Deciding Corporate Vision Objectives

The chief marketing executive’s business strategy responsibilities include: 1 participating in strategy formulation, and 2 developing marketing strategies that are consistent with business strategy priorities. Successful businesses actually can be found operating in very demanding market and competitive environments. They tend to be motivated to improve their business to b e the first products in their world as a life’s goal Cravens, 2000: 29

D. Structural Elements of the Novel

1. Character and Characterization

Character is a part of fiction. Character is someone who plays in a show or story. Kennedy defines character as “an imagined person who inhabits a story therefore they cannot be expected to have all attribute of real human beings” Kennedy, 1983: 45. Meanwhile, Characterization is the process by which the researcher reveals the personality of a character. Character can be divided into two types, namely major character and minor character. The major character belong the familiar as well as important character in the novel that takes part of the story. Thus, the minor character consists of character that supports the major character to make them more alive. Kennedy states that “minor characters are the characters which exist to support the major character and make the story more convincing and life like Kennedy, 1983: 45.

2. Setting

Setting is really important to create real impressions at the story for readers will be able to create circumstances as if the story really happens. Setting may help the readers in developing their imagination about the story. Setting of a literary work consists of two broader setting. Firstly is setting of place that is work of fiction in which the place is classified as example of locale color region. Secondly is setting of time. In many works of fiction the time is very important especially in the historical fiction Kennedy, 1983: 32. In other word, setting should be to form certain plot and theme which are interrelated to its place, time, area, and certain characters with own characterization Fananie, 2000: 98.

3. Plot

Kennedy defines plot as “whatever happens in the story, more exactly referring to the author’s particular arrangement of event” Kennedy, 1983: 824. Stanton states that “the plot is important to build the story in a novel. Plot is a series of events in a story” Stanton, 2007: 26. Plot is divided into three. The first is plot structure which includes; complication, climax and resolution. Second is causality and the last is plausibility.