Violence Structural Violence Citizen

10 citizens have obligations to the state and the citizens also have rights that must be granted and protected by the state. Merriam Webster Online Encyclopaedia, 2014. In this thesis, the definition of citizen refers to all the characters, which live in Oceania, a totalitarian state in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

6. State Institution

In this study state institutions are divided into two fields of State Apparatuses, Repressive State Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatus. Repressive State Apparatus institutions consist of police, courts, prisons, etc.. While ideological State Apparatus ISA is composed of several specialized institutions such as religious institutions, educational institutions, family, political institutions, trade institutions, communication institutions, and cultural institutions. 11


This chapter consists of three parts. The first is a review on related studies which provides two literary criticisms on Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four. The second is review of related theories. It is used to review the theories which are relevant to the study. The last part is theoretical framework which draws on how the theories are systematically utilized in the analysis.

A. Review of Related Studies

This part contains two studies conducted by two different researchers. Both of the studies connect to the present thesis in terms of similar object of study, Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four, but differ in their approach and analysis focuses. The first study uses a biographical and socio-cultural historical approach to analyze the novel. This study was conducted by one of Sanata Dharma English Language Education Study Programme’s alumni Anita Andriani in the form of undergraduate thesis entitled Analysis on the Theme of Orwell’s Political Novel. She conducted the research using the combination of the biographical approach and socio-cultural historical approach to discover Orwell’s purpose in writing the book and the characteristics of totalitarianism adopted in the book in which the ideology becomes the major theme of the book.