Accuracy Grammar Pronunciation Action Research


1. Accuracy

Accuracy in this research is defined in line with Nunan 2003: 329 who defines accuracy as the ability to produce grammaticality well-formed words, phrases and sentences. In this research, accuracy refers to the students’ ability to repeat and produce sentence with correct agreement between the subject and the verb. In addition, the students accurately pronounce near-close near front unrounded vowel [ ɪ], voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ] and voiced dental fricative [ ð ]. The students’ grammar and pronunciation accuracy will be determined by the students’ performance which is compared to the criteria of achievement level that the writer made.

2. Grammar

Grammar in this research refers to the definition provided by Brown 2001: 362 who defines grammar as the system of rules governing the conventional arrangement and the relationship of words in a sentence. In this research, grammar refers to the students’ ability to produce and to construct words to become sentence in accordance with conventional arrangement of English language with correct subject-verb agreement.

3. Pronunciation

Brown 1992: 3 defines pronunciation as the productions of the speech sounds. In this research, therefore, pronunciation refers to the students’ speech production on near-close near front unrounded vowel [ ɪ], voiceless postalveolar 9 fricative [ ʃ] and voiced dental fricative [ ð ]. This study investigates techniques to improve the students’ ability to produce those three speech sound as they evidently occur in the teaching learning activities.

4. Action Research

The research widely employs action research as the framework of the research. In this research, action research is defined in accordance to Sagor 2005: 1 who defines action research as a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action. The primary reason for engaging in action research is to assist the actor in improving or refining his or her actions. Action research in this research is a research which is conducted by the writer as a language teacher in the fourth grade of SD BOPKRI Gondolayu to improve the students’ grammar on subject-verb agreement and pronunciation accuracy of near- close near front unrounded vowel [ ɪ], voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ] and voiced dental fricative [ð]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI