Irresponsible The Description of Pauline Breedlove, Pecola’s mother .1 Crippled

girl because he feels embarrassed by the two white men because of the girl. Cholly feels insulted by the treatment of the two white men. He feels ashamed with Darlene because of the sexual humiliation. “Cholly, moving faster, looked at Darlene. He hated her. He almost wished he could do it––hard, long, and painfully, he hated her so much” 148. Since his childhood, he is already filled his heart with the feeling of hatred and desperation. Since the incident happens with the two white men, Cholly hates white men and in return, he kills three white men. It happens because he is humiliated by two white men in front of the girl he likes when he is fourteen. “He was in time, to discover that hatred of white men- but now. Not in impotence but later, when the hatred could find sweet expression. For now, he hated the one who had created the situation, the one who bore witness to his failure, his impotence” 151. He could go to jail and not feel imprisoned, for he had already seen the furtiveness in the eyes of his jailer, free to say, “No, suh,” and smile, for he had already killed three white men. 159 It is also described in the novel, Cholly hates white men because they humiliate him. Cholly’s action by killing three white men shows that he fills his heart with hatred. This characteristic of Cholly gives bad impact to his children, especially Pecola. The effect of Cholly’s past life gives big contribution to his present life. When he suffers from an unhappy situation, he starts to think of getting revenge and having the hatred in his mind.

4.2 The Influence of Her Parents on Pecola’s Abnormal Behaviors

Hurlock states that there are some determinants which influences one’s behavior. Family is the most important factor that influences one’s behavior 351. Family is defined as a group of people who have relation in blood. Pikunas also states PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI that family is the primary agent and the starting point of one’s behavior where a child will learn the values and social relationship in the society 124. As parents of Pecola, Pauline and Cholly Breedlove give a big influence to Pecola’s behavior. In order to make the study clearer and more organized, I will divide three kinds of abnormal behavior of Pecola caused by the parenthood of Pauline and Cholly Breedlove.

4.2.1 On Pecola’s dream of having “The bluest eye”

According to Lidz, a mother is a primary and a major nurturing figure for a child. Mother’s behavior affects the problem rather than solving the problem, the child will feel that his mother is a good friend to share their problems. It is the role of an advisor 58-59. It is described in the novel that Pecola is the only daughter in the Breedlove family. As a mother, Pauline should be the closest person in Pecola’s life. However, what happens to Pecola is she does not get enough attention from his mother. Pauline never cares for Pecola’s life and what happens to her. When Pecola does something good, Pauline never praises her or when Pecola does something bad, her mother never corrects her. That is why Pecola acts abnormally by wishing to have the bluest eye. Another reason of Pecola’s acts abnormally is because she has no friends. Her classmates and teachers hate her. Long hour she sat looking in the mirror, trying to discover the secret of the ugliness, the ugliness that made her ignored or despised at school, by teachers and classmates alike. She was the only member of her class who sat alone at a double desk 45. According to Robinson, abnormal behavior in the individual is usually a reflection of unhealthy family in Sue 104. When Pauline is a child, she is always alone and has no friends to play with. She does the housework and takes care of her siblings. That is exactly what happens to Pecola. She feels lonely and isolated just like her mother, Pauline. When Pecola is in Pauline’s womb, Pauline makes a promise that she will love her baby no matter what she looks like. She will accept her whatever the condition is. When Pauline is giving birth to Pecola, she feels insulted with the doctor’s statement about black women delivering a baby like horses and they do not feel the pain when they are delivering their baby. Then after Pauline sees her daughter, in her mind she hates Pecola because it is her that makes Pauline embarrassed. The first time Pauline sees her daughter, she knows that Pecola is born ugly. When he left off, some more doctors come. One old one and some young ones. The old one was learning the young one about babies. Showing them how to do. When he got to me he said now these here women you don’t have any trouble with. They deliver right away and with no pain. Just like horses 124- 125. According to Craig, a child who is rejected by her family develops negative feelings because it seemed to him that his parents giving him a negative respond 322. It is described in the novel that Pecola acts abnormally because nobody in her family cares for her. Pauline goes to work as a housekeeper since her children are so young. Pecola does not get attentions from her parents. The rejections of Pauline towards her daughter makes Pecola feel lonely. Hurlock also states that rejection of the child by his parents can be shown by parents’ attitudes. They will never pay attention to the child and never care about their child’s needs. This leads to resentment, feeling of helplessness, frustrations, nervous mannerism, and hostility to others 497. We can say, then, that Pecola is an abnormal girl. She lives with her parents and a brother, but she never feels like she has a family. Living in an unhappy family is not easy for Pecola. But, all she can do is keep staying in the house, hoping that one PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI