Approach of the Study

and anecdotes about the funny things she had done; why no one ever remarked on her food preferences” 110. After Pauline gets married to Cholly, she feels happy because her husband treats her tenderly. However, life becomes more difficult. Pauline feels lonely and isolated because her husband goes to work until lately and she is left home by herself. All she does is taking care of the house. When she goes outside the house to find any friends, she is surprised by how unfriendly the other women are. Pauline is laughed by the few black women in town just because she does not straighten her hair and does the make up like they do. She begins to spend money on clothes that will make the women look at her differently. All that she wants is to make friends with others. She wants to the other women accept her for who she is. She does all that because she feels lonely without anyone she could be able to talk to. In her loneliness, she turned to her husband for reassurance, entertainment, for things to fill the vacant places. Housework was not enough; there were only two rooms, and no yards to keep or move about in. The women in the town wore high-heeled shoes, and when Pauline tried to wear them, they aggravated her shuffle into a pronounced limp 117-118. One day, Pauline decides to get a job as a housekeeper in a white woman’s house. She feels lonely, and she wants to do something to fill her loneliness. She spends so much money on clothes and that makes her relationship between her husband worst. They quarrel a lot about money, and Pauline feels lonelier because she does not get attention from her husband anymore. “Cholly commenced to getting meaner and meaner and wanted to fight me all the time. …Look like working for that woman and fighting Cholly was all I did. Tiresome.” 118-119 From her speech, Pauline admits that she is lonely. She always fights with her husband, spends a lot of money on clothes, and works as a housekeeper to fill her day so that she is not so bored because she has no friends at all. All the women in her PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI