Short Description of the Course

90 time, character’s name and description, conflict, theme, summary, and personal opinion about the novel. This course is compulsory and offered in Semester II. There is no prerequisite course for KPE Book Report.

2. Competence Standard Goals of the Course

On completing this course the students are able to: 1. Develop basic understanding of reading of reading abridged and unabridged English novels. 2. Write book reports, containing information about the book, setting of place and time, characters’ names and descriptions, conflict, theme, summary, and personal opinion about the novel.

3. Independent Work

Task 1, 2, 3-to be submitted on Week 4, 9, 12 Write book reports about the simplifiedabridged novels you have read. The reports should be based on the report from provided containing information about the book, setting of place and time, characters’ names and descriptions, conflicts, theme summary, and personal opinion about the novel. The book recommended are listed below. If you want to read and write reports on book other than the ones in the list, you need to consult with the lecturer. Task 4-to be submitted on week 15 Write a book report about one of the originalunabridged novel assigned, those are Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, Steinbeck’s The Pearl, Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four or Ho’s Sing to The Dawn. The report should be based on the report from provided, containing information about the book, setting of place and time, characters’ names and descriptions, conflicts, theme, summary, and personal opinion about the novel. 91

4. Evaluation

Written Report 10 points 1 Completeness 1 2 3 2 Content setting, characters, conflict, and theme 1 2 3 4 3 Language 1 2 3 Oral Examination 15 points 1 Ability in retelling the story 2 Ability in answering questions related to setting, characters, conflict, and theme 3 Ability in stating personal opinionsreflection on the novel 4 Fluency and accuracy Total Scoregrade: Introduction to Basic Intrinsic Element of Fiction 1. Setting of time and place Setting is the Where and When during which the story take place where a story happens can be a name of a particular country, town, village, street, or just the description of surroundingplace such as in a dark and damp vault, at a crowded, noisy party, or in tent in the woods. The setting of time can be very clear such as in the year in 1984 or month in December, seasons, during Christmas time, during French revolution, during slavery period, or we just know that it is at night. Setting also refers to the natural and artificial scenery of environment in which characters live and move. For example: the setting of the novel is in a town named Lraine, in the northern United States in 1940’s

2. Major Characters

A character is “an imagined person who inhabits a story and it shows a distinction type of person” Abrams: 20. Similarly, Kriszner and Mandell state a character is “a fictional representation of person – usually but not necessarily a psychologically realistic depiction” pp. 95. Basically, characters are often portrayal of human beings with