The Nature of Action Research

20 conducts a research to improve his or her teaching technique, classroom activities, students’ motivation or teaching material is doing an action research. In addition, Kemmis and McTaggart as quoted by Suparno 2008: 6 explain that action research is a critical self reflection which is done by practitioners to improve productivity, justice on social problem or educational practice. McNiff 2002: 15 also states that critical reflection of a practitioner who conducts a research become the central of action research. The followings are the complete elaborations of the nature and the model of action research.

a. The Nature of Action Research

Burns 1999: 24 states that the major focus of the action research is on concrete and practical issues of immediate concern to particular social groups or communities. It is conducted in naturally occurring setting, primarily using methods common to qualitative research Nunan, 1992 quoted by Burns, 1999: 24. However, Sprinthall, Schmutte and Sirois 1991: 99 suggest that action researcher may use any approach that is presumed to solve a practical problem. In this case, the writer conducts the action research to improve her teaching to teach the fourth graders of elementary school. The immediate concern is related to the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy. By conducting the action research, immediate answers to problems that cannot wait for theoretical solution can be attained. Based on those elaborations, action research suggests a number of common features as its characteristics. Burns 1999: 30 sums up those PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 characteristics. First, action research is contextual, small-scale and localized. It identifies and investigates problems within a specific situation. In this case, the context is on the fourth grade of SD BOPKRI Gondolayu. Second, it is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and improvement in practice. The writer would like to improve the students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy. Third, action research is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of colleagues, practitioners and researchers. In conducting the practice, the writer collaborates by colleagues who work as language teacher in the school. Finally, changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which provides the stimulus for change. On the other hand, action research as a research method holds three important issues to strengthen its position McNiff, 2002: 17-19. They are ontological issues, epistemological issues and methodological issues. Related to ontological issues, action research strongly believes that everyone can create his or her own identity also give opportunity to others to create their own identity. Therefore, there will be many perspectives. On epistemological issues, action research perceives that knowledge is dynamic. The knowledge develops from simple to more complicated. In other words, knowledge is a process and it is not intact. Finally, action research holds reflection as its methodology. There results of the reflection are shared to others. The sharing of the reflection is meant to give space of tolerance to bridge differences. In addition, sharing of the reflection will be more meaningful if dialog and communication are built. The followings discuss the schema of the action research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22

b. The Models of Action Research