For English lecturers of the Theology Study Program For students of the Theology Study Program For further researches

75 76 KUESIONER Saya sedang menulis skripsi tentang pembuatan materi pelajaran menulis dengan metode pengajaran yang reflektif sebagaimana terkandung dalam Pedagogi Ignasian. Kuesioner ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan pendapat Anda dan hasilnya akan digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan materi pelajaran. Melalui kuesioner ini, saya ingin mengetahui beberapa hal tentang kebutuhan, minat, dan gaya belajar Anda terutama dalam menulis berbahasa Inggris. Saya juga ingin mengetahui metode belajar dengan refleksi yang Anda inginkan. Mengingat pentingnya data dari kuesioner ini, saya berharap Anda bersedia mengisinya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Saya menjamin kerahasiaan identitas dan jawaban Anda atas kuesioner ini. Selamat mengisi. Nama : …………………………………………………………….. NIM : ……………………. Konvik : …………………………………………………………….. Lingkarilah jawaban yang paling cocok dengan pendapat anda 1. Apakah anda suka menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris? a. Ya b. Tidak 2. Dalam Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris I, apakah anda diberi kesempatan untuk menulis? a. Ya b. Tidak 3. Jik a jawaban Anda pada no.2 „Tidak‟, apa yang menjadi kendala Anda dalam menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris? a. Tidak menguasai tata bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris. b. Tidak menguasai kosa kata. 77 c. Tidak mempunyai ide untuk DITUANGKAN dalam tulisan. d. Lainnya ……………………………………………. 4. Jika jawaban Anda pada no.2 „Ya”, langkah-langkah apa saja yang biasa anda lakukan dalam menulis? a. Membuat kerangka tulisan terlebih dahulu, kemudian mengembangkannya sesuai kerangka tersebut. b. Menulis dengan meniru contoh tulisan yang sudah ada. c. Menulis dengan mengikuti alur pemikiran saat itu. d. Lainnya………………………………………….. 5. Menurut Anda, faktor apa saja yang bisa meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam menulis berbahasa Inggris? Boleh memilih lebih dari 1 a. Kemauan untuk berlatih terus-menerus. b. Panduan untuk menuangkan ide secara sistematis. c. Penguasaan tata bahasa yang memadai. d. Lainnya…………………………………………………. 6. Kegiatan pembuka seperti apa yang anda inginkan dalam pelajaran menulis berbahasa Inggris: a. Membaca b. Syering pengalaman c. Menggali perbendaharaan kata d. Membuat daftar pertanyaan e. Pemetaan gagasan f. Lainnya ……………………………………………… 7. Jenis aktivitas menulis dalam bahasa Inggris seperti apakah yang Anda inginkansukai? Jawaban boleh lebih dari satu. a. Melengkapi dan menyusun paragraf b. Menulis surat c. Membuat tulisan cerita bergambar d. Menulis pengalaman pribadi buku harian 78 e. Menulis opini ulasan tentang sebuah artikel f. Lainnya …………………………………………………. 8. Media apa saja yang anda harapkan yang ada dalam pelajaran menulis berbahasa Inggris? Jawaban boleh lebih dari satu. a. Gambar b. Buku harian c. Majalah Koran Artikel d. Lainnya ………………………………… 9. Cara apa yang anda sukai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam menulis berbahasa Inggris? Jawaban boleh lebih dari satu. a. Berlatih sendiri b. Berlatih bersama dalam kelompok. c. Konsultasi dengan guru d. Lainnya …………………………………………. 10. Apakah „refleksi‟ dibutuhkan dalam aktivitas menulis berbahasa Inggris? a. Ya b. Tidak 11. Menurut Anda, apakah manfaat „refleksi‟ dalam aktivitas menulis dalam bahasa Inggris? a. Mencari makna yang terkandung dalam tulisan dengan nilai-nilai kehidupan. b. Meningkatkan keindahan sebuah tulisan, baik tata bahasa, kosa kata, alur pemikiran, dll. c. Memperdalam makna yang bisa diambil oleh penulis dan peembaca. d. Lainnya …………………………………………………………………….. Terimakasih 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 QUESTIONNAIRE ’S RESULT November 19, 2012 No. Questions Items Responses’ Percentage 1. Do you like to write something in English c. Yes d. No 45,45 54,55 2. In English 1 course, are you given a chance to write? c. Yes d. No 90,48 9,52 3. If your answer in no.2 „No‟, what is the difficulties that you found in English writing? a. Did not master English grammar b. Lack of vocabulary c. Lack of time 33,33 33,33 33,33 4. If your answer in No. 2 „Yes‟, what are the steps usually done in writing? a. Make a draft and develop it. b. Write based on the examples provided. c. Follow the thinking process. d. Write in Indonesian first and translate into English. 52,38 4,76 33,33 9,52 5. In your opinion, what are the factors to improve your writing skill? a. The willing to practice more. b. The guidance to write systematically. c. Mastering grammar d. Increasing vocabulary. e. Adequate vocabulary. 47,62 14,29 30,95 4,76 2,38 6. What kind of pre-activities do you like to learn writing in English? a. Reading b. Sharing experiences c. Exploring vocabulary d. Listing questions e. Mind mapping 20 35 20 5 20 7. What kind of activities do you like in writing? a. Complete and arrange the paragraph. b. Write a letter. c. Make a pictorial story d. Write personal experiencesdiary. e. Develop a verb into sentences. 19,51 12,20 21,95 43,90 2,44 89 8. What medias do you expect provided in learning writing? a. Picture b. Diary c. MagazinesNewspaperArticles d. Tutor e. Film f. Computer g. Dictionary h. Viewer 30,23 30,23 25,58 2,33 2,33 4,65 2,33 2,33 9. What strategy do you like to improve your skill in writing? a. Self-practice. b. Group discussion. c. Consultation to the teacher. d. Practicing with the brothers in a convent. e. Practicing through listening song. f. Watching film g. Making notes or practicing to speak h. Writing based my ability. i. Making English homily liturgy of hours and mass 36,59 31,71 17,07 2,44 2,44 2,44 2,44 2,44 2,44 10. Is it important to have a reflection in learning writing? a. Yes b. No 100 11. In your opinion, what are the advantages of reflection in learning writing? a. To look for the meaning related to human values. b. To improve the beauty of a writing; grammar, vocabulary, thinking process, and so on. c. To deepen the meaning taken by the writer and the reader. d. To enrich myself. e. To evaluate and to value. f. To know our ability in writing. g. To know myself deeper. 33,33 18,52 29,63 7,41 3,70 3,70 3,70 90 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENGLISH LECTURERS AND ENGLISH INSTRUCTORS A Set of English Writing Materials Based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program Students This questionnaire is intended to gain the data from participants to get feedback on the designed materials. As a participant of this research, you are expected to state your evaluation toward the design of English writing materials based on Ignatian Pedagogy that enclosed with the questionnaire. Participant’s Identity Name : Participant 1 Sex : Male Educational Background : S-2 Teaching Experiences : 12 years You are expected to choose one of the options by giving a thick Ѵ in the boxes according to the number, which indicates your degree of agreement. The number and the degree of agreement are categorized as follows: 1 : Strongly Disagree 2 : Disagree 3 : Do not know 4 : Agree 5 : Strongly Agree No. Respondent’s Evaluation Degree of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 1. The basic competences are well formulated. Ѵ 2. The indicators are able to support the achievement of basic competences. Ѵ 3. The indicators are able to support the achievement of 3C competence, conscience, and compassion. Ѵ 4. The materials match with the indicators. Ѵ 5. The teaching activities are well developed based on the stepscycles in Ignatian Pedagogy. Ѵ 91 6. The teaching activities based on Ignatian Pedagogy help the teacher to teach writing. Ѵ 7. The teaching activities help the students to enhance their motivation in writing English. Ѵ 8. The instruction in each activity is clear enough to be understood by the students. Ѵ 9. The activities of each unit are relevant to the topic: from easy to difficult. Ѵ 10. The topics in each unit are relevant to the students as a candidate of a priest. Ѵ 11. Generally, the contents are well elaborated. Ѵ What is are the strengths of the designed materials? the composition of activities and materials in each unit is well arranged What is are the weakness s of the designed materials? the formulation of the basic competence in the area of compassion and conscience is an ambiguous term: 1 it is formulated in a form of adverb that the competence refers to modalities of a certain action, 2 it is too broad that it tends to be not applicable Comments or opinions on the designed materials: Overall, the materials are well developed. The formulation of the elements of competence in the syllabus should be revised. Suggestions or criticisms: As above. Thank You 92 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENGLISH LECTURERS AND ENGLISH INSTRUCTORS A Set of English Writing Materials Based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program Students This questionnaire is intended to gain the data from participants to get feedback on the designed materials. As a participant of this research, you are expected to state your evaluation toward the design of English writing materials based on Ignatian Pedagogy that enclosed with the questionnaire. Participant’s Identity Name : Participant 2 Sex : Female Educational Background : S-3 Teaching Experiences : 31 years You are expected to choose one of the options by giving a thick Ѵ in the boxes according to the number, which indicates your degree of agreement. The number and the degree of agreement are categorized as follows: 1 : Strongly Disagree 2 : Disagree 3 : Do not know 4 : Agree 5 : Strongly Agree No. Respondent’s Evaluation Degree of Agreement 1 2 3 4 5 1. The basic competences are well formulated. Ѵ 2. The indicators are able to support the achievement of basic competences. Ѵ 3. The indicators are able to support the achievement of 3C competence, conscience, and compassion. Ѵ 4. The materials match with the indicators. Ѵ 5. The teaching activities are well developed based on the stepscycles in Ignatian Pedagogy. Ѵ 93 6. The teaching activities based on Ignatian Pedagogy help the teacher to teach writing. Ѵ 7. The teaching activities help the students to enhance their motivation in writing English. Ѵ 8. The instruction in each activity is clear enough to be understood by the students. Ѵ 9. The activities of each unit are relevant to the topic: from easy to difficult. Ѵ 10. The topics in each unit are relevant to the students as a candidate of a priest. Ѵ 11. Generally, the contents are well elaborated. Ѵ Comments or opinions on the designed materials: Some instructions are to be revised. Choice of some text used as examples might be too simple for priest to be. Classify indicators: format, contents PI, and language. Suggestions or criticisms: Order of indicators should a hierarchy of learningcognitive process e.g from simple to elaborated process or from basic to high level. Themes are not challenging enough PROBABLY, since I don‟t know the levelsemester where the students will use the materials. Revise the language used in some instructions. Thank You 94 THE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ENGLISH WRITING MATERIALS BASED ON IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY FOR THEOLOGY STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS The title of this thesis is “A Set of English Writing Materials Based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program Students”.

