The Nature of Perception

39 The third statement was about the students’ motivation to learn English subject. From the respondents’ answers, the researcher found that 26 students 89.65 agreed, 2 students 6.89 disagreed, 1 student 3.44 strongly agreed, and none of the student 0 who chose strongly disagreed. The data showed that the students were highly motivated in learning English subject. However, there were two students who were not highly motivated. Motivation is actually something which energizes someone’s behavior Rhodes Steers, 1981. In this case, the students were motivated to learn because they were accustomed to listen to western song or watching movies and also interested on the new teaching method which was used by the researcher. However, Altman and Valenzi 1985 states that motive which a person has for a particular action cannot be seen; it can only be inferred p. 146. It means that even when the student looks active in class; it cannot definitively shows that heshe is highly motivated to learn. The statements numbers 4-6 are about the students’ interaction that support their learning experienced that will be explained further in the paragraphs below. The fourth statement was about the roles of the teacher in teaching and giving explanation about the English subject in class. From the respondents’ answers, the researcher found that 23 students 79.31 agreed and 3 students 10.34 strongly agreed. It means that the teacher has the important roles based on the students’ perception. However, responding to the fourth statement, 2 students 6.89 disagreed, and 1 student 3.44 strongly disagreed. It showed that some of the students were not satisfied with the teacher’s explanation. The data showed that 80 students satisfied with the teacher’s explanation about the 40 English subject in class. However, the result from FGD was against this result. The students said that the teacher’s explanation was not clear. The method that she used in the class was only giving assignments and then left the class. She rarely explained it until the students understood about the material. It will be explained further on the fifth statement about the teacher ’s explanation in the class. The fifth statement was about the students’ ability to understand the teacher’s explanation. From the respondents’ answers, the researcher found that 19 students 65.31 agreed and 2 students 6.89 strongly agreed. Meanwhile, 7 students 24.13 disagreed and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. The data showed that even though the teacher tried to explain the material, some of the students could not really understand it well. However, the data from FGD was against this result, it has been mentioned that the teacher rarely explains the material until the students understood. In FGD, the students said that they just made their facial expression look like they understood, but the fact was they were still confused. This action could be defined as their rationalization. Altman and Valenzi 1985 see rationalization was defense mechanism of someone to make excuse for failure p. 148. The students said that they were not satisfied by the teacher’s method in teaching and it was affecting their motivation in learning English subject. This statement could be their excuse to show their frustration because their need of satisfaction was hard to accomplish alongside with the teacher ’s inability to motivate her students in learning. 41 The sixth statement was about the roles of the classmates in influencing the students’ motivation and interest in mastering English subject actively. From the respondents’ answers, the researcher found that 12 students 41.37 agreed and 3 students 10.34 strongly agreed. Meanwhile, 11 students 37.93 disagreed and 3 students 10.34 strongly disagreed. From the data, the results showed that it was almost equal between the agreement and the disagreement on the importance of the classmates’ role in influencing their motivation and interest in mastering English subject actively. The result of FGD showed that the students’ interaction with their friends to learn English was very limited. The students was having very limited opportunity to speak in English to have interaction with their friends. They would ask the way to solve the problem in doing the assignments or just cheating. They chose to give up with active interaction which is not motivating them Alman Valenzi, 1985, p. 149. The seventh statement was about the environment that might affect the students’ motivation and interest in mastering English subject. The statement was about the roles of the students’ future chances on their job field, whether it will influence their motivation and interest in mastering English subject or not. From the respondents’ answers, the researcher found that 17 students 58.62 agreed, 3 students 10.34 strongly agreed, 7 students 31.03 disagreed and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed with the statement. It showed that the students’ future goal on their job field was not necessarily influence their motivation and interest in mastering English subject, especially speaking skill. 42 The researcher related those 7 statements to the theory that would strengthen the data. Ahen 2009 states that the ability to communicate in a second language enables people to interact with each other and changes the way they perceived things and matters happening to them. Proficiency in the English language is determined by the students’ motivation and attitude in learning the language. In the statements numbers 1 up to 3 indicated the students’ eagerness in learning based on the students ’ motivation. More than 80 of the students were motivated in learning English subject. According to Gardner and Lambert as cited in Brown, 1994, p. 168, motivation is a construct made up from certain attitudes. In t his case, the students’ motivation in improving their speaking skill could be affected by their attitude in learning. Hence, the students’ performance in the learning process will be determined by their motivation in learning process which results from their perception and attitudes Ahen, 2009, p. 2. According to Gardner and Lambert as cited in Ahen, 2009, the positive or negative attitude is derived from individual ’s perception toward certain objects or matters. Campbell 2001 as cited in Ahen 2009 states that perception is a process where one will form an impression about someone or something. The input that is gained through one’s observation will produce certain judgment or belief which influenced the attitudes of an individual toward certain things or events occur around them p. 3. The researcher also found out another meaning of perception according to Hardy and Heyes on Kurniy ati’s journal 2006 as it is cited in Ferianda 2013 that perception is a form of behavior that allows individuals to interact with or adjust to the varying demands of environment p. 69. The researcher concluded 43 that perception could also be determined by looking at the interaction and the environment. On the following paragraph, the researcher would give further explanation about factors that influence the students’ perception especially on their problems in speaking skill.

