Definitions of Terms INTRODUCTION

defined as the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people. The subject matter of the novel itself is those attitudes and actions 12. The last two approaches are the mythopoeic and the psychological approach. Based on the mythopoeic approach, the readers will be able to analyze a novel by trying to discover certain universally recurrent patterns or a human thought. The universally recurrent pattern are those that found first expression in ancient myth and folk rites and are also basic to human thought that they have meaning for all men 15. Then the last approach is the psychological approach, which is an approach that brings the readers to analyze the novel from the psychological point of view of human beings. Freud’s theory about human is used to analyze the characters in a novel 18.

2.1.2 Character and Characterization

A character is an important element in a story. The author creates a character in the story to make the story alive. The author builds the character similar with the real people in the world. Stanton 17 states that character refers to individuals that appear in the story and refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals. Thus, in brief it can be said that character is the person in the story who has the characteristics like common human being in the real life. He has temperament and moral that is expressed in his speech and action in the story. Rohrberger and Woods 20-21 define a character as a person who involves and acts out in a story in particular time and place. The statement above means that character in fiction is a person who thinks, does and acts in certain time and place in the story. He has characteristics like human beings in real life. Abrams 20 makes it clearer by stating that character is a person presented in a dramatic and narrative work, which is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, and disposition qualities of mind and it can be found out in the dialogue and the action in the story. Holman and Harmon 82 support Abram’s definition that in character, the reader finds idea of the moral constitution of human personality, the presence of moral uprights. Besides, the reader can also find the simpler notion of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of one sort of another. A character has an important role in a novel; it makes the story more meaningful because the author could convey the message of the story to the readers through the characters. A character can be a creature or an imitation of human being in which a reader can find moral constitution of human personality. According to Milligan, there are two kinds of characters. They are major and secondary characters. The major characters are those who appear more often in the story then the other characters. Whole secondary characters are those who appear less in the story 195. Forster differentiates flat character from round character. A flat character has a steady characteristic, which means that the characteristic does not change from the beginning of the story until the end of the story 46-51. In order to analyze the characters I the novels more easily, it is important to know how the author presents the characters in the story. That is why the theory of characterization is needed. Characterization in a novel is aimed to get complete description of the character. According to Holman and Harmon 81 characterization is a creation of imaginary persons. The character introduced by the author in details, so that the readers might obtain a complete description of certain character. Murphy 161-173 states nine ways to make the characters understandable to the readers. The explanation of each way will be given as follows: Personal description The author may portray a person’s character based on appearance and clothing. By looking at the person’s clothing, the reader may see the character’s appearance. On the other hand, the author may also portray his character using his skillful ‘voice of adjectives’ the term used by Murphy which means what the characters are like and the author gives the reader the character’s appearance in detail: skin-color, hair, eyes, etc 161. Character as seen by another The author may also describe the character through the eyes and opinion of others, instead of describing the character directly. Heshe represents the character’s performance and personality by letting other characters in the story convey their readers what they are like, based on the character that they encounter. The readers may gain the description as a reflected image 162. Speech The author describes one of the characters in the story through what heshe says. Whatever the character says, heshe is giving some clues to hisher character 164. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Past life The author may give the past life of one character in the story in order to understand the character. By learning something from someone’s past life in the story, the author respects events that have helped to shape a person’s character. The author may reveal person’s character by giving direct comment, through the person’s thought or through conversation with others 166. Conversation of others Through conversations with other characters, the author may give clues to the readers in order to show the person’s character. People often talk about people and the thing they say may give us reference to the character of the person spoken about 167. Reactions The character often reacts to various situations and events which may reveal hisher character. Using this kind of characterization, the author presents a clue to the readers who might expect to find the quality of the characters in dealing with carious situations and events they encounter 168. Direct comment On one occasion, the author may give comments explicitly about his characters and gives his opinion about the characters in the story. In other words, the author has the possibility to describe or comment on a person’s character directly 170. Thoughts