Research Setting Research Procedure

46 writer recapitulated the data written in the table. After that, the writer gave percentage for each answer. The formula used can be seen as follows. Note : n : the number of the participants who chose a certain option N : the total number of participants The result of questionnaire was enriched by using information from the interview. Based on the results, the writer designed a set of English writing materials for the TSP students based on Ignatian Pedagogy.

2. Data Analysis Technique on the Designed Materials

In analyzing the materials designed, the writer distributed a questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaire designed based on Scaled responses as proposed by Munn and Drever 2004, p. 25-26. The way to use this type is to take idea of „agreement‟ and provide intervals of agreement from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The example of the agreement points were described as follows. Table 3.2 Points of Agreement Points of Agreement Meaning 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Do not knowNot Sure 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree n ______ x 100 N 47 After that, the writer wrote the result of the second questionnaire on the designed materials on the table to de scribe the respondents‟ evaluation as seen as follows. Table 3.3 The Description of the Respondents’ Evaluation of the Materials Designed Blank No. Respondents’ Opinion on Frequency of the points of agreement N Central Tendency 1 2 3 4 5 M The formula to get the Mean Notes table and formulation: N : Total number of respondents M : Mean Ʃ x : the sum of the scores Since the total number of the respondents is less than thirty, so that the writer also asked the comments or opinions, suggestions or criticisms from the respondents. It was asked to improve the materials design and to make it more appropriate and acceptable for the Theology Study Program students. Based on the evaluation, the writer revised the designed materials.

F. Research Procedure

In doing this research the writer did some steps described as follows. Ʃ x M = N 48 1. Research and information collecting a. Reviewing some theories related to the study. b. Collecting information about Ignatian Pedagogy as the basis of the design. c. Collecting information about learners by distributing a questionnaire and conducting informal interview. 2. Planning a. Identifying instructional goals or basic competences. b. Writing performances or indicators. c. Selecting syllabus. d. Deciding teachinglearning activities. 3. Develop preliminary form of product a. Making a rough draft of the designing based on the information gathered. b. Completing the materials as English writing instruction materials for the Theology Study Program students. 4. Preliminary field testing a. Distributing a questionnaire to evaluate the design to four lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program. b. Analyzing the evaluation and the suggestion. 5. Main product revision a. Revising and developing the design based on the evaluation and suggestion. b. Producing a final product. 49


This chapter presents the results of designing a set of English writing materials based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program students. It is presented to answer research problems as stated in Chapter I. This chapter is divided into two subsections to present the writer‟s model used in designing the materials and the presentation of the design.

A. The W riter’s Model Used in Designing the Materials

The writer used five steps of R D Cycle to design the materials as mentioned in Chapter III and elaborated them in to six steps. They are analyzing the learners and contexts, identifying instructional goals, writing performances objectives, selecting syllabus, deciding teachinglearning activities, and evaluating and recycling. The results and the findings of each step are described as follows:

1. Characteristics of the Learners and Contexts

As stated in Chapter III, R D was employed as the method in this study. The first step of R D was conducted to collect data and information about the learners and contexts. Needs survey was conducted before identifying the instructional goals and deciding teaching activities based on Ignatian Pedagogy. By distributing a questionnaire and doing informal interview, the researcher concluded some information about the learners and contexts presented as follows: 50 a. There are 3 English classes in the Theology Study Program. The researcher chose class B as a cluster sample of participants. There were 22 students in this class. According to the English lecturer, the class chosen has varied ability in learning English. Some of the students are very clever, but some of them have very low ability in learning English. This information became a challenge for the researcher to make a design which is able to facilitate that varied ability. b. Besides the varied ability, the students have varied motivation in learning English. Twelve out of 22 students did not like to write something in English. It means that the academic motivation in learning English is low. Actually, the students have willingness to be able to write something in English, but the limitation of knowledge in English, such as, not mastering English grammar and the lack of vocabulary, became a big problem to develop their ability in writing. c. Actually, the students realized that their ability in writing is very much needed since the students will become the proclaimers of the Good News, whether it is spoken or written. The students have willingness to develop their writing ability by making a draft and following the thinking process. In improving their writing skill, the students have to practice more and master English grammar. Due to this context, the researcher has to provide some explanation of the text discussed, generic structure and language features used in a text and how to make a draft of writing using mind mapping. 51 d. Based on the result of a questionnaire and interview, the students have some interesting activities in practicing writing. The activities are writing personal experiencesdiary, making a pictorial story, completing and arranging paragraph, and writing a letter. Moreover, in improving their writing skills, the students chose some strategies in learning activity, namely self-practice, group discussion and consultation with a lecturer or peer feedback. By interviewing the English lecturer, the researcher knew that the lecturer did not use specific strategy in teaching especially in teaching writing. The teaching strategy was still problematic since most of the students had poor writing proficiencies. The lecturer needed clear instructional materials to accommodate the students‟ lack. That reason became a basis for the researcher to design a set of material based on Ignatian Pedagogy.

2. Instructional Goals Identification

On the basis of the forth step of Dick and Carey, the researcher identified instructional goals by applying the performance technology approach. It means that the writer indentified the instructional goal by covering the problems and providing the best solutions for students in learning writing. Based on the result of the questionnaire and interview, the biggest problem of the students in writing English was how to use grammar appropriately. Therefore, the researcher selected four topics based on the needs and referred to Academic Book Guideline of Theology Study Program. The topics are 1 Here, I am -Descriptive Text, 2 My Diary-Recount Text, 3 Tell Me A Story-Narrative Text, and 4 Think and Act- an Argumentative orand Persuasive Text s. 52 By analyzing the result of the questionnaire and interview, the researcher identified the instructional goals as presented in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 The Instructional Goals UNIT GENRE INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS 1 Here, I am Descriptive Texts Competence: Students create a descriptive text based on the generic structure and language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a descriptive text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group or presenting something in front of the class. 2 My Diary Recount Texts Competence: Students create a recount text based on the generic structure and language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a recount text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing and presenting their reflection in front of the class. 3 Tell Me A Story Narrative Texts Competence: Create a narrative text based on the generic structure and language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a narrative text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group discussion and presenting their reflection in front of the class. 4 Think and Act Argumentative and Persuasive Texts Competence: Students create a an argumentative orand persuasive texts. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing an argumentative orand persuasive texts. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group discussion and demonstrating their drawing in front of the class. 53

3. Performances ObjectivesIndicators

Before designing the teachinglearning activities the researcher stated the objectives needed. The objectives of each unit are identified based on the students‟ needs in Theology Study Program. All of the objectives are formulated to achieve 3 C competence, conscience, and compassion in accordance with the principals of Ignatian Pedagogy. The objectives function as the measurement of the students‟ achievement. The performances objectives are planned in table 4.2. Table 4.2 The Performances ObjectivesIndicators UNITTHEME Steps in Ignatian Pedagogy Performances ObjectivesIndicators 1 Here, I am

1. Context of Learning

2. Experience

3. Reflection 4. Action 5. Evaluation Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a descriptive text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good descriptive text. 3. Select the correct word to complete the sentences in a paragraph. 4. Produce a good sentence based on the jumbled words provided. 5. Apply a correct form of verb or to be to complete the sentence. 6. Predict the topic to be discussed. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. be careful in evaluating a descriptive text through peer feedbacks Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. pay attention to others while sharing in group. 2. pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class. 2 My Diary 1. Context of Learning Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a recount text based on the generic structure and language features