Data Analysis Technique of the Needs Survey



This chapter presents the results of designing a set of English writing materials based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program students. It is presented to answer research problems as stated in Chapter I. This chapter is divided into two subsections to present the writer‟s model used in designing the materials and the presentation of the design.

A. The W riter’s Model Used in Designing the Materials

The writer used five steps of R D Cycle to design the materials as mentioned in Chapter III and elaborated them in to six steps. They are analyzing the learners and contexts, identifying instructional goals, writing performances objectives, selecting syllabus, deciding teachinglearning activities, and evaluating and recycling. The results and the findings of each step are described as follows:

1. Characteristics of the Learners and Contexts

As stated in Chapter III, R D was employed as the method in this study. The first step of R D was conducted to collect data and information about the learners and contexts. Needs survey was conducted before identifying the instructional goals and deciding teaching activities based on Ignatian Pedagogy. By distributing a questionnaire and doing informal interview, the researcher concluded some information about the learners and contexts presented as follows: 50 a. There are 3 English classes in the Theology Study Program. The researcher chose class B as a cluster sample of participants. There were 22 students in this class. According to the English lecturer, the class chosen has varied ability in learning English. Some of the students are very clever, but some of them have very low ability in learning English. This information became a challenge for the researcher to make a design which is able to facilitate that varied ability. b. Besides the varied ability, the students have varied motivation in learning English. Twelve out of 22 students did not like to write something in English. It means that the academic motivation in learning English is low. Actually, the students have willingness to be able to write something in English, but the limitation of knowledge in English, such as, not mastering English grammar and the lack of vocabulary, became a big problem to develop their ability in writing. c. Actually, the students realized that their ability in writing is very much needed since the students will become the proclaimers of the Good News, whether it is spoken or written. The students have willingness to develop their writing ability by making a draft and following the thinking process. In improving their writing skill, the students have to practice more and master English grammar. Due to this context, the researcher has to provide some explanation of the text discussed, generic structure and language features used in a text and how to make a draft of writing using mind mapping.