Critical Approaches Review of Related Theories Past life The author may give the past life of one character in the story in order to understand the character. By learning something from someone’s past life in the story, the author respects events that have helped to shape a person’s character. The author may reveal person’s character by giving direct comment, through the person’s thought or through conversation with others 166. Conversation of others Through conversations with other characters, the author may give clues to the readers in order to show the person’s character. People often talk about people and the thing they say may give us reference to the character of the person spoken about 167. Reactions The character often reacts to various situations and events which may reveal hisher character. Using this kind of characterization, the author presents a clue to the readers who might expect to find the quality of the characters in dealing with carious situations and events they encounter 168. Direct comment On one occasion, the author may give comments explicitly about his characters and gives his opinion about the characters in the story. In other words, the author has the possibility to describe or comment on a person’s character directly 170. Thoughts The author is able to give readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. He can do what we cannot do in real life, he can tell the readers what different people are thinking. Here, the author is able to reveal the inmost thoughts of a person as if he were the secret listener. So with the picture of ideas in the character’s mind, whether it is good or bad the readers can guess the nature of the character well 171. Mannerism The author may describe a person’s mannerisms or habits, which may also tell readers something about his character. The author reveals the habits of the character both the positive and negative ones 173.

2.1.3 Behavior

Human beings always interact with others. A human interacts and adapts his environment for his evolution and growth as long as his actions do not deviate from the adaptation against his environment. This adaptation is called adjustment. When the attitude or the behavior of an individual seems to be extraordinarily uncommon, it will raise various problems and difficulties, as mental health will appear in mind when dealing with an extraordinary activity. When someone cannot interact and adapt with his environment properly, it can be claimed that he suffers from mental abnormality. It is very difficult to obtain the meaning of abnormal behavior, because we cannot decide whether a person is normal or abnormal easily. It means that people who seem to be normal in daily lives can suddenly behave strangely. Maybe they do it unconsciously Baron, 15. Maslow states that, “much of human behavior can be explained by the individual’s tendency to seek the personal goal that makes life rewarding and meaningful” Hjlle and Ziegler, 368. It means that one forms his behavior in order to achieve the goal in his life and try to make his life meaningful. Human behavior can be distinguished into normal behavior and abnormal behavior. A person is considered normal if hisher behavior conforms to, or not deviating from the usual or the average norm, not suffering from mental disorder or mental deficiency. If hisher behavior deviates from this norm, he or she is considered abnormal Ross 8. Factors Influencing Abnormal Behavior

According to Lidz 1986, the factors influencing abnormal behavior are divided into six parts. The first factor is hereditary factor. It happens in psychosa case, tuberculosis disease, neurosis, idiocy, psychosa syphilistic by syphilis disease. The second factor is pre-natal factor. Some causes are responsible for this. First, it is caused by lack of nutrition, infection and wounds, poisoning during pregnancy. The next is during pregnancy the mother suffers from cholera disease, typhoid fever, chronical tropicana malaria, bof, syphilis, mazelen, and tuberculosis. These interfere the baby. The baby’s blood is poisoned, and it causes abnormality in the brain system. It can be also caused by sedative medicine consumption by mothers intoxicates the baby. Next, it happens when the mother suffers from psychosa lunacy in the middle of pregnancy, or before delivery. Panic, shocks and stressful PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI