This chapter presents two sections, named Conclusions and Suggestions. The conclusions explain the conclusion of the study. While, in the suggestions the writer would like to give suggestion for English teachers and other researchers who plan to conduct similar study.


This study was conducted to design a set of integrated instructional materials for Diploma III Perhotelan, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata-AMPTA using cooperative learning. There were two problems stated in this study. The first problem was how a set of integrated instructional materials using Cooperative Learning to teach English in Diploma III Perhotelan, STP-AMPTA is designed. The second one was the presentation of the designed materials. To solve the first problem, the writer combined two instructional design model suggested by Yalden and Dick and Carey. The writer used a step from Yalden’s model and seven steps from Dick and Carey’s model. The writer used such modification and combination because it was considered applicable for designing a set of integrated instructional materials for Diploma III Perhotelan, STP-AMPTA. The steps were arranged as follows: 1. Needs Survey Yalden 2. Identifying an Instructional Goal Dick and Carey 3. Conducting Instructional Analysis Dick and Carey 62 4. Writing Performance Objectives Dick and Carey 5. Developing Instructional Strategy Dick and Carey 6. Developing and Selecting Instructional Materials Dick and Carey 7. Revising Instruction Dick and Carey 8. Designing and Conducting the Formative Evaluation Dick and Carey In order to find out the answer to the second problem, the writer revised the designed materials based on the evaluation. The evaluation was conducted by distributing and gathering questionnaires to two English lecturers of STP-AMPTA and two English instructors. The data collected from the post-design survey showed that the grand mean of the judgement given by the four participants was 4.22. It showed that the designed materials were acceptable. There were also some suggestions given in the questionnaire to the better designed materials. The materials were designed for students and for the lecturers. Therefore, the materials consisted of students’ book and lecturer’s manual. The students’ book contained the lesson materials and some activities related to the topics. The lecturer’s manual provided step by step explanations in delivering the material in each unit and answer key and supplementary materials. The writer presented eight topics in the instructional materials. There was 120 minutes for each unit. The topics were described as follows: 1. Reserving Accommodation 2. Check-in 3. Room Service 4. Restaurant Service 63 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI