On Pecola’s Way of Avoiding Her Reality of Life

5.2.1 Suggestions for Future Researchers

Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye has a lot of valuable aspects of daily life. By reading this novel, we can find some information about human characters, human values, human feelings, human thoughts, human experiences, and human problem in the society. This novel is very interesting and rich of values. Therefore, there are many other aspects that other future researchers can analyze in this novel. They can analyze how Mrs. Breedlove treats her daughter compared to how Mrs. MacTeer treats her daughters or they can analyze the way the mulatto see the pure African- American. These topics are valuable and interesting to analyze further.

5.2.2 Suggestion for English Teachers

I would like to present some information about literature as a teaching material. In relation to this fact, Allen and Campbell mention two general aims in teaching literature. First, literature increases all language skills because it will extend linguistic knowledge such as vocabulary usage and exact syntax. Literature is the expression of any language 187. Literature has two functions. First, it enriches knowledge because it makes our mind function optimally. Second, it also widens and deepens our experience, sets our morals and regards the matters of truth, goodness, and beauty. Novels can be one good means to motivate students to read. If they are motivated, then we as teachers can help the students to improve their reading habit. However, not all novels can make the students interested in reading. I suggest that The Bluest Eye could be used as the text for reading task for the university student, because this novel is full of life values. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Reading activities are planned to develop many types of skills 19. The students can learn more on grammar, vocabularies, and also different style of English. Finnochiaro recommends two types of reading lessons, namely intensive and extensive reading. In extensive reading, the main point is comprehension. Students are expected to understand the context. Here, the teacher may give them questions related to the text. In this teaching implementation, the writer chooses reading II for the university students in semester two of English Department. The students should have enough vocabularies to understand the text. The students are divided into groups of three. Grouping is not only intended to make the students easier to share their opinions among other students but also to increase student’s participation in the classroom. There are three phases of reading activity. First is pre-reading activity. The purpose of this activity is to arouse students’ interest on the passage given. The second is while reading activity. The purpose if this activity is to know whether they understand the passage or not. Then the last one is post-reading activity. The purpose of this activity is to know how much the students know and understand the passage they read. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, M. H. A 1971. Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Rinehart, and Winston Inc. Alloy B. Lauren, et al. Abnormal Psychology. 9 th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005. Baron, Robert. A and Donn Byrne, 1974. Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction. Seventh Edition. New York: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Erikson, Erik. H. 1963. Childhood and Society, second edition. New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc. Finocchiaro, Mary. 1958. Teaching English as a Second Language. New York: Harper and Brothers. Forster, A. M. 1974. Aspects of Novel. London: Edward Arnold Ltd. Hornby, A. S. 1992. Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. Horton, Paul B and Chester L. Hunt. 1987. Sociology. Jakarta: Erlangga. Huffman, Karen. 1997. Psychology in Action. New York: John Wiley and the Sons, Inc Hurlock, Elizabeth. 1974. Child Development. New York: McGraw Hill Book. Kaalish, Richard A. 1973. The Psychology of Human Behaviour. Portland, California: A division of Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. Medinnus, Gene R and Ronald C. Johnson. 1969. Child and Adolescent Psychology Behavior and Development. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Morrison, Toni. 1970. The Bluest Eye: Afterword Toni Morrison. New York: A Plume Book, Inc. Murphy, M. J. 1972. Understanding Unseens: Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. Pikunas, Justin. 1969. Human Development: An Emergent Science. London: McGraw Hill. Kogakusha, Ltd. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Rohrberger, Mary and Samuel H. Woods Jr. 1972. Reading and Writing about Literature. New York, Inc. Ross. James S. 1958. Basic Psychology. London: George G Harrap Co, Ltd. Schwartz, Barry. 1978. Psychology of Learning and Behaviour. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. Stonton, Robert. 1965. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Inc. Sullivan, H. S. 1953. The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. New York: Norton. ----------, 1978. The Encyclopedia of Americana. Wisconsin: Madison: Grolier Limited Americana Corporation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI