Factors Influencing Perception Perception

21 2013. This study mainly talks about the implementation of process standard and also refers to the vocational student’s problem in speaking. However, their finding focus on the implementation of process standard in teaching English in terms of planning, learning process, assessment used in lesson plan and the problem faced by the teacher in implementing the process standard of teaching English in SMK Negeri 1 Gianyar. The process standard that has been mentioned in this study is the process standard of KTSP. Therefore, through Sutena, Padmadewi, and Artini’s study, the researcher tried to find the comparison by implementing Scientific Approach especially in the learning process which changed the process from Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation into observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, networking, and creating. The researcher only focuses on the effect of implementing the steps in Scientific Approach in the learning process. The second study is about Scientific Approach in curriculum 2013 to improve stude nt’s skill in critical thinking by Leksono 2014. This study focuses on how the Scientific Approach can increase students’ ability to think critically. Therefore, through this study, the researcher tried to relate how the implementation of Scientific Approach in teaching vocational high school students. The difference between Leksono’s study and the researcher’s study is that in Lek sono’s study, he only describes each step of Scientific Approach and how it can increase the students’ ability to think critically. In the researcher’s study, the researcher tried to see the effect by describing the process also testing the 22 hypothesis to see whether there are any observable effects or not. The other difference is that in the researcher study, she tried to implement Scientific Approach in KTSP not in Curriculum 2013. The reason is because the researcher tried to suggest the school which returns into KTSP can also implement Scientific Approach in their learning process. In Permendiknas no 412007 about the process standard, it is clearly stated that teacher can implement any approaches, media, and sources of learning without changing the spirit of KTSP p. 15. It can be a solution to prepare both the teacher and the students when the Curriculum 2013 is implemented to all schools later on. This approach is also suggested to make the students become active and creative in the learning process through its steps. The third related study was a thesis by Ferianda 2013 about perception in the implementation of integrated skills in critical listening and speaking class by English language education students of Sanata Dharma University. The thesis is discussed about the students’ perception on integrated skills by considering the nature of perception, the factors that influence students’ perception in order to see whether the integrated skills are applicable and acceptable or not. The similarity between Ferianda’s study and the researcher’s study is that both studies use the same theory by Altman and Valenzi 1985 about perception which are the nature of perception and the factors that influence students’ perception. However, in the researcher study, the main idea does not only stop on perception but also on the students’ attitude.