Lonely The Description of Pauline Breedlove, Pecola’s mother .1 Crippled

4.1.2 The Description of Cholly Breedlove, Pecola’s father Irresponsible Cholly Breedlove is Pecola’s father. He has bad background of his past life. He is abandoned by her mother on a trash heap when he is four days old, and he is raised by his Great Aunt Jimmy. “When Cholly was four days old, his mother wrapped him in two blankets and one newspaper and placed him on a junk heap by the railroad” 132. When he grows up and gets married he does not have any idea of how to take care of his family because he does have a figure of a family, especially a figure of a father. Because of his past life, he does not know how to take care of his children well. He is described as a man with a bad image. Cholly always gets drunk and when he comes home, he always argues with his wife in front of his children, Pecola and Sammy. Cholly had come home drunk. Unfortunately he had been too drunk to quarrel, so the whole business would have to erupt this morning. Because it had not taken place immediately, the oncoming fight would lack spontaneity, it would be calculated, uninspired, and deadly 40. Cholly fails to provide his family’s needs, both financial and physiological needs such as love, caring, and affection. Cholly’s gloomy past life influences his attitude and behavior on his family, especially the way he treats his children. Cholly also represents a figure of a bad father. He never knows how parents should behave lovingly and tenderly because he is not raised by his own parents with affection. Cholly looses the image of an ideal parent. Cholly past life is terrible, and that influences that much to his present life. But the aspect of married life that dumbfounded him and rendered him totally dysfunctional was the appearance of children. Having no idea of how to raise children, and having never watched any parent raise himself, he could not even comprehend what such a relationship should be. 160 Cholly is not able to give his love and affection to his children. He never cares about them; even he acts as if he hates them, especially towards Pecola. Ironically, Cholly makes his self image as an irresponsible father much more worse by raping her own daughter, Pecola. The confused mixture of his memories of Pauline and the doing of a wild and forbidden thing excited him, and a bolt of desire ran down his genitals,…He wanted to fuck her tenderly. … again the hatred mixed with tenderness. So when the child regained consciousness, she was lying on the kitchen floor under a heavy quilt, trying to connect the pain between her legs with the face of her mother looming over her 163. Cholly’s action to Pecola shows that Cholly is not a good father. He abandons his family and never takes care of them. Cholly’s action to his children is affected by his past life which makes him an irresponsible man. He does not know how to make his family feel comfortable and secure. All he does is making his family suffer. He drinks. He always fights and beats Pauline in front of his children. He even rapes his own daughter. That is why from all of his reactions and thoughts, we can see that Cholly is an irresponsible husband and father. High-tempered

Cholly Breedlove is also described as a high-tempered man because he always had a quarrel with his wife, Mrs. Breedlove. When he comes home drunk, he always fights with Mrs. Breedlove. They hurt each other and they beat each other. But, they agree not to kill each other. Cholly and Mrs. Breedlove fought each other with a darkly brutal formalism that was paralleled only by their lovemaking. Tacitly they had agreed not to kill each other. He fought her that way a coward fights a man with feet, the palms of his hands, and teeth 43. Cholly thinks that he is a free man, free but very dangerous. He could act brutally when somebody stands in front of him to stop him doing things. He is free to do whatever he wants. At that time, he is free to drunk and play with women whenever he likes. He is a free man without rules to live in. Cholly represents the negative form of freedom.”{…}Cholly was free. Dangerously free. Free to feel whatever he felt––fear, guilt, shame, love, grief, pity. {…}Cholly was truly free” 159-160. Cholly’s high tempered characteristic can be seen by his reactions when he has a fight with his wife. He beats his wife, and he uses bad words to show his anger. Starting from the beginning of the story, Cholly has burnt down his house and left his family outdoors and nowhere to go. That is why Pecola stays with the MacTeer’s family. {…}but that old Dog Breedlove had burned up his house, gone upside his wife’s head, and everybody, as a result, was outdoors. 17 That old triftling Cholly been out of jail two whole days and ain’t been here yet to see if his own child was ‘live or dead’. 25 Because of his wrong doing, he is put into the jail. After he gets out of the jail, he does not even go to his family to check how his family is and where they live. He goes to the place where no one knows. This reaction shows the result of Cholly’s high-tempered characteristic. He does anything he likes without thinking of the consequences that could give bad effects to his family, especially to his children. Revengeful

Cholly is a person that is full of revenge. When he is fourteen, and for the first time he has sex with a girl named, Darlene. He is caught by two white men who tell him to continue having sex while they are watching. From that moment, he hates the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI