Factors Influencing Abnormal Behavior

in his society 84. If the child’s needs are not fulfilled in his family, he will feel that something is missing in his life and tries to find his own identity. The fifth stage is 13 to 19 years old. According to Erikson, this stage is just beginning to form an identity. Adolescents begin to sense their individuality. They become aware that they have the strength to control their own destinies and to define themselves and their goals 85. The sixth stage is 20 to 30 years old. Young adults are ready and eager to unite their identities with those of others. They seek relationship of intimacy, friendship and working relationship, as well as loving. They are ready to develop the strength they will need to fulfill commitments to others, even though commitment needs some sacrifice and compromise. Erikson states that the danger in this stage lies in isolation. It is the inability to take chanced with one’s identity by sharing true intimacy. An unstable identity may take one avoid relations with others and lead himher to isolation 99. The seventh stage is 31 to 65 years old. This stage sees the development of generativity. It is concern with establishing and guiding the next generation. In general, this means that adults want to have children to whom they can transmit their values. More broadly, generativity includes productivity and creativity. By not giving to the need for generativity, one risks stagnation, in which impoverished personality and regresses into self-concern 103. The last stage is 66 to… years old. People in this stage perceive that others have lived differently and they are prepared to defend the dignity of their own life- styles. One creates one’s own life style within the culture or civilization in which one PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI lives. The danger is that one may feel desperate because of the nearness to death. One may feel that one’s life has been without meaning and there is no time to go back and begin again. They can show to the young a feeling of completeness that can counteract with the feeling of being helpless and dependent, of being finished with life 105. According to Craig 396, middle childhood ages 6 to 12 is the time when the child is adjusting to the new environment of school, is forming close ties with people outside the home, and is developing work and play habits along with many new interests. During this period, the child experiences many new things and challenges which prepare him for adolescence and adulthood.

2.1.5 Family

According to Pikunnas, family is an enduring social group based on marriage and blood relationship 58. As a primary group, the family with children is bound together by kinship and intimate relations marked by care, affection, and support, as well as mutual sharing in various activities and concerns. The leading functions of family are providing affection, support, and companionship, bearing and raising children, teaching and transmitting culture, religion, economics, and moral to the young, developing personalities, dividing and discharging labor within the family outside. Horton and Hunt 216 state that family is the basic social institution from which other institutions have grown as increasing cultural complexity made the necessary. Therefore, family is very important in forming society in which it is the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI basic institution, which develops the society. Further, they say that family is very important in children rearing and to fulfill human needs. Family must carry a lot of functions such as conceiving and raising the children, caring for the ill and aged, etc. Besides, the members of a family have certain responsibilities toward one another. The World Book Encyclopedia 24-25 explains that most people belong to two families during their lives, the first as the children and the second as parents. Marriage becomes the beginning of a family life. When a woman and a man get married, they become the husband and the wife and are responsible for supporting and caring for the children. The success of a marriage depends on what the members want and how they live. Family is also a chief vehicle for ensuring a smooth or a rough start life since family makes up the basis for every society. It serves three vital humans needs found everywhere. First, the family provides for the protection and early training of infants. Human infants are perhaps the most helpless of all living creatures. They must be fed, washed, and dressed. They cannot move far by themselves. As they grew older, they must be trained to be a responsible member of the society. Third, the family sets up a division of labor so that each member of contributes something. The man usually earns a living while the women looks for the children. Both parents care for the children, who also assume responsibilities as they grow up. Family plays the important roles in the children development. According to Sullivan if parents behave properly, they will develop good self-image and self-worth. But if their parents do not see them their children as worthwhile persons, they will