3. The Designer The designer can develop her creativity in making a set of materials that is interesting and appropriate for the students.


1. Designing Designing is the plan developed to guide educational activity in a situation or the plan which can be formulated by an analyst of that activity. Houles, 1978: 230. In this study, designing refers to the process of developing learning system including instructional materials and activities to meet the learning needs. 2. Instructional Materials Instructional materials mean the materials planned or designed by the teacher for instruction Dick Walker and Reiser Robert, 1984: 3 The writer defines instructional materials as the material used in teaching learning activity to obtain English proficiency. 3. Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata-AMPTA Students In this study, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata-AMPTA STP-AMPTA students are a group of students who study in a tourism college in order to achieve an academic skill of tourism. AMPTA stands for Ambarrukmo Palace Tourism Academy 4. Diploma III Diploma III D III is a study program in college in which the students study a certain major for about three years. The students have to fulfill more or less 120 credits in their study. 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5. Integrated Material Integrated material is a material that focuses on the mastery of the integrated skills rather than a mere mastery of the rules on the target language. Richard and Rogers, 2001:64. In this study, integrated materials mean a set of instructional materials that focuses on more than one English skill be it speaking, listening, writing, or reading as well as language components, mainly vocabulary and grammar. 6. Cooperative Learnning According to Slavin 1995:2, cooperative learning is a variety of teaching methods in which students work in small groups to help one another learn academic content. In this study, cooperative learning is a strategy in which small teams, each with students in a class with different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. 5