Attractive Teaching Aids Improving Students Accuracy

70 pronunciation also improved. Based on the writer’s noted, the students could pronounce accurately words contained near-close near front unrounded vowel [ ɪ], voiceless postalveolar fricative [ ʃ], and voiced dental fricative [ ð ]. The interview was conducted by the writer also discovered that the students thought the question and answer was easier than chain drill in that they could concentrate on one type of sentence. Other aspects contributed to the improvement of the students’ accuracy were attractive teaching aids and positive feedback. The following was the discussion of the native like setting.

b. Attractive Teaching Aids

In this research, one of the key factors of success on improving the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy was on the maintenance of the students’ attention. Since students only interested on the immediate events, they would certainly reject task which did not hold immediate concern or very difficult in their standard. Because the children attention focused on immediate interest, incorporating attractive teaching aids could maintain the children’s attention Brown 2001: 88-89. In addition, another important issue related to the incorporation of attractive teaching aids is the children intellectual development. Brown 2001: 88 suggest that formal explanation of grammatical terms of a language should be avoided because children cannot grasp the metalanguage the teacher use to explain linguistic concepts. Therefore, incorporating teaching aids in the teaching learning activities to children could help the teacher to avoid grammatical explanation. By using teaching aids, the teacher was helped to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 71 explain, for example, the subject pronoun he. The teacher could simply show a picture of a man and said he as the reference of the picture. The role of the attractive teaching aids in helping the students’ to improve grammar and pronunciation accuracy was evident in the cycle two and three especially during the employment of the repetition drill and substitution drill. In the employment of the repetition drill, the evidence on the role of the attractive teaching aids on students’ accuracy could be proven clearly. In the cycle one, before the writer incorporated the teaching aids, students were looked hesitate to pronounce the words which contained voiceless postalveolar fricative [ ʃ] and voiced dental fricative [ ð ]. Therefore, in the cycle two, the writer used audio-video as the teaching aids to expose the students with the real native speakers’ speech. As the result, they were looked more confident in pronouncing those speech sounds. However, the role of attractive teaching aids was clearer during the employment of the transformation drill and the substitution drill. As it has been stated above that the transformation drill failed to improve the students’ accuracy. On the other hand, substitution drill could improve the students’ accuracy. the writer believed that the students’ improvement on the substitution drill was supported by the teaching aids. In the transformation drill, the writer simply asked the students to transform a type of sentence to be another type of sentence. The field noted and the rating checklist noted that they could not perform this task. In the employment of the substitution drill, on contrary, the writer used pictures as a cue in giving students questions. As the result they could answer quickly and 72 accurately. Because they could concentrate much on the grammar, certainly their pronunciation was also intelligible and accurate. Finally positive feedback was another important aspect in improving the students’ accuracy. The following was the discussion of the positive feedback.

c. Positive Feedback