Factors Influencing Perception Students’ Perception on Their Problem in Mastering Speaking Skill

45 and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. From this data, it could be concluded that more than 80 students was facing problem in memorizing vocabulary. The tenth statement was about the students’ problem in learning grammar and tenses in English subject. From the respondents’ answers, 21 students 72.41 agreed, 4 students 13.79 strongly agreed, 4 students 13.79 disagreed, and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. It could be proven that the students were facing problems in learning grammar and tenses. When the researcher asked a question during the FGD to the students to translate the simplest sentence “saya adalah seorang pelajar” in English, only 3 students tried to answer it and they forgot to add the article “a” in the sentence, so their answer was “I am student” without “a”. The eleventh statement was about the students’ problem in memorizing tenses which caused the limitation of the students’ ability to speak spontaneously. From the respo ndents’ answers, 20 students 68.96 agreed and 6 students 20.68 strongly agreed. The researcher did observation in class while PPL, the researcher found that the students still could not memorize the tenses very well. Meanwhile, the results showed that there were 3 students 10.34 disagreed with the statement and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. The twelfth statement was about the students’ problem in pronouncing some of the words in English which made the students could not speak spontaneously. From the respo ndents’ answers, 21 students 72.41 agreed, 4 students 13.79 strongly agreed, 2 students 6.89 disagreed and none of the 46 student 0 strongly disagreed. From the result, the researcher concluded that more than 80 students were facing problem to speak when the students did not know how to pronounce the words well. From those explanations, the researcher related it with Altman and Valenzi ’s 1985 definition about selection of stimuli, because individual tends to focus only on small number of stimuli. This sorting process is known as “selection” and becomes the reason why each person perceives things differently p. 86. In learning English, especially in mastering speaking skill, students sort- out their problem in a very common problem that people face in learning English like vocabulary, pronunciation, and tenses. However, people have different threshold levels Altman Valenzi, 1985, p. 87. Some students might not face any difficult problem in memorizing vocabulary and tenses, whereas others cannot remember what vocabulary that heshe has learnt before. However, the same person may have different threshold at different times; this phenomenon is called “sensory adaptation”, a diminished sensitivity to stimuli that evolves upon continued exposure Altman Valenzi, 1985, p. 87. When the students are not distracted by their speaking problems again, it is because they tried to adapt the situation, in which can decrease their motivation in participating during the teaching learning activities. Those problems can also be affected by their self- concept that will be explained in the next paragraph. The thirteenth statement was about the students ’ belief in why the students facing problem in speaking was because the less chance for them to directly use it when the teaching learning process happened. From the respo ndents’ answers, 20 47 students 68.96 agreed, 3 students 10.34 strongly agreed, 5 students 17.24 disagreed and 1 student 3.44 strongly disagreed. It happened because the teacher were rarely explained the material in class. Based on the students’ statement during FGD, they said that the teacher only gave them written assignments to be done without any chance to practice their speaking skill. The fourteenth statement was about the students’ belief that writing and reading were easier for the students rather than listening and speaking when the teaching learning process happens. From the respo ndents’ answers, 16 students 55.17 agreed and 4 students 13.79 strongly agreed. However, 9 students 31.03 disagreed and none of the student 0 strongly disagreed. Altman and Valenzi 1985 see that self-concept is also the factor that can influence perception p. 91. The problem in mastering speaking skill is not only the basic grammar and vocabulary but also the students belief in other aspect like less chance to sharpen their ability in speaking skill and their belief that other skills is much easier that speaking spontaneously. The students believed that they are facing difficulties in mastering speaking skill because their mental pictures of themselves determine much of what they perceive and do Altman Valenzi, 1985, p. 90. However, the researcher tried to dig deeper to find out their way to solve the problems in mastering speaking skill through their attitude that would be explained further in the paragraphs below.

3. Students’ Attitude to Solve Their Problem in Mastering Speaking Skill

In Table 4.3, the researcher tried to present the students’ attitude to solve their problem in mastering speaking skill. 48 Table 4.3 Students’ Attitude to Solve Their Problem in Mastering Speaking Skill No Statements Explanation Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 15 I learn actively in class so that I am able to master English language, especially speaking skill. 26 89.65 3 10.34 16 I try to solve my problem and difficulty in learning by consulting to the teacher subject. 2 6.89 21 72.41 5 17.24 1 3.44 17 It is easier for me to master English language by practicing and discussing it with friends. 23 79.31 6 20.68 The fifteenth statement was about the students’ participation in the teaching learning process, especially in mastering the speaking skill. From the respo ndents’ answers, 26 students 89.65 agreed and 3 students 10.34 disagreed, none of the student 0 who chose strongly agreed or strongly disagreed. However, during the treatment, some of the students rarely participated in the learning activities and some students chose to sleep. The sixteenth statement was about the students’ effort to overcome their problems in learning by consulting to the teacher’s subject. From the respondents’ answers, 21 students 72.41 agreed, 2 students 6.89 strongly agreed, 5 students 17.24 disagreed, and 1 student 3.44 strongly disagreed. The seventeenth statement was about the students’ opinion that learning can be easier if the students get more chance to discuss the material with their 49 friends. From the respo ndents’ answers, 23 students 79.31 agreed and 6 students 20.68 disagreed. From those three statements, the researcher relates those actions with conative component of attitudes Altman Valenzi, 1985, p. 95. Conative component is the students ’ behavioral disposition toward their problem. Martin 1967 as cited in Altman Valenzi, 1985 states that some psychologists believe that a certain attitude will lead to predictable behavior p. 447. It can be positive attitude like actively participating in teaching learning activities, consulting to the teacher, and discussing the material with their friends. However, before the implementation of Scientific Approach, the students did not indicate those behaviors during the teaching learning activities. Therefore, the researcher used it as part of the treatment for the students to participate in learning, consulting and receiving feedback from the teacher, and also having discussion during the teaching learning activities. To conclude, the students are interested in learning English subject and feel motivated to learn. However, the teacher’s method in teaching and unclear explanation can lead to unmotivated students’ perception. Another problem that comes up is their selection of stimuli which can affect their perception on their problem in mastering speaking skill like vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and tenses. Those sorts out of stimuli are strengthened by their self-concept that they have less chance to practice their ability in speaking. The students also built the perception that speaking skill is harder than other skill because they accustomed to learn in written assignments rather than having speaking activity in class which