Objectives of the Study Benefits of the Study

8 critical thinking towards general assumptions found in society and in promoting Galtung’s peace idea to the learners or students in general within the workplaces where the writer will have in the future.

E. Definition of Terms

In analyzing the novel, it is important to define the terms related to the problem formulation. It aims to avoid misinterpretations and give clearer explanations. Therefore, I attempt to define six main terms as follows.

1. State

Skocpol 1993 says that the state needs an instrument in the form of institutions to maintain its power. The instrument is, according to Gramsci and Althusser, called state apparatus. Althusser 1971 mentions two main apparatuses which establish the state power and all its system. Those are repressive state apparatus and ideological state apparatus pp. 127-188. In this study, state is defined as organization that aims to adjust the power of the community to control it. State as an organization of power is essentially a system of cooperation with systems and structures in it to make a group of people to act or behave in accordance with its ideology

2. Totalitarian

According to The Dictionary of Concepts in History, totalitarian is theoretical concept used by many social scientists since the 1930s to describe the most advanced forms of twentieth-century dictatorship. It designates those political systems utilizing advanced methods of mass communication, education, 9 administration, and technology, to monopolize and control every aspect of life of a society, private thought control through propaganda, indoctrination, and ritual as well as public Ritter, 1986, p.430-432. In this study, totalitarian is defined as the description of the state, regime, ideology, and any political party leaders who want transformation and total control in the society.

3. Violence

Violence is any acts which are intended to cause physical and mental pain or serious injury to another person. It is harm caused to persons, destruction of property, violent intentions, and specific other behaviour Corsini, 1994. In this study, violence refers to the harmful actions and intentions, both physical and mental ones, of state towards the citizen characters in the novel.

4. Structural Violence

Structural violence is a situation causes high unbalances on resources, education, personal income, intellectuality, justice, and authority to make communal decision. This situation influences person’s physical and psychology. In general, structural violence victims do not realize it because of the system that makes them familiar with the situation Galtung, 1969, pp. 167-169.In this study structural violence refers to the violence done by an individual unit or a group through the system of law, economic, education, and norm order in society. Therefore, this violence is difficult to be recognized.

5. Citizen

Citizens are the people who settled in the region and certain people in conjunction with the state. In the relationship between citizens and the state,