Respondents of the Needs Survey Respondents of the Survey on the Materials Designed

47 After that, the writer wrote the result of the second questionnaire on the designed materials on the table to de scribe the respondents‟ evaluation as seen as follows. Table 3.3 The Description of the Respondents’ Evaluation of the Materials Designed Blank No. Respondents’ Opinion on Frequency of the points of agreement N Central Tendency 1 2 3 4 5 M The formula to get the Mean Notes table and formulation: N : Total number of respondents M : Mean Ʃ x : the sum of the scores Since the total number of the respondents is less than thirty, so that the writer also asked the comments or opinions, suggestions or criticisms from the respondents. It was asked to improve the materials design and to make it more appropriate and acceptable for the Theology Study Program students. Based on the evaluation, the writer revised the designed materials.

F. Research Procedure

In doing this research the writer did some steps described as follows. Ʃ x M = N 48 1. Research and information collecting a. Reviewing some theories related to the study. b. Collecting information about Ignatian Pedagogy as the basis of the design. c. Collecting information about learners by distributing a questionnaire and conducting informal interview. 2. Planning a. Identifying instructional goals or basic competences. b. Writing performances or indicators. c. Selecting syllabus. d. Deciding teachinglearning activities. 3. Develop preliminary form of product a. Making a rough draft of the designing based on the information gathered. b. Completing the materials as English writing instruction materials for the Theology Study Program students. 4. Preliminary field testing a. Distributing a questionnaire to evaluate the design to four lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program. b. Analyzing the evaluation and the suggestion. 5. Main product revision a. Revising and developing the design based on the evaluation and suggestion. b. Producing a final product.