2. Factors Influencing Perception

In Table 4.2, the researcher presents the factors that influence the students’ perception. The statement number 8 was about the situation in which the students’ problem came up, especially in speaking. The statements number 9-12 were about the selection of stimuli. The statements number 13 and 14 were about self- concept. The eighth statement was about the sit uation in which the students’ problems emerge, especially in speaking skill. From the respondents’ answers, 17 students 58.62 agreed and 7 students 24.13 strongly agreed. However, the researcher found out that 5 students 17.24 disagreed. From the data, the results showed that 80 students had problem in mastering English subject, especially speaking skill. Altman and Valenzi 1985 define that situation is also the factor that influence someone’s perception. The situation like they did not understand with the teacher explanation and the teaching method which was not satisfied their expectation could affect the students ’ perception. 44 Table 4.2 Factors Influencing Perception No Statements Explanation Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 8 I have difficulty in learning English, especially speaking skill 7 24.13 17 58.62 5 17.24 9 I have difficulty in memorizing vocabulary; therefore, my speaking ability is limited 4 13.79 22 75.86 3 10.34 10 I have difficulty in learning grammar and tenses 4 13.79 21 72.41 4 13.79 11 I have difficulty in memorizing tenses which makes me cannot spontaneously speak in English 6 20.68 20 68.96 3 10.34 12 I have difficulty in pronouncing the words which makes me hesitant to speak in English 4 13.79 21 72.41 2 6.89 13 I have difficulty to speak in English because lack of opportunity to practice it during teaching learning activities 3 10.34 20 68.96 5 17.24 1 3.44 14 It is easier for me to write read rather than speak listen during teaching learning activities 4 13.79 16 55.17 9 31.03 The ninth statement was about their problem in memorizing vocabulary which limits their ability in speaking skill. From the respo ndents’ answers, 22 students 75.86 agreed and 4 students 13.79 strongly agreed. The researcher concluded that more than 80 of the students were facing problem in memorizing vocabulary. On the contrary, there were 3 students 10.34 who chose disagreed 45 and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. From this data, it could be concluded that more than 80 students was facing problem in memorizing vocabulary. The tenth statement was about the students’ problem in learning grammar and tenses in English subject. From the respondents’ answers, 21 students 72.41 agreed, 4 students 13.79 strongly agreed, 4 students 13.79 disagreed, and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. It could be proven that the students were facing problems in learning grammar and tenses. When the researcher asked a question during the FGD to the students to translate the simplest sentence “saya adalah seorang pelajar” in English, only 3 students tried to answer it and they forgot to add the article “a” in the sentence, so their answer was “I am student” without “a”. The eleventh statement was about the students’ problem in memorizing tenses which caused the limitation of the students’ ability to speak spontaneously. From the respo ndents’ answers, 20 students 68.96 agreed and 6 students 20.68 strongly agreed. The researcher did observation in class while PPL, the researcher found that the students still could not memorize the tenses very well. Meanwhile, the results showed that there were 3 students 10.34 disagreed with the statement and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. The twelfth statement was about the students’ problem in pronouncing some of the words in English which made the students could not speak spontaneously. From the respo ndents’ answers, 21 students 72.41 agreed, 4 students 13.79 strongly agreed, 2 students 6.89 disagreed and none of the