Technique of Data Collection Technique of data analysis

Adler states that “individual psychology represents that the human being as single, invisible, self- consistent, and unfired” Hjelle and Ziegler, 1992: 139. Adler makes “consciousness of the centre of personality, which make him pioneer in the development of an ego- oriented psychology” Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 121. Man conscious being, he is ordinarily aware of the reason for his behavior. He is a conscious of his inferiorities and conscious of the goals for which he strives. More than that, he is a self-conscious of individual who is capable of planning and guiding his actions with full awareness of their meaning for his own self realization Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 121. Based on those theories, it can be concluded that the aim of Individual Psychology is to understand the individual style of life as a part of the whole. The subject involves the understanding of the whole, the life of mankind and the social relation with the other sex. They can live in any condition to survive because they have a power of sense and powerful of life strategies to be used as a life’s motivation. So they can reach the goal and be superior. In individual psychology we learn about behavior of individual and they improve their behavior in social life to be better. This process can be influenced by many ways, there are fictional finalism, inferiority feeling, striving for superiority, social interest, style of life, and creative power of the self. There are many aims of life among others and to get better personality.

B. Basic concept of Individual Psychology

There are six basic concepts of individual psychology proposed by Adler: 1 Inferiority feelings, 2 striving for superiority, 3 fictional finalism, 4 style of life, 5 social interest and 6 creative self. Each of these items will be discussed as follows:

1. Inferiority Feeling

Hall and Lindzey 1981 define that Inferiority feeling is “one the important factors in informing and developing an individual’s personality towards his behavior in life” Hall and Lindzey, 1981:145. It means that inferiority feeling plays an important role in informing and developing in each of individual’s personality. Hall and Lindzey define that the feeling of inferiority or a sense of in completeness “is the great driving force of mankind” Hall and Lindzey, 1981: 124. In order words, man is pushed by the need to overcome his inferiority and pulled by the desire to be superior. Adler states that “in each individual, certain organs are somewhat weaker than others, making the person more susceptible to illnesses and diseases involving these organs” Hjelle and Ziegler, 1992: 141. So, they strive to eliminate their weaknesses with some kinds of manner. Ryckman states that “Feeling of inferiority can be largely constructive or larg ely destructive” Ryckman, 1985: 99. Acknowledging that we all feel inferior at some point in our lives could