Hypothesis Testing The Effect of Implementing Scientific Approach in KTSP

53 received the information to prepare their speech in the previous meeting, the students did not prepare it well. Most of the students did the preparation in the class which made the evaluation was postponed for 30 minutes. The students only made a very brief speech consisted of one up to two sentences. The first treatment was done on April 21, 2015. The researcher as the teacher introduced the expression to persuade others to do something. In this treatment, the researcher first gave stimulus to the students by asking about the material in expressing opinion and agreeing disagreeing that has been learnt before in the previous meeting. However, the students could not remember about those materials without looking at the handout. During the teaching learning process while doing the PPL, the researcher were using handout and worksheet to anticipate the text books which were not available enough for the total number of the students. In the core activity, the students got information about the expression of persuading forbid someone to do something. The students were delivered the handout about the expression that can be used in persuading and also the example of the dialogue. However, they found it difficult to pronounce some of the words. The speaking treatment that was used in this meeting was a game. The teacher anticipated passive and unsuccessful activity in playing the game by giving the example together with active students in class. In this game, the students must work together in order to accomplished the game. The students needed to make a group consisted of 6-7 students who would stand in a row. They had to whisper the situation that was given to the last player on the back up to the front player. Then, the front player should write down the answer on the white 54 board. Those who had written down the answer would run immediately to the back. Through the researcher ’s notes, the students were enjoying the game. However, the students’ habit to answer the teacher’s question in Javanese language was hardly omitted. The students who were not interested in playing the game would make a group and did not pay attention to the learning activities. The researchers anticipated this action by walking around the class and dragged them back to their group. The game was quite interesting for the students. However, it was a bit difficult to control the classroom management because the students who played the game tended to move around. The game was the part of networking stage and the result was the students who were usually quiet and passive tried to participate. The speaking treatment itself happened in networking and creating stages Kemendikbud, 2013. In the teaching learning process, the students were already having a lot of interaction with the teacher to build the students ’ engagement. According to Krathwohl 1961 as cited in Taher, 2013, the lea rning activity and the students’ experience is the basic process in which the students build their value system. With the majority of male students, teaching became more challenging because the teacher should make sure that all of the students paid attention and built up their positive behavior to become students who would actively participate in teaching learning activity. Therefore, teaching the material in the stages of observing, questioning, experimenting, and associating were only covered the knowledge domain. In order to thrill the students’ excitement, the use of game could help all of the students to actively