78 only interested on the here and now activity, exposing attractive teaching aids would grasp the students’ attention and curiosity. However, at the same time, the students were exposed to the real language use which certainly helped them to internalize patterns of language they learned. Second, the students’ intellectual development limited the students understanding on the actual use of language. The teacher could not explain linguistic concepts to the students. Attractive teaching aid facilitated and bridged the gap between the students’ intellectual limitation and linguistic explanation of a language. Finally, positive feedback also contributed on the improvement of the students’ accuracy. The writer concluded that reinforcement through positive feedback was very important. During the employment of the substitution drill, the writer noted whenever the students found difficulties the writer as a teacher always encouraged the students that they could do the task. As the result, the students’ self-esteem was also built. This positive self-esteem had driven the students to do better during the teaching learning activities in which also improved the students’ accuracy, both on the grammar and pronunciation. These discoveries certainly would bring about a change in the practice of language teaching. The following is the discussion of the implications based on the discoveries of the research.

B. Teaching Implications

The research findings implied that great concern should be given to the practice of teaching elementary school students. In spite of the demand of the 79 curriculum which only required the students to repeat or produce simple sentences or utterance, teacher could participate more on the improvement of the students’ accuracy. The writer believed that accuracy should be one of the most important aspects in the communication. Since English has become a global language, a speaker of English language needs to be fluent and accurate. This research discovered that accuracy could be introduced at the beginning level or elementary school. However, the teacher should be aware of two important aspects which could be inferred from this research. First, the teacher should be aware of the elementary school students’ characteristic. The students’ characteristics should be a great concern because they will affect on the selection of the techniques, teaching materials and tasks. In line with the students’ characteristics, the research proved that techniques, tasks or activities which did not meet the students’ characteristics failed to meet the teaching objectives. Therefore, tasks teachers should select tasks or activities which promoted students to be lively, fun, active, and they should stimulate the students’ curiosities to learn with all their senses. Second, teachers should employ techniques which gave students’ opportunities to practice and at the same time the techniques should also expose the students with real languages. In addition, the techniques should also meet the students’ characteristics. However, the techniques should also give the teacher most of the authorities during the teaching learning activities. In this research, the techniques such as repetition drill, substitution drill, question and answer and complete the dialog were proven to meet those two aspects. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 80 Finally, it could be concluded that teaching elementary school students’ which only emphasized on the linguistic explanation and written tasks would not meet the objectives of language teaching in general. Although elementary schools students were young learners, exposing them with real languages and giving them more opportunities to practice had proven that they could be as successful as adult learners. However, teachers should also be realistic about their expectations.

C. Suggestions