Research Problems Problem Limitation


2. The Teacher

This study helps the teacher to understand how to maximize the Scientific Approach in the learning process. The result of this research is also expected to have contribution to the development of the teaching learning process. Furthermore, this study will help the teacher to understand the students’ problems in speaking skill. This research can help the teacher to make a beneficial decision to improve the students’ awareness and motivation in mastering the speaking skill.

3. The Future Researchers

This study will help the future researchers to understand the students ’ perception on the speaking problems. The future researchers can try to find out better solutions for the educational development, especially ELT in Indonesia. This study can also help the future researchers to develop the study on the implementation of the Scientific Approach as the original process standard of Curriculum 2013.

F. Definition of Terms

In this sub-chapter, the researcher provides some definition of terms which are used as the basis theories in the discussion. The definition of terms can help the readers to understand the meaning of the terms which is used in the research. The definition of terms consists of the brief explanation of speaking, Scientific Approach, KTSP, Curriculum 2013, and perception. 9

1. Speaking

The important idea of speaking is a tool of communication which refers to the medium of the message auraloral or written. According to Bailey 2005, speaking is a productive auraloral skill which consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning p. 48.

2. Scientific Approach, KTSP and Curriculum 2013

Scientific Approach is an approach that is used for giving a material based on fact which can be explained by logic. The result of learning is expected to create productive, creative, innovative, and affective students by integrating their attitude, skill, and knowledge Kemendikbud, 2013. Scientific Approach consists of six stages namely, observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, networking, and creating which are the compilations of many stages in affective, skill, and knowledge domain Permendikbud, 2013. KTSP or School-Based Curriculum is designed based on PP No. 192005. Sutena, Padmadewi, and Artini 2013 states that the schools are allowed to make their own syllabus and lesson plan under the supervision of district or city department. However, in the curriculum development, the newest curriculum namely Curriculum 2013 was implemented on July, 2014. According to Lazim 2013, Curriculum 2013 is covering the competence of attitude, skill, and knowledge.

3. Student’s Perception

Perception is a sensory input and it is interpreted meaningfully, which can be con structive in what people see. Perception can also be affected by individual’s