Question and Answer Techniques to Improve Students Accuracy

62 answered and I could pronounce it correctly Murid 2 : Ya karena susunan kalimatnya tetap Miss aku nggak bingung untuk Student 2 menjawabnya. Jadi aku bisa konsentrasi untuk pengucapannya. Dibandingkan dengan aktiitas pertemuan yang lalu yang ini tidak begitu sulit. It was because the arrangement of the words was not altered so that I could concentrate on the pronunciation. Comparing to the former activity, this technique was not very difficult. The next technique which improved the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy was question and answer. The following is the elaboration of the technique employed in this research.

c. Question and Answer

The next technique was question and answer. Larsen-Freeman 2000: 49 state that question and answer gives students practice with answering questions. The students should answer the teacher’s questions very quickly. The employment was meant to check and to retrieve the students’ understanding. In this research, the employment of the question and answer replaced the dialog memorization. Based on the rating checklist and the single lesson time line record sheet, the students’ grammar accuracy increased from proficient to fluent. Dialog memorization actually also showed positive trend. However, dialog memorization consumed much time. There were only eight pairs out of twenty-two pair of students who performed in front of the class during meeting three and four. Therefore, it was important to employ a technique which was able to maintain interaction between students and their friends without sacrificing the time. The question and answer gave the solution. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63 The question and answer was employed on the cycle three or meeting five and six. The writer recorded that during the employment of the question and answer, the students grammar accuracy improved until the level of proficient and fluent. Similarly, the students’ pronunciation level also increased until the level of proficient and fluent. According to the criteria, proficient grammar accuracy was described that after being exposed to a technique the students could fairly quickly repeat or produce sentence with correct subject-verb agreement. Although sometimes they made mistakes, they could automatically correct their mistakes. On the other hand, fluent level grammar accuracy showed that after being exposed to a technique the students could quickly repeat or produce sentences with correct subject-verb agreement without being prompted or given hints by teacher. Proficient in pronunciation described that after being exposed to a technique, the students correctly pronounced the [ ɪ] , [ ʃ] or [ð] sounds . Although sometimes they incorrectly pronounced the sounds, students automatically corrected their mistakes. On the other hand, fluent described that after being exposed to a technique, the students were consistently able to quickly perform correct, clear and distinct pronunciation of [ ɪ] , [ ʃ] or [ð] sounds automatically without teacher’s promptness. Related to the grammar accuracy, question and answer gave more opportunity to the students to practice either making questions or answering questions. Therefore, students who performed poor or average on making question or answering questions, the technique could be employed to drill and to practice their accuracy in pairs in their own pace. The writer noted that when the students 64 were given a question they could respond quickly and accurately. Similarly, when the writer asked them to make a question, they also could make correct questions. In meeting five for example, the writer gave a question What time do you get up? The students could answer quickly and correctly I get up at 6:00. On the other hand, the students’ pronunciation was also accurate. As an example, when the writer gave a question What time do you wash your hand?, the students could answer quickly and correctly with intelligible pronunciation I wash my hand at 7:00. On this answer, the students could distinguish between the voiceless postalveolar fricative [ ʃ] and voiceless alveolar fricative [s] clearly. The writer’s reflection showed that the question and answer maintained students’ attention span. Brown 2001: 88 explains that children are focused on here and now. Activities should be designed to capture their immediate interest. Because question and answer was designed for the students to interact with their friends, this technique could maintain their attention span. Besides, this technique also maintained their immediate interest because they could freely take turn whether to ask a question or answer a question. The interview conducted to the students also showed that the question and answer improved the students’ grammar accuracy. The followings were the excerpt of the interview related to the employment of the question and answer. Guru : Gimana tadi menurutmu waktu aktivitas bertanya dan menjawab Teacher antara kamu dan temen kamu? Miss amati kamu makin bagus bahasa Inggrisnya? What do you think about question and answer? I see your English is improving? Murid 1 : Seru Miss. Soalnya aku bisa gantian bertanya dan menjawab Student 1 dengan teman sebangku saya. Nggak terlalu sulit juga karena 65 cuma harus mempersiapkan pertanyaan atau menjawab saja. It was good. I could take turn with my friend. It was also easy because I just should be ready to give a question or answer. Murid 2 : Asyik Miss karena bisa gantian sama temen. Juga enak untuk Student 2 melatih kelancaran grammarnya. Kalo belum bisa bikin pertanyaan aku bisa minta temenku biar aku yang bertanya terus. It was good because I can take turn with my friend. It was also useful to practice the grammar accuracy. If I had difficulties in making a question I could ask my friends to give me more opportunity to ask Similarly, the interview related to the students’ pronunciation accuracy also indicated that the question and answer could improve the students’ pronunciation accuracy. The following is the interview excerpt Guru : Terus menurutmu kenapa pengucapan kamu bisa bagus waktu Teacher kamu mengikuti aktivitas bertanya dan menjawab? So, what make your pronunciation was good do you think during the question and answer? Murid 1 : Ya karena tadi saya sudah latihan sama temen saya. Jadi bagus Student 1 mungkin pengucapan saya Because I practiced with my friends, my pronunciation was good. Murid 2 : Tadi aku gantian tanya jawab sama temenku. Jadi bagus Student 2 pengucapannya mungkin Miss. . I took turn with my friends to make a question and answer a question. therefore, my pronunciation was good Finally, complete the dialog was another technique which could be employed to improve the students’ grammar accuracy. The following is the elaboration the employment of the complete the dialog in the research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66

d. Complete the Dialog