N : The number of the score There are four criteria to interpret the grand mean as the participants’ attitude toward the designed materials. The four criteria were: 1 - 1.9 : very bad 2 - 2.9 : bad 3 – 3.9 : enough 4 – 5 : good For the open questionnaire, the writer restated the answers. The most answers appearing described the tendency of participants’ opinion toward the course and material designed.


The writer conducted some steps in this study: 1. Preparation The study preparation included preparing permission letter, making questionnaires and finding English literature related to tourism, teaching English, instructional design, and cooperative learning. 2. Need analysis By giving questionnaire, the writer found out the lacks, strengths, interests, opinions, and needs of students. 3. Designing 42 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI After knowing the students’ needs, interests, and characteristics from need analysis, the writer designed a set of integrated instructional material that was appropriate. The design consists of syllabus, lesson plan, and materials. The syllabus consisted of course description, standard competence, basic competences, contact hour, media, and teaching strategy. Three kinds of syllabus were considered to formulate the topics for each unit. These syllabuses were Notional-Functional, Situational, and Topic Syllabus. Materials, media, methods, and objectives for each unit were synthesized in the lesson plan. 4. Investigating English lecturers’ and teachers’ opinion of the materials designed. The second questionnaire given was to investigate the English lecturers’ and teachers’ opinion about the materials designed. 5. Revising the materials. If there was found that the materials are inappropriate, the writer had revised the materials to be appropriate. 43


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the study which was intended to find out a set of appropriate integrated instructional materials for Diploma III Perhotelan, Sekolah Tinggi Perhotelan- AMPTA, Yogyakarta. This chapter covers four parts to discuss. The first part discusses the steps involved in designing a set of learning materials. Second, the results of the designed set of materials evaluation are explained. The third one is discussion of the process of designing and revising the instructional materials. The set of instructional materials is presented in the last part.


The process of designing consisted of eight steps. The steps taken are the answer to the first question in the problem formulation. The eight steps taken are 1 Needs Analysis, 2 Identifying Instructional Goal, 3 Conducting Instructional Analysis, 4 Writing Performance Objectives, 5 Developing Instructional Strategy, 6 Developing and Selecting Instructional Materials, 7 Designing and Conducting the Formative Evaluation, 8 Revising Instruction. Those steps will be explained one by one.

1. Needs Survey

As the initial step to design a set of instructional materials, the writer conducted needs survey. It was intended to find out the students’ characteristics; strengths, weaknesses, and interest and students’ needs. 44 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI To obtain information about students’ characteristics and needs, the writer conducted a survey research by distributing a set of questionnaires. The questionnaire was given to a class of Diploma III Perhotelan, STP-AMPTA, Yogyakarta . There were 30 students as the participants. The questionnaire was divided into some statements to judge and some questions to answer. The question consisted of closed and open questions. a Statements There were five statements to be judged by 30 students as the participants of the pre-design survey. The first statement was intended to find out students’ attitude toward English lesson. The second statement was to get the information about the students’ English proficiency. The statements 3, 4, and 5 were intended to find out students needs in learning English. There were five criteria to judge the statements. The five criteria were strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree. The criteria were labelled numerically. The details were: 1 is interpreted as ‘strongly disagree’, 2 is ‘disagree’, 3 is ‘doubt’, 4 is ‘agree’, and 5 is ‘strongly agree’. Then the numerical data was processed. The data was analysed to find out the central tendency or mean. The result is presented in this following table. 45