Looking for a Hotel

Read the useful expressions below. Useful expressions What can I do for you? May I help you? Could you lend me your ID card? May I take a look your ID card? Would you like to sign here, please? Will you please sign here? How would you settle your bills, Sir? How would you pay your bill? How are you going to pay? May I have your name, please? How long would you like to stay? Adapted from English for Hotel, Drs. Edi Sanusi . Drs. T Istanto.,1999 . YESNO QUESTION A ‘yesno’ question : a question may be answered by ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Example : 1. A: Does Mike live in Sidney? B: Yes, he does. OR : No, he does not. doesn’t 2. A : Are you okay? B : Yes, I am. OR : No, I am not. 3. A : Can he make the desert? B : Yes, he can. OR : No, he cannot can’t Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb Complement Is Sara in meeting room Is Sara a general manager? Is Sara working? Does Sara work for hotel Hilton? Did Sara study in AMPTA four years ago ? Will Sara resign next year? 112 A. Make ‘yesno question’ based on the answers below. Then discuss your answers with your classmates. 1. Can I check out now? Yes, you can check out now. 2. ________________________________ No, I don’t need a double room. 3. ________________________________ Yes, they are eating in restaurant right now. 4. ________________________________ Yes, I will go to the bar tonight. 5. ________________________________ No, Sam is not our restaurant’s waiter.

B. Pair Work

DO YOU REALLY KNOW YOUR FRIENDS? This activity is in pair. First, you guess your partner’s answer based on the question. Then, the student checks the guess by giving the partner yesno question. STUDENT A No. Your partner…… Yes No Correct 1. Smoke 2. Like to go party 3. romantic 4. will go shopping after the class 5. Can repair electronics tools 6. economical 7. Have been in Bali 8. Can ride car 9. Wearing shoes right now 10. Have breakfast every morning 113 STUDENT B No. Your partner…… Yes No Correct 1. Live with parents 2. Like to wake up late 3. Can cook an European food 4. Have a lot of money 5. Afraid of worm 6. Has been abroad 7. Will go home directly after the class 8. Wearing black socks right now 9. Like swimming 10. Can dance Discuss the meaning of the words below in the class arrival bill cost issued by payment rate settle sign 114 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A. Fill in the registration form based on dialogue below. Then compare your finding with your partner. Jalan Solo Km 6.5 Yogyakarta REGISTRATION FORM Name : Address : Nationality : ID card : No. : Arrival Date : Departure Date : No. of Nights : No. of Guests : Room type : Room No. : Payment Method : Next Destination : Signature Remark Conversation Receptionist : Good morning, Madam. May I help you? Guest : Yes, do you have available room, please? Receptionist : What kind of room would you like, Madam? Guest : Single room. Do you have a room near the pool? Receptionist : One moment, please. checking the list Yes, we have a single room near the pool, on the first floor. 115 Guest : Good. How much does it cost? Receptionist : It costs 110 a night. Guest : Does it include breakfast? Receptionist : Yes, it includes breakfast, tax, and service. How long would you like to stay? Guest : Three nights, until 8 th of October. Receptionist : Would you like me to fill in the registration form? Guest : Yes, thank you. Receptionist : What is youur name? Guest : Esperanza Canto Receptionist : How do you spell your name? Guest : E-S-P-E-R-A-N-Z-A, new word, C-A-N-T-O. Receptionist : Thank you. And what is your nationality? Guest : I’m Mexican. Receptionist : What is your address? Guest : It’s Avenida Alamos 15, Colomia Roma, Mexico. Receptionist : Ok. Now, can you give me your passport number? Guest : It’s A 4028093. Receptionist : And can you tell me your next destination? Where are you going after this? Guest : I’m going to Paris after this. Receptionist : How are you going to pay? Guest : I’d like to pay by credit card-Visa Receptionist : Will you sign here, please? Guest : Certainly. Receptionist : Your room number is 146, and the bellboy will escort you to your room. Adapted from English for Hote, Drs. Edi Sanusi . Drs. T Istanto.,1999 .l 116 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI