Theoretical Benefit Benefits of the Study

b. Analyzing the data based on individual psychological perspective.

H. Research Paper Organization

In order to make the research easier to follow; the research paper is organized into five chapters. Chapter I is Introduction covering background of the study, literary review, problem statement, limitation of the study, objective of the study, benefit of the study, research method and research paper organization. Chapter II presents Underlying Theory. It deals with notion of individual psychology, basic concept of individual psychology, notion of strategy in business, and structural elements of the novel and theoretical application. Then, Chapter III is Structural Analysis of The Scent of Sake novel, it consists of; 1 The structural elements of The Scent of Sake novel; it consists of structural elements of The Scent of Sake novel including character and Characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style, theme; 2 Discussion. Chapter IV presents Individual Psychological Analysis of The Scent of Sake novel, which deals with the analysis of the problems’ novel that is related with the theory. There is also discussion in this chapter. Chapter V includes Conclusion and Suggestion.


This chapter presents the theory which is used to analyze the data in this research, namely individual psychological perspective. This chapter is divided into four parts. The first part is notion of individual psychological. The second is basic concept of individual psychological that consists of fictional finalism, inferiority feeling, striving for superiority, social interest, style of life, and creative power of self. The third is structural elements of the novel. The last is theoretical application.

A. Notion of Individual Psychology

According to Adler individual psychology is “a science that attempts to understand the experiences and behavior of each person as an organized entity” Ryckman, 1985: 95. He also imagined a person to be connected or associated with the surrounding world. So in other words, individual psychology is presented to understand the experience and behavior of every person which relates to the outside world. Adler Hjelle and Ziegler, 1992: 141 believes that “major purposes of personality theory should be to serve as an economical and fruitful guide for therapist and ultimately for everyone in affecting change toward more psychologically healthy behavior”. Personality theory must be able to influence a person’s behavior to be better. 11