A. Background

This English writing material is intended to support the vision of international compatibility, Theology Study Program- Sanata Dharma University TSP-SDU, prepares graduates to excell in three main areas as stated in Academic Guideline Book. Firstly, graduates should be able to reflect and communicate critically the Christian faith in the Indonesian context. Secondly, graduates are expected to have the people skill in dealing with their congregations. Thirdly, graduates are expected to excell in creating a fair and just environment as well as kind to all God‟s creation. In order to achieve those three aims, the Theology Study Program in Sanata Dharma University included English language as one of the subjects in the Profession Skills Courses conducted in two semesters. Writing is one of the skills that the students are required to learn in the course. By learning writing in English properly, students are able to express their ideas in a language that is not their mother tongue. In learning the English writing properly, students are expected to understand the 95 basic English grammatical structures as well as the content of texts,especially texts that are related to religious studies. Although there are many English writing instructional materials provided in the market, there is a lack of a tailor-made set of materials to accomodate the TSP students. Therefore in this research, the writer proposes to design a set of English writing materials based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program students. Why is Ignatian Pedagogy? It is because Ignatian Pedagogy from its beginning has been eclectic in selection of methods for teaching and learning. It is a paradigm with inherent potential for going beyond mere theory to become a practical tool and effective instrument for making a difference in the way we teach and in the way our students learn. By implementing this pedagogy, the designed materials can be a guide for teacher to accompany learners in order to facilitate learning and growth through encounters with truth and exploration human meaning. There are two reasons for the writer to design the set of materials. The first reason is to provide a set of clear English writing instructional materials for the TSP students as there is no tailor-made material available. The set of materials designed is expected to assists the TSP-SDU students to achieve the academic goals in the area of English language learning. In order to achieve the goals as stated at the previous, the design is based on the results of the needs analyses. The second reason is to increase the students‟ ability to communicate the Theology content in written English with the expectation that the graduates can improve their pastoral ministry services in many fields where the knowledge are written in the English language. 96

