To obtain information about students’ characteristics and needs, the writer conducted a survey research by distributing a set of questionnaires. The questionnaire was given to a class of Diploma III Perhotelan, STP-AMPTA, Yogyakarta . There were 30 students as the participants. The questionnaire was divided into some statements to judge and some questions to answer. The question consisted of closed and open questions. a Statements There were five statements to be judged by 30 students as the participants of the pre-design survey. The first statement was intended to find out students’ attitude toward English lesson. The second statement was to get the information about the students’ English proficiency. The statements 3, 4, and 5 were intended to find out students needs in learning English. There were five criteria to judge the statements. The five criteria were strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree. The criteria were labelled numerically. The details were: 1 is interpreted as ‘strongly disagree’, 2 is ‘disagree’, 3 is ‘doubt’, 4 is ‘agree’, and 5 is ‘strongly agree’. Then the numerical data was processed. The data was analysed to find out the central tendency or mean. The result is presented in this following table. 45 Table 4.1: The result of the pre- design survey part I No. Statements Responses Number Mean 1. You like English lesson Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree 9 20 1 - - 4.3 2. English is easy for you Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree - 7 17 6 - 3.2 3. You prefer English material combining more than one language skills for example: speaking and reading Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree 10 18 2 - - 4.3 4. For each topic, a certain part discussing vocabulary related to tourism is needed Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree 15 15 - - - 4.5 5. A certain part to discuss grammar is needed in each topic. Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree 9 19 2 4.2 From the result of the first part of the questionnaire, it could be concluded that the students had positive attitude toward English lesson, preferred integrated English materials that combined four English skills, and needed vocabulary and grammar discussion in each topic. From the statements no.2, it seemed that students were not sure about their English ability. b Questions This part of the questionnaire investigated students’ need in learning and using English in the future. The result is presented in the table below. 46 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 4.2: The result of the pre-design survey part II No. Questions Responses Number ∑: 30 1. What learning strategyies do you like in learning English? a.Lecturer’s presentation b.Individual task c.Discussion d.Role play e.Games 24 8 19 11 21 80 26.7 63 37 70 2. Which topics related to tourism do you need to discuss? a.Check In b.Room Service c.Restaurant Service d.Dealing with Complaint e.Check Out f. Travel Brochures g.Hotel Brochures. h. Reserving Accommodation i. Explaining Tourism Place j. Sightseeing k.Talking about Hotel Management 20 13 25 20 13 6 8 16 7 - 12 67 43 83 67 43 20 27 53 23 40 3. What job do you want to have after you graduate from AMPTA? 1.manager 2.hotel staff 3.chef ship crew 5.entrepreneur 6.tourist guide 7.stewardess steward 8.waiter guard 10. bank staff 11 6 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 36.7 20 10 6.7 6.7 6.7 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 4. What is the level of the difficulty of the four language skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing?

1. Easiest Listening

Speaking Reading Writing 2. Easy Listening Speaking Reading Writing 2 5 21 2 - 5 5 20 6.7 16.6 70 6.7 - 16.7 16.7 66.7 47 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3. Difficult Listening

Speaking Reading Writing 4. Most difficult Listening Speaking Reading Writing 7 15 3 5 23 3 1 3 23.3 50 10 16.7 76.7 10 3.3 10 5. What is the level of the importance of the use of the four language skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing?

