On Pecola’s way of seeing others

acts different to her, they avoid seeing her. “Ever since I got my blue eyes, she look away from me all of the time … Everybody’s jealous. Everytime I look at somebody, they look off 195.” Unfortunately, it is because Pecola looses her insanity, and she hallucinates something that she wishes for a long time. Because of her craziness, she has unrestrained all of her burden, and all her fear that she keeps before. She is free to do what she wants to do than before. “Her birdlike gesture symbolizes the freedom and the will to release what she had hidden before 204.” She feels happy because in her imagination, God has granted her wishes to have blue eyes. She has an imaginative friend now. She only talks to her because since she loses her insanity, nobody has talked to her. Her conversation with her imaginative friend focuses on her eyes only. Oh, yes. My eyes. My blue eyes. Let me look again. See how pretty they are Yes. They get prettier each time I look at them. They are the prettiest I’ve ever seen Really? Oh, yes. Prettier than the sky? Oh, yes. Much prettier than the sky. Prettier than Alice-and-Jerry Storybook eyes? Oh, yes. Much prettier than Alice-and-Jerry Story book eyes 201 The conversation above is the conversation between Pecola and her imaginary friend. Before she loses her insanity, she never has a true friend beside her. Only with her imaginative friend she can communicate because she never speaks to others since she loses her insanity. How come what? How come you don’t talk to anybody? I talk to you. Besides me. I don’t like anybody besides you. Where do you live? I told you once. What is your mother’s name? Why are you so busy meddling me? I just wondered. You don’t talk to anybody. You don’t go to school. And nobody talks to you. How do you know nobody talks to me? They don’t. When you’re in the house with me, even Mrs.Breedlove doesn’t say anything to you. Ever. Sometimes I wonder if she even sees you.” 197- 198 Pecola, who used to live in pain, finally finds her happiness, although in an ironic way. Claudia, the narrator, at the end of the novel gives her comment about Pecola’s tragedy. “So it was. A little black girl yearns for the blue eyes of a little white girl, and the horror at the heart of her yearning is exceeded only by the evil of fulfillment… The birdlike gestures are worn away to mere picking and plucking her way between tire elms and the sunflowers, between Coke bottles and milkweed, among all the waste and beauty of the world-which is what she herself was 204-205.” Before she becomes crazy, she often hallucinates about things in purpose to make her escape from reality. By hallucinating, she thinks that she can avoid the reality of her life. In fact, she cannot. And, it causes Pecola to become insane. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


This chapter consists of two parts, namely conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions state the answers to the problems formulated based on the analysis discussed in the previous chapter and the suggestions contain recommendation for English teaching and learning activities through The Bluest Eye and further studies on the novel.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the analysis, there are three main points that can be concluded from the analysis. They are the characteristics of Pauline Breedlove, Cholly Breedlove, and the influence of her parents on Pecola’s abnormal behaviors. Based on the analysis in chapter IV, Pauline Breedlove is a crippled, lonely, unconfident, and irresponsible woman. Those characteristics can be seen from personal description, character seen by other, speech, thought, reaction, and past life. The second are Cholly Breedlove’s characteristics. Just like Pauline, Cholly is also an irresponsible father. He is a high- tempered and revengeful man. He often gets drunk. He beats Pauline and every time he comes home drunk, he always has a fight with Pauline. His heart is filled with hatred. He hates being poor and ugly and he also hates white men because when he has sex for the first time, he is caught by two white men who tell him to continue while they are watching. Those characteristics of Cholly can be seen from character seen by other watching. Those characteristics of Cholly can be seen from character seen by other, his speech, thought, reaction, and past life. The third main point of how Pecola’s abnormal behaviors are influenced a lot by her parents, Pauline and Cholly Breedlove. Pecola has a perception in her mind that she has to be beautiful so that everybody will like her. That is why she prays for the bluest eye every night. She hopes that if she has the bluest eye, her parents will fight no more because they see the beautiful eyes of Pecola. Her mother’s rejection brings many negative influences to Pecola. Pecola’s dream of having the bluest eye makes her behave abnormally. Pecola is also influenced by her father. She has bad memories of his father. She sees her father drink everyday, and watches her parent’s fight everyday. That affects Pecola’s way of seeing others. She blames her eyes for the bad things that happen to her. She has the perception that everybody hates her. Finally, the last abnormal behavior of Pecola is on her way of avoiding her reality of life. She likes to hallucinate about things to make her escape from the reality. In the end of the novel, Pecola has gone mad. She creates an imaginary friend who could tell her how blue her eyes are. Pecola does not get the attention, affection, and love from her parents. She is a poor little black girl and victim of her own parents. In conclusion, parents have a big part in shaping the child’s behavior. The quality of a child’s behavior depends on the way parents do their roles and the way they behave in their family. Parents play the biggest part on shaping the child’s behavior. The main cause of Pecola’s abnormal behaviors is that her parents do not do their roles well in the family.

5.2 Suggestions

There are two suggestions in this section. Firstly, the suggestion is for future researchers. Secondly, the suggestion is for teaching reading for advanced level by using literary works, in this case Toni Morrison’s novel, The Bluest Eye. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

5.2.1 Suggestions for Future Researchers

Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye has a lot of valuable aspects of daily life. By reading this novel, we can find some information about human characters, human values, human feelings, human thoughts, human experiences, and human problem in the society. This novel is very interesting and rich of values. Therefore, there are many other aspects that other future researchers can analyze in this novel. They can analyze how Mrs. Breedlove treats her daughter compared to how Mrs. MacTeer treats her daughters or they can analyze the way the mulatto see the pure African- American. These topics are valuable and interesting to analyze further.

5.2.2 Suggestion for English Teachers

I would like to present some information about literature as a teaching material. In relation to this fact, Allen and Campbell mention two general aims in teaching literature. First, literature increases all language skills because it will extend linguistic knowledge such as vocabulary usage and exact syntax. Literature is the expression of any language 187. Literature has two functions. First, it enriches knowledge because it makes our mind function optimally. Second, it also widens and deepens our experience, sets our morals and regards the matters of truth, goodness, and beauty. Novels can be one good means to motivate students to read. If they are motivated, then we as teachers can help the students to improve their reading habit. However, not all novels can make the students interested in reading. I suggest that The Bluest Eye could be used as the text for reading task for the university student, because this novel is full of life values. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI