Attitude Related Studies Theoretical Description

22 hypothesis to see whether there are any observable effects or not. The other difference is that in the researcher study, she tried to implement Scientific Approach in KTSP not in Curriculum 2013. The reason is because the researcher tried to suggest the school which returns into KTSP can also implement Scientific Approach in their learning process. In Permendiknas no 412007 about the process standard, it is clearly stated that teacher can implement any approaches, media, and sources of learning without changing the spirit of KTSP p. 15. It can be a solution to prepare both the teacher and the students when the Curriculum 2013 is implemented to all schools later on. This approach is also suggested to make the students become active and creative in the learning process through its steps. The third related study was a thesis by Ferianda 2013 about perception in the implementation of integrated skills in critical listening and speaking class by English language education students of Sanata Dharma University. The thesis is discussed about the students’ perception on integrated skills by considering the nature of perception, the factors that influence students’ perception in order to see whether the integrated skills are applicable and acceptable or not. The similarity between Ferianda’s study and the researcher’s study is that both studies use the same theory by Altman and Valenzi 1985 about perception which are the nature of perception and the factors that influence students’ perception. However, in the researcher study, the main idea does not only stop on perception but also on the students’ attitude. 23

B. Theoretical Framework

The theories above are the basis of the theoretical framework for the research. There are two research problems in this research. The first one concerns with the students’ problems in mastering speaking skill. The second one is about the effects of implementing Scientific Approach on the students’ ability in speaking skill. To answer the first research problem, the researcher chooses to use the theory of perception and the students’ attitude by Altman and Valenzi 1985. The theory of perception and attitude were used as the basis for constructing the questionnaire. The nature of perception is used as the guidance to see the student’s perception toward English subject. The second one is the factors that influence the student’s perception. However, the researcher only used 3 factors and took out the organization of perception. The last 3 statements in the questionnaire, the researcher relates the result with the theory of attitude. To answer the second research problem, the researcher analyzes the data to proof that implementing Scientific Approach in KTSP can improve the students’ ability in speaking by calculating the data manually using a paired sample t-test. In order to strengthen the proof, the researcher explains the factors which influence the observable improvement through the researcher’s field notes during the treatment that can be explained by using Scientific Approach and the theory of Scientific Approach.

1. Hypothesis

The conceptual hypothesis of this research is stated as follows: the implementation of Scientific Approach in KTSP can improve the students’ 24 speaking skill. The statistical hypothesis of this research is stated as follows: Null hypothesis will be rejected if there is a difference between the pre-test and the post-test mean score of the experimental group. It means that the implementation of Scientific Approach in KTSP can improve the students’ ability in mastering speaking skill. 25


The methodology and procedures employed in this research are presented in this chapter. This chapter is organized into six major sections, namely the research method, the research participants, the research setting, the research instruments, the data gathering technique, and the data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

This research is conducted by using a mixed method, the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative research. According to Creswell 2012, mixed method design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research and method in a single study to understand a research problem. Mixed method design is used to provide a better understanding of the research problem. Creswell 2012 states that mixed method can help the researcher to see in multiple view points for being pragmatism. In this research, both of quantitative and qualitative researches were used so the researcher can provide more detail information by collecting numeric data and text data. To gain the data for research problem number one, the researcher used closed-ended questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion henceforth abbreviated as FGD. Afterwards, to gain the data for research problem number two, the researcher conducted speaking test by using pre-experimental design; one group pre-test and post-test design with the result in numeric data. To be the proof of the students’