interpreted as ‘strongly disagree’, 2 was ‘disagree’, 3 was ‘undecided’, 4 was ‘agree’, and 5 was ‘strongly agree’. The following table explained the result of the evaluation given in the post- design survey. The table explained the judgement of the designed materials given by four participants. Table 4.4: Description of the Data Participants No. Statements A B C D Mean 1. The standard competencies are well formulated 4 4 4 4 4 2. The indicators are well formulated 4 4 4 5 4.25 3. The indicators are considered able to support the standard competencies 4 5 4 5 4.5 4. The topics are relevant for D III Perhotelan, STP-AMPTA 5 5 3 4 4.25 5. The topics match with the standard competencies 4 4 4 4 4 6. The materials are suitable for the students of D III Perhotelan, STP- AMPTA 4 5 4 4 4.25 7. The teacher’s manual is well presented 4 4 4 5 4.25 8. The lesson plan is well presented 4 4 3 5 4 9. The syllabus is well presented 4 4 4 5 4.25 10. The activities are suitable to meet the indicators 4 4 4 5 4.25 56 11. The activities are interesting 4 5 4 4 4.25 12. The activities in Warm-up are suitable to elicit the topic that will be discussed 4 4 4 5 4.25 13. The conversations in Language Focus match with the topic discussed 4 4 4 4 4 14. The useful expressions in Language Focus match with the topic discussed 4 5 5 4 4.5 15. The Grammar Focus and its exercises are important to help students to improve their grammar. 4 5 4 4 4.25 16. The vocabularies in Word Power match with the topic discussed 4 5 4 4 4.25 17. The activities in Team Study help students to practice their understanding about the topic discussed effectifely 4 5 4 4 4.25 Grand Mean 4.22 A : participant 1 C : participant 3 B : participant 2 D: : participant 4 As stated in Chapter III that the grand mean was interpreted as the participants’ attitude toward the designed materials. There were four criteria used : 1 – 1.9 : very bad 2 – 2.9 : bad 3 – 3.9 : enough 4 – 5 : good So, it could be concluded that the materials designed were acceptable because the grand mean was 4.22 57 Besides giving judgement to the statements related to the materials designed, the participants might state the strengths and weaknesses of the materials and give suggestion for the materials. In the second part of the questionnaire of the post- design survey, the participants gave their opinion about the strengths and the weaknesses. The strengths found in the materials designed were: a. The activities matched with the objectives. b. The role play and games were interesting. c. The activities were graded. They were started from the easier into the more difficult one. d. The language skills included in the materials designed were good. There was a weakness found in the materials designed. The weakness was that the topics included were incomplete. There were some other topics related to English in hotel. The writer got several suggestions which were useful for the improvement of the materials. The suggestions were: a. A participant suggested that the writer should rearrange the time allotment in the lesson plan. b. A participant suggested that the writer should revise the title on the cover, especially change the term ‘Ambarrukmo Palace Tourism Academy’ into ‘Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata- AMPTA’ c. A participant suggested that the writer should include table of contents in the materials designed. d. A participant suggested that the writer needed to revise the numbering system in the teacher’s manual. e. A participant suggested the writer to add the students’ worksheet. 58 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI f. A participant suggested that the writer needed to state that the materials designed were for 3 rd semester students of Diploma III Perhotelan, STP- AMPTA. g. A participant found a mistake in the title of the two units. The participant corrected the spelling of ‘Check in’ and ‘Check out’. They supposed to be ‘Check-in’ and ‘Check-out’. h. A participant suggested the writer to put other topics or language functions which were possibly needed. i. A participant suggested the writer to include the meaning of the vocabularies listed in Word Power in the Answers Key


This part discussed two processes involved to find out a set of integrated instructional materials using Cooperative Learning to teach English in Diploma III Perhotelan , STP-AMPTA. The first was the process of designing a set of instructional materials. The second process was the revising and improving the materials designed based on the post- design survey. The process of designing a set of integrated instructional materials using Cooperative Learning for Diploma III, Perhotelan, STP- AMPTA consisted of 1. Needs Survey 2. Identifying an Instructional Goal 3. Conducting Instructional Analysis 4. Writing Performance Objectives 5. Developing Instructional Strategy 6. Developing and Select Instructional Materials 7. Designing and Conduct the Formative Evaluation 8. Revising Instruction 59 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Post- design survey was conducted to obtain evaluation of the instructional materials from the participants who had teaching experience. The evaluation obtained was considered for making revision and improvement. As a result, this study produced a better set of instructional materials. The table 4.4 presented the result of the evaluation given in post-design survey. It showed that the grand mean on the evaluation of the instructional materials designed was 4.22. Thus, it could be concluded that the materials were acceptable. The process of revising and improving the materials also considered the participants’ opinion and suggestions on the materials. After having the information, the writer made some revisions of the instructional materials designed. The revisions and improvement were stated as follows: 1. rearranging the time allotment in lesson plan 2. revising the title on the cover 3. including table of contents in the instructional materials 4. changing the numbering system in teachers’ manual 5. producing two sets of worksheet four units for each 6. revising the incorrect unit titles 7. including the meaning of the vocabularies listed in Word Power in the Answer Key 60