1. Most important Listening

Speaking Reading Writing 2. Important Listening Speaking Reading Writing

3. Unimportant Listening

Speaking Reading Writing 4. Least important Listening Speaking Reading Writing 4 25 1 - 15 5 1 9 5 - 13 12 6 - 16 8 13.4 83.3 3.3 50 16.7 3.3 30 16.7 - 43.3 40 20 - 53.3 26.7 There were five options provided in the first question. They were lecturer’s explanation, individual task, discussion, role play, and games. Those five options were some activities included in Cooperative Learning. The answers to the first question showed activities in learning English that are preferred by the students. It showed that most of them liked to listen to lecturer’s explanation in the class. There were 24 students 80 who stated that. Meanwhile, there were 21 students who liked games, 19 students liked discussion, and 11 students liked role play as the learning activities in the class. The students’ answer also showed 48 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI that most of the students did not like individual task in the class. There were only 8 eight students who answered that they liked individual task in learning English. Besides knowing their preference in learning English, the designer knew the ‘learning needs’ as proposed by Hutchinson and Waters. 1987: 54 The designer did not determine the topics herself. However, the topics in the instructional materials designed were also determined by the students. The students chose at most five topics provided. The students might also add other topics. As a result, there were big eight topics chosen; Restaurant Service, Check In, Dealing with Complaint, Reserving Accommodation, Room Service, Check Out, Talking about Hotel Management, and Hotel Brochure. By having the eight topics chosen, the designer found out the students’ target needs especially the ‘wants’. Jordan said that ‘wants’ are the subjective needs of the learner 2004: 25 To relate the instructional materials to the students’ needs in their future working world, the third questions asked what job the students wanted to have. Therefore, the designer could find out what the learners have to know in order to function effectively in the target situation. Jordan called it as the students’ necessities. 2004: 25. From 30 students, most of them wanted to be a hotel manager 11 students. Six students wanted to be a hotel staff. Three students wanted to be chef. There were two students who wanted to be cruise ship crew and two students wanted to be entrepreneur. Two students were interested to be a tourist guide. The four others wanted to be a stewardess, a waiter, a security guard, and a bank staff. 49 The question number four was intended to know the students’ strengths and weaknesses in English. The result showed that reading was the easiest skill for most of the students. Most students thought that writing was easy. On the other hand, speaking was a difficult English skill to most of the students. Listening was the most difficult skill for most of them. By knowing their strengths and weaknesses, the designer understood their proficiency in certain English skills. Considering the students’ needs as the prospective tourism workers, there was a question to find out the students’ opinion about the important skill they had to master. This question was also to investigate the students’ necessities. From thirty students answering the questions, there were 25 students who stated that speaking was the most important English skill to master. Four students stated that listening was the most important skill to them. It was also explained that listening and speaking were important skills to master by the students. Therefore, the two most important skills had more portion in the designed materials.

2. Identifying Instructional Goal

The next step after conducting needs survey was identifying the instructional goal. The designer stated the goal as standard competence in the syllabus. At the end of the course, the students were supposed to able to communicate written and spoken English related to tourism context.

3. Conducting Instructional Analysis

In this stage, the designer formulated the specific skills intended to achieve the goal of the course. The designer formulated the intended skills by listing the topics that must be learned by the students in the course. 50 The topics are listed as follows: a. Reserving Accommodation b. Check-in c. Room Service d. Restaurant Service e. Dealing with Complaints f. Check-out g. Hotel Brochure h. Talking about Hotel Management

4. Writing Performance Objectives

Writing performance objectives meant identifying condition and criteria for successful performance that must be accomplished by the students. The writer formulated the performance objectives in Basic Competences and Indicators. The detail could be seen in the table 4.3 below. Table 4.3: The Basic Competences and Indicators Unit Basic Competence Indicators 1 Students are able to communicate in English in a setting of reserving accommodation correctly Students are able to: 1. read the conversation and the useful expressions with correct pronunciation 2. complete sentences using preposition of time in, on, and, at correctly 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to reserving accommodation 4. complete a missing conversation using appropriate words or expression 5. perform conversation in reserving accommodation 51 2 Students are able to communicate in English in a setting of check in correctly Students are able to: 1. read the conversation and the useful expressions with correct pronunciation 2. write ‘yesno question’ correctly 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to reserving accommodation 4. complete a registration form based on the dialogue correctly 5. perform a conversation about checking in 3 Students are able to communicate in English in a setting of giving room service correctly Students are able to: 1. read the conversation and the useful expressions with correct pronunciation 2. make ‘wh- question’ correctly 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to reserving accommodation 4. find out the missing parts in the conversation correctly 5. perform a conversation in a room service setting with partner 4 Students are able to communicate in English in a setting of giving restaurant service correctly Students are able to: 1. read the conversation and the useful expressions with correct pronunciation 2. complete a paragraph with ‘much or many’ 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to reserving accommodation 4. arrange in a jumbled conversation into a meaningful conversation 5. perform a conversation in a restaurant service setting with partner 5 Students are able to communicate in English in giving response to a complaint correctly and appropriately Students are able to: 1. read the conversation and the useful expressions with correct pronunciation 2. write correct causative sentences 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to service complaint 52 4. complete some conversations based on audio program 5. perform a conversation about dealing with complaint 6 Students are able to communicate in English in a setting of check out correctly Students are able to: 1. read the conversation and the useful expressions with correct pronunciation 2. differentiate the use of ‘because’ and ‘because of’ in a sentence 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to reserving accommodation 4. find out the missing part in a conversation 5. perform a conversation in a checking out procedure with partner 7 Students are able to understand how a good brochure and produce a hotel brochure Students are able to: 1. answer some questions related to hotel brochure correctly 2. differentiate the use of ‘this, these, that, and those’ in a sentence 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to hotel brochure 4. find out the correct word to complete the sentences 5. create a hotel brochure in a group 6. present a hotel brochure in front of the class 8 Students are able to talk about hotel management in English accurately Students are able to 1. answer some comprehension questions about the content of the passage 2. change a sentence into its passive or its active form 3. find out the meaning of the vocabularies related to hotel management 4. find out the correct word to complete the sentences 5. express idea about hotel management in English orally 53 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

5. Developing Instructional Strategy

This step was to determine what the students had to do in learning activities in order to achieve the goal. The designer divided teaching learning activities into five parts. They are: a. Warm Up This part is to elicit students’ attention to the topic that will be discussed. b. Language Focus Language focus is intended to make the students familiar with some daily expressions used related to the topic discussed. c. Grammar Focus Grammar Focus is intended to strengthen students’ grammar knowledge. d. Word Power Word power is a part of the lesson which enriches students’ vocabulary. e. Team-Study The last part is Team-Study. In this part, students perform their understanding in a team. The detail can be seen in lesson plan and teachers’ manual.

6. Developing and Selecting Instructional Materials

After completing the five previous steps, the designer synthesized all information into a set of instructional materials. At this stage, the writer developed 8 units of instructional materials using cooperative learning. The designed materials can be seen in appendix.

7. Designing and Conducting the Formative Evaluation

A set of designed materials was needed to evaluate by some experienced people in teaching English to meet its effectiveness and appropriateness. The 54 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI evaluation was conducted in post-design survey in which the designer distributed a questionnaire to four participants. Those four participants evaluated the designed materials by answering the questionnaire.

8. Revising Instruction

After getting the evaluation and feedback, the designer revised the designed materials. The weaknesses found were improved.


After a set of instructional materials was completely designed, the writer conducted post-design survey. It was intended to obtain evaluation of the materials designed. The evaluation was given by two English lecturers of STP-AMPTA and two English teachers of Wisma Bahasa English Division. By getting evaluation of the materials, the writer could improve the instructional materials.

1. Description of the Participants

The participants of the post-design survey of this study were two English lecturers of STP- AMPTA and two English teachers of Wisma Bahasa English Division . All participants had S1 educational background. The two lecturers have been teaching for eleven and twenty years. The two English teachers have had two and four years teaching experience.

2. Description of the Data

In post- design survey, the types of questionnaire were closed and open questionnaire. The closed questionnaire consisted of seventeen statements related to the materials designed. The participants judged the statements by choosing number ranging 1 to 5 as the representative of five criteria. The details were: 1 was 55 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI interpreted as ‘strongly disagree’, 2 was ‘disagree’, 3 was ‘undecided’, 4 was ‘agree’, and 5 was ‘strongly agree’. The following table explained the result of the evaluation given in the post- design survey. The table explained the judgement of the designed materials given by four participants. Table 4.4: Description of the Data Participants No. Statements A B C D Mean 1. The standard competencies are well formulated 4 4 4 4 4 2. The indicators are well formulated 4 4 4 5 4.25 3. The indicators are considered able to support the standard competencies 4 5 4 5 4.5 4. The topics are relevant for D III Perhotelan, STP-AMPTA 5 5 3 4 4.25 5. The topics match with the standard competencies 4 4 4 4 4 6. The materials are suitable for the students of D III Perhotelan, STP- AMPTA 4 5 4 4 4.25 7. The teacher’s manual is well presented 4 4 4 5 4.25 8. The lesson plan is well presented 4 4 3 5 4 9. The syllabus is well presented 4 4 4 5 4.25 10. The activities are suitable to meet the indicators 4 4 4 5 4.25 56