Rating Checklist The Trend Analysis

44 analysis was based on the assembled rating checklist and the single lesson time line record sheet. The emerging trends were analyzed further to validate the findings through data triangulation. The followings are the trend analysis of the rating checklist and the single lesson time line record sheet.

a. Rating Checklist

Based on the rating checklist gathered from each meeting, the trend of the students’ achievements on grammar and pronunciation accuracy based on the employment of a certain technique could be depicted. The trend emerged from the rating checklist were utilized to discover the research findings. Since there were two aspects which were investigated, the trend of grammar and pronunciation accuracy, were elaborated in the beginning and at end of this part respectively. In the cycle one, the first and the second meeting, a negative trend was shown during the employment of the transformation drill and the chain drill. During the employment of the transformation drill and the chain drill the students’ achievement fell on level basic and emerging. The students found difficulties during the employment of the transformation drill in which required the students to alter a sentence to be another type of sentence. They had difficulties to select the correct auxiliary verb to be used in the altered sentence. As the result, the teacher had to explain to the students. Similarly, during the employment of the chain drill, the students had difficulties to produce utterances based on their friends question or statement. Therefore, the teacher had to prompt them before they could answer. Because the teacher had to explain and prompt the students, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 the time ran out. As the result, employment of the complete the dialog was unable to be observed because of the time constraint. In the cycle two, the writer replaced the employment of the transformation drill and the chain drill with substitution drill and dialog memorization. The substitution drill was similar to the transformation drill. However, the substitution drill was only required the students to alter a part of the sentence. Additionally, dialog memorization replaced the chain drill. The employment of the dialog memorization was to maintain the students’ interaction with their friends so that it was similar to the chain drill technique. However, the students were guided by the dialog on the dialog memorization. The result of the cycle two was better than the cycle one. The cycle two showed a positive trend on the employment of the four techniques. The students’ achievements increased to the level developing, proficient, and fluent in comparison to the cycle one. However, the employment of the dialog memorization was time consuming. The writer was only able to assign eight pairs out of twenty-two pairs of students during the cycle two. This proportion was certainly imbalance in giving opportunity the students to perform. Therefore, the writer replaced the dialog memorization with question and answer in cycle three. The employment of the question and answer was also to maintain the students’ interaction with their friends. They could take turn to give questions and answer questions. Finally, during the employment of four techniques in the cycle three, those four techniques showed positive trend. The students’ achievements could attain up 46 to the level of fluent. Figure 4.2 clearly depicted the trends and the students’ achievement in this research. Figure 4.2 Trend Analysis of Grammar Accuracy Similar to the grammar accuracy, the data of the students’ pronunciation accuracy were gathered using rating checklist. The data from each meeting were assembled to look for patterns and themes. Furthermore, the data were analyzed to find out whether certain technique could improve students’ pronunciation accuracy. 1 Similar to the grammar accuracy, only repetition drill showed an increasing trend during the employment of four techniques in the cycle one. On the other hand, students’ pronunciation accuracy was stable on level developing during the employment of transformation drill and chain drill. Moreover, these two techniques were time consuming. Therefore, the complete the dialog could not be employed in this cycle because of time constraint. The writer replaced the RD: Repetion Drill, TD: Transformation Drill, CD: Chain Drill, CTD: Complete the Dialog, DM: Dialog Memorization, SD: Substitution Drill, QA: Question and Answer 47 transformation drill and chain drill with substitution drill and dialog memorization in cycle two. The employment of the repetition drill increased the students’ achievement level on the level fluent. Similarly, on the employment of the substitution drill, the students’ achievement level stable on the level proficient. Conversely, the students’ achievement level increased from level developing to proficient on the employment of the dialog memorization. The students’ pronunciation accuracy was not observed in complete the dialog because this technique was done in writing. On the cycle three, however, the writer replaced the employment of the dialog memorization with question and answer because the writer believed the technique was time consuming for a large class. Finally, on the third cycle, techniques which improved the students’ pronunciation accuracy were discovered. The employment of the repetition drill, substitution drill and question and answer enabled the students to improve students’ pronunciation accuracy. During the employment of the repetition drill and substitution drill, the students’ achievement level was stable on the level fluent. In addition to those techniques, the students’ achievement level increased from level proficient to fluent during the employment of the question and answer. The fluent level described or showed that after being exposed to a technique, the students are consistently able to quickly perform correct, clear, and distinct pronunciation of [ ɪ], [ʃ], or [ð] sounds automatically without teacher’s promptness. Formerly, the students used to replace the speech sound similar to the speech sound of their native language. Figure 4.3 on the following page illustrates PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 the trend of the students’ pronunciation accuracy. It also depicted the trend form the first meeting and cycle. Figure 4.3 Trend Analysis of Pronunciation Accuracy Whereas the former part elaborated the trend of the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy, the following part elaborated the trend analysis based on the data gathered from single lesson plan record sheet.

b. Single Lesson Time Line Record Sheet