5. Integrated Material Integrated material is a material that focuses on the mastery of the integrated skills rather than a mere mastery of the rules on the target language. Richard and Rogers, 2001:64. In this study, integrated materials mean a set of instructional materials that focuses on more than one English skill be it speaking, listening, writing, or reading as well as language components, mainly vocabulary and grammar. 6. Cooperative Learnning According to Slavin 1995:2, cooperative learning is a variety of teaching methods in which students work in small groups to help one another learn academic content. In this study, cooperative learning is a strategy in which small teams, each with students in a class with different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter discusses some theories that become the basis of the study. The discussion is divided into two main parts. Firstly is Theoretical Description, which presents some theories, related to the study. The second is Theoretical Framework of the study that is synthesized from the related theories.


The writer includes seven kinds of theories as the basis of the study. The theories used are Integrated Skills, EAP, Types of Syllabus, A Materials Design Model, Educational Research and Development, Instructional Design, and Cooperative Learning. 1. Integrated Skills This study does not focus on only one English skill only. It also focuses on four English skills. Jan Bell and Roger Gower 2005:124, in their article state that the four skills should be integrated throughout and that the ‘receptive skills’ of reading and listening should not be tagged on after the language work. Language use is a combined skill where everything depends on everything else- at the very least we listen and speak together, and read and write together. And they felt that, like playing tennis communicating in language is something only improved with practice. Terry Atkinson and Elizabeth Lazarus 1999:145 call such integrated skills as a multi-skill. They give an example of a multi-skill activity based on authentic task: 6 provide students with a tape from an answering-machine containing phone-in orders, request, complaints etc. and for which they must take appropriate action. In the context of a tourist-information office these messages will request hotel bookings and details of excursions or restaurants. Students use brochures, photos or computerized databases to find the appropriate information. They then pass on the information to clients by letter, or face-to-face, or by ringing back on the number left on the answering-machine. A nice twist is to have them faced with an answering-machine when they ring to provide the requested information. 2. English for Academic Purposes English for Academic Purposes EAP means that a group of learners requires English for academic study Hutchinson Waters, 1987 : 16. EAP accounts of a large amount of ESP English for Specific Purposes activity. Jordan states that EAP is concerned with communication skills in English, which are required for study purposes in formal education systems 2004:1. For some practitioners, EAP is a branch of ESP, the other major branch being EOP English for Occupational Purposes. ESP is thus specific purpose language teaching, differentiated from EOP by the type of learner; future of practicing student as opposed to employee of worker. EAP can appear to be very general in scope, however, as the same courses and materials can be aimed at students from a wide variety of academic disciplines. Within such general courses, we might find components aimed at students from specific disciplines. In these cases, we might wish to view EAP as the more inclusive term, with ESP work as a subordinate part of EAP Robinson, 1994 : 100 Robinson 1994 : 3 breaks down EAP into two classifications. There are EAP for study in a specific discipline and EAP as a school subject. EAP for study in a specific discipline is divided into three stages; Pre-study, In-study, and Post-study. EAP as a school subject can be independent and integrated. 7