B. Goals

There are three goals of designing these English writing materials, namely: 1. To equipt them in the area of English language writing skills. 2. To meet the students‟ needs to improve their pastoral ministry services in various fields using the English written text. 3. To provide a set of English materials to teach writing.

C. The Type of Syllabus

In this research, the writer chose communicative syllabus type 3: Variable Focus. It means that this syllabus would dominate structural exercises and activities at the first level, and emphasis would then change to communicative function and finally to situation or subject-matter. The writer expect that the syllabus chosen will stimulate the true academic situation in designing a set of English writing instructional materials for Theology Study Program students.

D. The Topic and the Arrangement of the Materials

The topics of these materials are selected based on the result of needs survey. Considering the goals and the syllabus chosen as stated at the previous, the writer clasify the topics into four units of English writi ng materials according the students‟ need in their academic situation. Each unit is developed based on the level of difficulties and the urgency of the students‟ needs. The topics are: 97 Unit 1 : Here, I am Unit 2 : My Diary Unit 3 : Tell Me A Story Unit 4 : Think and Act The development of teaching, learning, and testing approaches are presented in this step by applying Ignatian pedagogy. As proposed in Ignatian Pedagogy, the design will be consists of four units and each unit consists of five steps. The steps are context of learning, experience, reflection, action, and evaluation. The activities of every step is describe as follows: 1. Context of Learning In this step, the writer explore the students‟ background knowledge about the topics discussed. The students‟ knowledge will be shared based on the guidance statements provided. By doing this sharing, the teacher will know the students knowledge about the topic. While sharing, the other students will try to identify the sentence pattern used. At the end of this activity, students and the teacher are predicted the topic that will be discussed in every unit. 2. Experience This step consists of useful explanation and some examples introduced to the students. The explanation will be read and study in class. The first example is given as a model of the topic discussed. The text given will be analyzed based on the explanation given to identify the language features of 98 the text. After that, the next activity is to practice the application of the language focus of the topic, for example simple present, simple past, direct speech, indirect speech, etc. It is started from the word, sentence, and ended by paragraph. The practices provided are organizing the jumbled paragraphs, organizing the jumbled sentences, arranging the jumbled words, filling the gaps in a paragraph and applying the correct form of verb or to be. By experiencing those activities, it is expected the students will be enhanced to create a descriptive text, a recount text, a narrative text, or an argumentativea persuasive text. 3. Reflection In this step, the writer provided some guidance questions to help the students to reflect what they have learnt from the previous experience, what they will do after experiencing, what they will draw to represent thei feeling, emotion, and so on. The students are expected to share it convincingly and honestly, therefore the others can learn from their reflection. Sharing is the most dominant activities in this step and it closes by presenting in front of the class. 4. Action This step contains an activity to write a text based on the unit discussed at the previous. The students will be guided by some statement given in “action part”. 99 5. Evaluation Each unit is ended by doing evaluation. In this step, evaluation is done by doing peer feedback, self evaluation, and asking some people to proof read. By doing evaluation, students are expected to do it honesly and carefully. After doing the evaluation, students submit their writings and on the next meeting the teacher will give feedbacks to their writings. The feedback can be given by discussing in front of the class or individual consultation.

E. Contact Hour

This course consist of 8 meetings; each meeting is about 100 minutes. Thus the course will take about 14 hours.

F. Program

This program is called English writing for Theology Study Program Students. 100 English Writing Materials Based on Ignatian Pedagogy for Theology Study Program Students SYLLABUS Unit Theme Basic Competences Indicators Teaching Activities Learning Contents Time Allocation 1 Here, I am Competence: Students create a descriptive text based on the generic structure and language features. Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a descriptive text based on the generic structure and language features appropriately D. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good descriptive text B.7. 3. Select the correct word to complete the sentences in a paragraph B.6. 4. Produce a good sentence based on the jumbled words provided B. 4,5. 5. Apply a correct form of verb or to be to complete the sentence B. 3. 6. Predict the topic to be discussed A. 3, 4. A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students explore their experiences about their mothers. 2. Students share their experiences with their friends in group. 3. While listening to friends’ sharing, students are asked to identify the sentence pattern used. 4. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed and give clarification to the prediction. B. EXPERIENCE 1. Students are asked to read and study the explanation and the example given Descriptive Text Jumbled words Jumbled sentences Jumbled paragraphs Generic Structure and Language Features 2 x 100’ 101 Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a descriptive text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing in group or presenting something in front of the class. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. be careful in evaluating a descriptive text through peer feedbacks E.1, 2, 3. Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. pay attention to others while sharing in group A.2, C.3,6. 2. pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class D. about descriptive text. 2. After reading, students are asked to analyze the example based on the explanation given. 3. Students are asked to apply a correct form of VERB or TO BE to complete the sentences. 4. Students are asked to arrange the jumbled words to produce a good sentence. 5. Students are asked to fill the gaps to complete a paragraph. 6. Students are asked to organize the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph. 7. Students are asked to write a number of the paragraph to make a good descriptive text. 8. Students are asked to mention generic structure of a descriptive text. 9. Teacher and the students 102 discuss the generic structure. C. REFLECTION 1. After reading and identifying the generic structure of the text given, students are asked to reflect the benefits of studying descriptive text in their daily lives. 2. Students are asked to reflect their strengths and weaknesses in learning descriptive text. 3. After reflection, students share their reflection in a group of three. 4. Students are asked to write down about the value they have learnt from the text given. 5. Students are asked to list new vocabulary from the text given. 6. After finishing sharing in group, students are asked to present their reflection 103 in front of the class. D. ACTION By finishing experiencing and reflecting the previous activity, students are asked to create a descriptive text. E. EVALUATION 1. After writing a descriptive text, students are asked to exchange their works with others and ask some feedbacks about their writings. 2. Students are asked to revise their writings and submit it. 3. In the following meeting, students are given some feedbacks by the teacher. 2 My Diary Competence: Students create a recount text based on the generic structure and Competence: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Create a recount text based on the generic structure and A. CONTEXT OF LEARNING 1. Students are asked to read St. Faustin’s diary. 2. After reading, students Recount Texts Jumbled words 2 x 100’ 104 language features. Conscience: Students show a great care in criticizing a recount text. Compassion: Students respect others while sharing and language features appropriately D. 2. Organize the jumbled paragraphs to make a good recount text B.7. 3. Select the correct word to complete the sentences in a paragraph B.6. 4. Produce a good sentence based on the jumbled words provided B.4,5. 5. Apply the correct form of verb or to be to complete the sentence B.3. 6. Predict the topic to be discussed A.3,4. Conscience: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Be careful in evaluating a recount text through self- evaluation E.1, 2. Compassion: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. pay attention to others while share their feelings about the diary to their friends in group. 3. Students are asked to identify the sentence pattern used while sharing their experiences. 4. Students are asked to predict the theme that will be discussed. B. EXPERIENCE 1. Students are asked to read and study the explanation and the example given about descriptive text. 2. After reading, students are asked to analyze the example based on the explanation given. 3. Students are asked to apply a correct form of VERB or TO BE to complete the sentences. 4. Students are asked to arrange the jumbled words to produce a good sentence. Jumbled sentences Jumbled paragraphs Generic Structure and Language Features 105 presenting their reflection in front of the class. sharing in group discussion A.2, C.2,4. 2. pay attention to others while presenting their reflection in front of the class C. 4. 5. Students are asked to fill the gaps to complete a paragraph. 6. Students are asked to organize the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph. 7. Students are asked to write a number of the paragraph to make a good recount text. 8. Students are asked to mention generic structure of a recount text. 9. Teacher and the students discuss the generic structure. C. REFLECTION 1. After reading and identifying the generic structure of the text given, students are asked to choose a text they like the most from the texts given and give reason why they choose it.