Complete the Dialog Techniques to Improve Students Accuracy


d. Complete the Dialog

According to the Larsen-Freeman 2000: 49, the students are required to fill in the blank with the missing words in the complete the dialog. Whereas other techniques such as repetition drill, substitution drill and question and answer were done orally, the complete the dialog was done in writing. The changes from oral activity to the writing activity, kept the students attention alive. It was in line with Brown 2001: 88 which states that a lesson for children needs variety to keep their attention alive. The complete the dialog also gave opportunity to the teacher to make a personal contact with the students to encourage and support the students as well as reinforcing their achievement. However, since the objective of the research was to improve the students’ grammar accuracy especially in speaking, the teachers asked the students orally related to the dialog which had been completed by the students to elicit whether or not they answered correctly. In the end, the interview also validated that the complete the dialog could improve the students’ grammar accuracy. The followings are the excerpt from the interview. Guru : Gimana menurutmu ketika Ibu beri sebuah dialog terus ada bagian-bagian yang dikosongi? Membantu kamu dalam mengerti tata bahasa Inggris ga?. What do you think when I gave you a complete the dialog task? Did it help you to understand English grammar? Student 1 : Membantu Miss. Juga membantu masalah penulisannya. It was helpful Miss. It was also helpful for the spelling problem. Student 2 : Membantu kok Miss. Juga biking ga bosan karena sebelumnya kan ngomong terus to Miss. It was helpful. It also avoid boredom because the previous techniques were done orally. 67 Besides giving opportunity to the students to alter their activity for some time, complete the dialog also made association between the spoken language and the written language. In order to internalize the sound system into the writing system, the complete the dialog could facilitate the issue. Another finding was how to improve the students’ accuracy. The followings were the complete discussions.

2. Improving Students Accuracy