Preparation Data Gathering Technique

33 their speaking. The process of the treatment would be explained further in the Chapter IV using the result of the research er’s field notes see Appendix 10.

5. Conducting the Post-test

After conducting the pre-test, the researcher gave treatment to the students. The treatment was done by implementing Scientific Approach in KTSP. The final result of the treatment was measured by post-test. Similar to the pre-test, the students had to make a persuasive speech to persuade their friends on the theme “students shouldshould not smoke in school area”. The post-test was assessed by using the same rubric used to assess the pre-test see Appendix 6.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, the researcher used 5 steps on the data gathering technique, which were questionnaire, FGD, pre-test, and post-test, and field notes.

1. Questionnaire

The questionnaire in this study is used a likert scale Ary, Jacob, Sorensen, 2006 which is also used by Ferianda, 2013 in his thesis. A likert scale is a topic in a form of statement and the respondent should choose whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. The scoring technique will be presented on the following table: 34 Table 3.4 Scoring Grade for Questionnaire To find out the choices of the respondents, they had to circle the answer. The researcher had calculated the results and presents it in a form of percentage with the formula below: x100 X: the total number of students based on the degree of agreement n : the number of all students

2. Statistical Hypotheses

The researcher collected the scores of the pre-test and the post-test as the data of the research. The data was calculated manually by using formula of the paired sample t-test Supranto, 2009. First, the researcher would calculate the standard deviation with formula: Ho: the mean score of post-test is equal or less than the mean score of pre-test Ha: the mean score of post-test higher than the mean score of the pre-test Ho is refused if t ≥ t table; α: 0.05. S = Option Score Strongly agree sangat setuju Agree setuju Disagree tidak setuju Strongly disagree sangat tidak setuju 5 4 2 1