Creative Self Basic concept of Individual Psychology

4. Business Composition

Composition of the business is helpful in both corporate and marketing strategy design. In many other firms it is useful to separate the business into parts to facilitate strategic analyses and planning. When firms are serving multiple markets with different products, grouping similar business areas together aids decision making. Business segment, group, or division designations are used to identify the major areas of business of a diversified corporation Cravens, 2000: 27.

5. Structure, Systems, and Process

Structure determines the composition of the corporation. Systems are the formal policies and procedures that enable the organization to operate. “A business design is the totality of how a company selects its customers, defines and differentiates its offerings, defines the tasks it will perform itself and those it will outsource, configures its resources, goes to market, creates utility for customers, and captures profit” Cravens, 2000: 28

6. Corporate Advantage

Corporate strategy looks at whether the strategy components create value through multimarket activity. The strategic issues include evaluating the extent to which a business contributes benefits somewhere in corporation, benefits minus costs, and whether the corporation creates more value for the business that might be created by another owner Cravens, 2000: 28. The chief marketing executive’s business strategy responsibilities include: 1 participating in strategy formulation, and 2 developing marketing strategies that are consistent with business strategy priorities. Successful businesses actually can be found operating in very demanding market and competitive environments. They tend to be motivated to improve their business to b e the first products in their world as a life’s goal Cravens, 2000: 29

D. Structural Elements of the Novel

1. Character and Characterization

Character is a part of fiction. Character is someone who plays in a show or story. Kennedy defines character as “an imagined person who inhabits a story therefore they cannot be expected to have all attribute of real human beings” Kennedy, 1983: 45. Meanwhile, Characterization is the process by which the researcher reveals the personality of a character. Character can be divided into two types, namely major character and minor character. The major character belong the familiar as well as important character in the novel that takes part of the story. Thus, the minor character consists of character that supports the major character to make them more alive. Kennedy states that “minor characters are the characters which exist to support the major character and make the story more convincing and life like Kennedy, 1983: 45.