The Research Cycles Data Analysis


The writer discloses and discusses the research findings thoroughly in this chapter. It presents the techniques which best improve students’ accuracy and how the writer improve the students’ accuracy. The data gathered from the research are triangulated carefully to elicit the certainty of the findings and to disclose the practice and the improvement of theories related to the research in line with the nature of the action research.

A. Data Analysis

As it has been stated in the previous chapter, trend analysis and data triangulation were two important factors in the phase of data analysis in the action research. In this part of the chapter, the writer firstly would like to discuss the research cycles and then discussed the trend analysis.

1. The Research Cycles

In this part of the chapter, the writer elaborated her actions in each cycle whereas the details why certain technique succeed or failed would be discussed on the next part. The major difference between the action researches from traditional research method is the present of research cycles McNiff, 2002: 40-46; Sagor, 2005: 4-8 and Wallace, 1998: 13-16. Since this research adopted action research model which is proposed by Sagor 2005: 4-7, therefore the outline and the 40 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 elaboration of the research cycles followed his model. The model has four stages to be taken. The completion of these four stages was called one cycle. Instead of returning to the first stage, the next cycle was started from the third stage. The continuity of one cycle to the other cycles until the intended findings were discovered was called research cycles. In this research, one cycle consisted of two meetings. The writer considered that one meeting was very short in practice to conduct one research cycle. In practices, one meeting lasted for 70 minutes. However, that amount of time was included the preparation of the students to enter the class, opening pray and reading some verse from the Bible. Therefore, in practice, the writer decided to consider two meetings to be one cycle. The writer passed three cycles, or six meetings, before she discovered the intended findings. On the first cycle, the writer employed four techniques. They were repetition drill, transformation drill, chain drill and complete the dialog. However, only repetition drill which showed positive trends. On the other hand, the transformation drill and the chain drill showed negative trends. The techniques could not improve the students’ grammar accuracy and moreover those two techniques were time consuming. As the result, the complete the dialog was unable to be employed because of time constraint. Because the writer discovered that transformation drill and the chain drill could not improve the students’ accuracy, the writer revised her action on the cycle two. In the cycle two, the writer replaced the employment of the transformation drill and the chain drill with dialog memorization and substitution drill. The substitution drill was similar to the transformation drill. However, substitution PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 drill was only required the students to alter a part of the sentences. Dialog memorization was also employed in the cycle two. Instead of producing new utterances, the dialog memorization only required the students to remember a dialog and to perform in front of the class. The employment of those four techniques showed positive trend in the cycle two. However, the employment of the dialog memorization was time consuming. During the employment of the dialog memorization in the cycle two, the writer was only able to assign eight pairs of students to perform the dialog memorization in front of the class. Comparing to the twenty-two pairs of students, eight pairs was certainly outnumbered. Therefore, the writer replaced the dialog memorization with question and answer in the cycle three. The question and answer was also able to be used to maintain interaction among students. Students could take turn to question and answer with their friends. In the end, the writer discovered the intended findings in the cycle three. Those four techniques implemented could improve the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy. Because of the time limitation and the students had to prepare for the final examination, the research finished after meeting six. However, this research had met the objective of the research in which the research were intended to improve the students’ grammar accuracy on subject-verb agreement and pronunciation accuracy on near-close near front unrounded vowel [ ɪ], voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ], and voiced dental fricative [ ð ]. Figure 4.1 on the following page elaborated the steps taken on the research cycles in this research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 Figure 4.1 The Research Cycles

2. The Trend Analysis