Fictional Finalism Basic concept of Individual Psychology

life’s problem in a manner beneficial to society. This person surely identifies three major problems: neighborly love, sexual love, and occupation” Feist, 1985: 76. It means that the person realizes that solving these major tasks requires cooperation, personal courage, and willingness to contribute to the welfare of others.

6. Creative Self

Adler maintains that “the style of life is shaped by the person’s creative power” in Hjelle and Ziegler, 1992: 150. In other word, each person is empowered with the freedom to create his or her own life- style. Adler also insisted that “this creative power is responsible for the final goal, and contributes to the development of social interest Feist 1985: 77. The concept of the creative self places the responsibility for the individual’s personality into his own hands. Adler sees that “the individual as responsible for himself”. He attempts to show the person that he cannot blame others or uncontrollable forces for his current condition.

C. Strategy in Successful Business

According to Vadim Kotelnikov in his articles, strategy is “a set of analytic techniques for understanding and influencing company’s position in the market place”. According to Cravens 2000: 24 there are some components of strategy, they are: deciding corporate vision, objectives, capabilities, business composition, structure, system, and processes, and corporate advantage.

1. Deciding Corporate Vision

Cravens states that management vision defines “what the corporation is and what it does and provides important guidelines for managing and improving the corporation” Cravens, 2000: 25. It also defines strategic choices about where the firm is going in the future, choices that take into account company capabilities, resources, opportunities, and problems, establish the vision of the enterprise. Developing strategies for sustainable competitive advantage, implementing them, and adjusting the strategies to respond to new environmental requirement is a continuing process. The corporate vision may, over time, be changed because of problems or opportunities identified by monitoring Cravens, 2000: 25.

2. Objectives

According to Craven 2000: 26 objectives need to be set so that the performance of the enterprise can be gauged. Corporate objectives may be established in the following areas: marketing, innovation, resources,