Single Lesson Time Line Record Sheet

48 the trend of the students’ pronunciation accuracy. It also depicted the trend form the first meeting and cycle. Figure 4.3 Trend Analysis of Pronunciation Accuracy Whereas the former part elaborated the trend of the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy, the following part elaborated the trend analysis based on the data gathered from single lesson plan record sheet.

b. Single Lesson Time Line Record Sheet

Single lesson time line record sheet was another instrument to be used to measure whether or not a technique met the objective of the research. Different from the rating checklist, single lesson time line record sheet would record the events from time to time of single meeting. Therefore, this instrument would depict and illustrate when and why certain technique succeed or failed to improve the students’ grammar or pronunciation accuracy. The vertical axis of the instrument indicated the level of effectiveness. The level of effectiveness refers to objective of the research. It functioned as a scale to measure whether or not events 49 occurring in a meeting met the research objective. On the other hand, the horizontal axis indicated the time. This instrument recorded events occurring in the research every minute. Therefore, the employment of the instrument gave a clear picture of the situation happened in a single meeting and illustrated whether events occurring during the research met the research objective or not. Based on the trend analysis of the single lesson time line record sheet, the curve illustrated that only repetition drill met the lesson objective. During the employment of the repetition drill, the students were very interested to follow the teaching learning activities. They spoke loudly and clearly. On the other hand, the transformation drill and the chain drill did not meet the lesson objective. On the employment of the transformation drill, the students were confused. The writer believed that they found difficulties to alter a type of sentence to be another type of sentence. Because of the difficulties of the transformation drill, the students were become less interested from minute to minute after the transformation drill had been employed. Similarly, the employment of the chain drill also could not meet the lesson objective. Whenever the chain came to the observed students, the chain was stuck and the teacher had to explain how to answer the questions. Certainly, it was time consuming. As the result, complete the dialog could not be employed because of time constraint. The instrument also recorded that similar pattern occurred in the meeting two. The trend showed that only repetition drill could improve the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy. However, whenever the transformation drill and the chain drill were employed, negative trends occurred. Figure 4.4 on the following page illustrated the trend analysis of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 single lesson time line record sheet in cycle one. It also depicted the when and what techniques that improved the students’ accuracy. Figure 4.4 Trend Analysis of Single Lesson Time Line Record Sheet of Cycle One Cycle two showed more positive trend than the cycle one did. In the beginning of the class of meeting three until the employment of the repetition drill, very positive trends were attained. Nevertheless, after finishing the employment of the repetition drill, the trend decreased sharply on the employment of the dialog memorization. The writer noticed that during the employment of the dialog memorization, the students were started to be busy with themselves because teacher’s supervision was low. After the teacher reminded to concentrate on the subject and some students performed in front of the class, the trend was gradually increased until the employment of the complete the dialog. In meeting four, the trend was more positive than meeting three. The teacher increased her 51 supervision to the students so that they did not have any chances to play or to chat with their friends. The teacher directly pointed students who potentially would play or chat with friends. The writer also noted that the employment of the audio- video to expose the students with native like condition supported the teaching learning activity to improve the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy. Figure 4.5 illustrated the trend in the cycle two. Figure 4.5 Trend Analysis of Single Lesson Time Line Record Sheet of Cycle Two Finally, in the cycle three positive trends emerged on the employment of four techniques. Those four techniques met the lesson objective that was to improve the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy. Additionally, in the cycle three, it was also recorded in the instruments that in order to maintain positive trend, teacher role was very important. Although there were mild fluctuations on in the cycle three, all events met the lesson objective. The trends 52 also recorded that teacher’s motivation helped the students to meet the objectives of the lesson. Figure 4.6 illustrated the trend during the employment of four techniques in cycle three. Figure 4.6 Trend Analysis of Single Lesson Time Line Record Sheet of Cycle Three The writer would discuss the findings of the research based on the data elaborated above in the following parts. The research findings on both the techniques which improved the students’ accuracy and how the students’ accuracy was improved would be presented, elaborated and accompanied by evidences from the employment of various techniques.

B. Research Findings