Competence : Competence: Students create a recount text based on the generic structure and language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a recount text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing and presenting their reflection in front of the class. Indicators : Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a recount text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good recount text. 3. Select the correct wordphrase to complete the sentences in a paragraph. 4. Produce a good sentence based on the jumbled words provided. 5. Apply the correct form of verb or to be to complete the sentence. 6. Predict the topic to be discussed. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Be careful in evaluating a recount text through self- evaluation. Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Pay attention to others while sharing in group discussion. 2. Pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class. 123 Teaching Activities: Steps in Ignatian Pedagogy Teaching Activities Time Allocation A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students are asked to read St. Faustin‟s diary. 2. After reading, students share their feelings about the diary to their friends in group. 3. Students are asked to identify the generic structure used while sharing their experiences. 4. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed. 10‟ 20‟ 5‟

B. EXPERIENCE 1. Students are asked to read and study the

explanation and the example given about descriptive text. 2. After reading, students are asked to analyze the example based on the explanation given. 3. Students are asked to apply a correct form of VERB or TO BE to complete the sentences. 4. Students are asked to arrange the jumbled words to produce a good sentence. 5. Students are asked to fill the gaps to complete a paragraph. 6. Students are asked to organize the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph. 7. Students are asked to write a number of the paragraph to make a good recount text. 8. Students are asked to mention generic structure of a recount text. 9. Teacher and the students discuss the generic structure. 15‟ 35‟ 15‟ C. REFLECTION 1. After reading and identifying the generic structure of the text given, students are asked to choose a text they like the most from the texts given and give reason why they choose it. 2. After choosing, students share their reflection in a group of three students. 3. Students are asked to list the new vocabulary from the texts given. 4. After finishing sharing in group, students are asked to present their reflection in front of the class. It can be a representative. 15 ‟ 15 ‟ 5‟ 15 ‟ D. ACTION By finishing experiencing and reflecting the previous activity, students are asked to write a recount text. 30„ E. EVALUATION 1. After writing a recount text, students are asked to evaluate their own writings by 15‟ 124 themselves using the rubric provided. 2. Students are asked to revise their writing and submit it. 3. In the following meeting, students are given some feedbacks by the teacher. 10‟ Teaching Strategies: Individual work, group discussion, class discussion, experiencing, sharing, identifying, reflecting, writing, and evaluating. Materials Sources: Internet, handout, worksheet. Assessment Sheet: Name: Score: Writing Rubric – Recount Essay Criteria Evaluated 4 3 2 1 Focus Sharp, clear main idea. Main idea is present. No clear main idea, but some points are mentioned. Little or no main idea. Content Many supporting details that explain the main idea in terms of sight, smell, touch, taste, andor sound. Several supporting details that explain the main idea. Some use of sensory details. Some supporting details that explain the main idea. Little use of sensory details. Few supporting details that explain the main idea. No use of sensory details. Organization Highly organized using a variety 3 or more of transition words to make ideas flow. Logically organized using some 2 transition words to make ideas flow. Little organization and ideas are not tied together. No flow of thoughts is seen but some ideas are mentioned. Style Strong variety of vocabulary and sentence structure with strong awareness of audience. Strong use of imagery and figurative language. Some variety in vocabulary and sentence structure with some awareness of audience. Some use of imagery and figurative language. Little variety in vocabulary and sentence structure with little awareness of audience. Little use of imagery and figurative language. No variety in vocabulary or sentence structure with no awareness of audience. Almost no use of imagery or figurative language. Mechanics Few or no errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Some but not many errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Several errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Many errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and sentence structure. Scoring : 17-20Excellent 15-17 Good 12-14Adequate 12Fair Taken from: Analytic scale fro rating composition tasks Brown Bailey, 1984, pp.39-41 elaborated by the writer. 126 ANSWER KEY Unit 2 Activity 3: Apply the correct form of VERB or TO BE to complete the following sentences 1. John Paul II elevated 483 individuals to sainthood. 2. One personage he beatified was Mother Teresa. 3. Teresa was for many years the most revered woman on earth. 4. She was asked by the prosecutor in that case to return Keatings gift. 5. She also accepted substantial sums given by the brutal Duvalier dictatorship. 6. Their ailments usually went undiagnosed. 7. There were few medical personnel on the premises, mostly untrained nuns and brothers. 8. Teresa checked into some of the costliest hospitals and recovery care units in the world. 9. Teresa journeyed the globe to wage campaigns against divorce, abortion, and birth control. 10. At her Nobel award ceremony, she announced that the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. Activity 4: Arrange the following words to make a good sentence 1. Last Monday was a busy day for me. 2. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my home. 3. It made us disappointed. 4. The class was finished at 12.30. 5. After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. 6. She was hospitalized. 7. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. 8. When I got there, there were so many members of my family. 9. There were about 10 people. 10. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon. 127 127 Activity 5: Fill the gaps below by choosing the words in the box provided Broke bathroom began planned was jogged never was fell down changed When the morning broke in Sunday morning, I woke up and planned to jog around the neighborhood. So I changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my sleepy face. As I stepped in the landed , I landed my foot on a soap in the floor and fell down . Next, I began my jogging and saw my gorgeous neighbor, jogging to. I thought it was a good fortune to omit the gap between us. So I jogged to him and say hello. But, how poor of me, it was not him. It just someone I never met before who looked like to him. I was going home with people laugh at me along side of the street. Activity 6 : Organize the following sentences to make a good paragraph Write down the organized sentences at the space provided 1. When I got home, the breakfast already settled and I immediately spooned a big portion of rice and ate. 2. After I have done my breakfast my mother came up and said that the meals have not ready yet and she said that I may have a stomachache if I ate it. 3. It was proven; I had a stomachache for the next three days. 4. I past my weekend lie down on me bed and be served as a queen. 5. That was not really bad, wasnt it? 128 Activity 7: Write a number 1 up to 4 to arrange the following paragraphs to make a good descriptive text My Rush Time as a Journalist I usually woke up at eight o’clock a.m. and went to the Press Center to check the daily schedule of briefings and press conferences. It was usually held by the United Nation officials or disaster mitigation team. After everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because I always had to rush and again it was difficult to find food. I had to travel quite far. I needed to spend a 30 to 45 minutes by car just to find fresh food. It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. After that I went back to the Press Center to cover the press conferences of the day. It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing. Unfortunately as they said, the food and clothing were limited and inadequate. Emerging to glaring, it was time to go back to Press Center to write stories and race against time. I was always fearing that the internet would come crushing down. See Reference 6 Activity 8: From the previous activity, mention the generic structure of a recount text