Scientific Approach Theory Theoretical Description

16 the students will deal with act of determining value, belief, and attitude toward the learning process. The students will show their commitment in the learning process. Then, the students will organize hisher commitment in the learning process until the students gain their own characterization and build up a value system to control their behavior. Those are the explanation of the students’ attitude in receiving and digesting the knowledge. On the next paragraph, the researcher will explain the Dyer ’s theory about skill domain. Originally, this theory is used for creative leadership by Dyer 2011. This domain contains five stages, which are associating, questioning, observing, experimenting, and networking. Dyer 2011 states that people have more creative capacity than they think. It is about innovative ideas coming from and the ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas and put them together in new ways. 1. In the associating stage, a student is trying to associate hisher creative thinking, lateral thinking, associational thinking, and right brained thinking. The students’ creativity is connecting things as a creative people connecting experiences that they have and synthesize new things Dyer, 2011, p. 6. 2. In the questioning stage, the students must actively question at the steady state at a given time Dyer, 2011, p. 26. The students gain understanding of what the problem is and make an identification to solve it. 3. In the observing stage, the students understand the job-to-be done and gain insights for new ways to do things by finding ideas. 17 4. In the experimenting stage, the students learn new skill, taking apart ideas and processes. The students must piloting ideas to test hypothesis to answer the questions Dyer, 2011. 5. In the networking stage, a student is finding and testing ideas with a network of individuals who are diverse in both background and perspective Dyer, 2011, p. 53. As the conclusion, in the skill domain, students are actively processing their discovery behavior namely associating, questioning, observing, experimenting, and networking by using their cognitive skill in associating to make a product as the result of the students’ creative idea. Scientific Approach is believed can help the students to improve their ability in speaking and change their perce ption. The change of students’ perception can influence their attitude in learning; not to use Javanese and Indonesian language but trying to use English during the teaching learning process.

3. Perception

Perception, as it is described by Altman and Valenzi 1985 is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted p. 85. Each person will have the different point of view because they select information stimuli and interpret in the different way. The process of perception can help us to understand and adapt with the environment in where we live. If people do not sort out the stimuli in their environment, they will be overwhelmed by the “sensory input” Altman Valenzi, 1985, p. 85. 18 In line with Altman and Valenzi’s definition, the journal of perception and human perception as cited in Ferianda, 2013 states that perception is the way human try to understand the world around them p. 27. People gather information through their five sense organs, and perception adds meaning to the sensory inputs. Each person can have different ways in interpreting the information about the environment. In line to the theory of perception, perception in learning has correlation between belief and concept. It has connection with belief about knowledge that is able to influence students’ behavior toward learning Ferianda, 2013. It means that perception plays an important role in the process of gaining the knowledge. According to Biggs 1992 as cited in Ferianda, 2013, in gaining the knowledge, there is a system which relates the concept with the environment. The concept is formed by the stimuli coming from the environment namely interactive system. Interactive system has three elements which are presage, process, and product or learning outcome Ferianda, 2013, p. 13. Presage is an indicator of future occurrence. It includes learning conception and learning context for example teachers and school’s facility, and also students’ understanding about knowledge Biggs, 1992. The example of presage is students’ eagerness in participating during the learning process. Process is a factor that includes students’ perception in the learning environment and specific learning strategies that they experience in learning tasks Biggs, 1992. The example of the process is how the students’ learn appropriately with the teaching method to achieve the subject’s competence. The third element is product; it is the learning outcome which is influenced by the 19 learning strategies used. According to Ferianda 2013, the students can have good learning outcome when the learning strategies that are used are suitable for them. The learning outcome can make the students have positive perception on the learning process. Students’ perception in learning is influenced by the teaching method and process of teaching learning activities. Campbell 2001 as cited in Ferianda, 2013, states that those three elements are also mentioned in the five elements of the language teaching learning activities that build the students’ perception. The five elements cover 1 the way the teacher teaches the students, 2 the kind of materials that the teacher wants the students to learn, 3 the students behavior in class during the learning process, 4 the materials that the students learn, 5 the goal of learning the language p. 14.

a. Factors Influencing Perception