Enquiries about results

6.3 Enquiries about results

We carry out extensive quality checks before we issue results. However, you can submit enquiries about results if you would like us to check the results for particular candidates.

We offer a range of enquiries about results services depending on the type of check you would like us to carry out. There is an administrative fee for each enquiry. We will not charge the fee if the enquiry leads to a change to the

syllabus grade. You cannot submit enquiries about results for Cambridge Primary Checkpoint and Cambridge Lower

Secondary Checkpoint due to the diagnostic nature of the results we issue for these tests.

6.3.1 Enquiries about results services

The table below details the services available.

Service name Details of service Availability of service

Available for externally assessed Service 1

Clerical re-check:

A re-check of all procedures leading to the issue

of a result. This service checks that all parts of the


script were marked; that the marks were totalled correctly; and that the marks were recorded correctly.

Clerical re-check The same as ‘Service 1’ but you also receive a copy Available for externally assessed with copy of script:

of the script.


Service 1S Not available for Art & Design syllabuses.

Available for externally assessed Service 2

Review of marking:

A review of the original marking to check that the

agreed mark scheme was applied correctly. Also


includes the re-checks detailed in Service 1. Not available for multiple-choice question papers.

Review of marking The same as ‘Service 2’ but you also receive a copy Available for externally assessed with copy of script:

of the script.


Service 2S Not available for multiple-choice question papers or Art & Design syllabuses.

Available for internally assessed moderation of

Review of

A review of moderation of the centre’s coursework

for a component, and a report on the assessment of components. coursework with

the candidates’ coursework. If you have submitted Not available for individual report: Service 5

a different enquiry for any of the candidates in the


group we will complete that enquiry first before producing the report.

Can only be used for the whole cohort.

Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) 6 Results and certificates 117

Service name

Details of service

Availability of service

Report on the

Available for externally assessed work of a group

A report on the work of a group of no fewer than

components. of candidates:

five and no more than 15 candidates for a given

exam. The report is for the information of teachers

Not available for multiple-choice Service 9

only and does not involve any review of marking.

question papers.

The report is designed to give teachers a better understanding of their candidates’ performance

Available for Cambridge IGCSE,

in a particular component. Because of the date by

Cambridge O Level, Cambridge

which the reports are produced they cannot be

International AS & A Level and

used to inform decisions about retake entries.

Cambridge Pre-U.

Once you order this service you cannot request any other service for the component for any candidates in the group. We start processing reports once the deadline for enquiries about results has passed and in the order in which we receive them. If you have submitted a different enquiry for any of the candidates within the group we will complete that enquiry first before producing the report. We will upload the report to CIE Direct within 28 days of completing any other enquiries concerning the candidates in the group.

Group awards Recalculation of

A recalculation to make sure the results for Cambridge ICE or the Cambridge Cambridge ICE

AICE Diploma are correct. You must request this recalculation by email or the Cambridge

(info@cambridgeinternational.org) and not through CIE Direct.

AICE Diploma NO RESULT (X Grade) or PENDING (Q Grade)

We usually issue a ‘NO RESULT’ if the candidate appears not to have completed all the components of an assessment. ‘PENDING’ means that a result cannot be issued at present but will follow in due course.

We can provide an explanation of ‘NO RESULT’ or ‘PENDING’ outcomes without charge, if requested by the Head of Centre.

We will ask you to submit any documentary evidence that may suggest that our records are inaccurate with your request, for example, an attendance register or a coursework mark.

If we confirm that we are unable to issue a result for the candidate for the syllabus, we will provide: • confirmation of the component(s) for which we had no mark

• confirmation of a previous notification of the reason why we cannot award a result, for example, that we did not receive documents, coursework marks or information to confirm that the candidate did or did not sit a particular exam.

118 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International)

6.3.2 How to submit an enquiry about results


Submit enquiries about results online through CIE Direct. For detailed instructions, read our

(a) The Head of Centre must support all requests. step-by-step guide and watch our video tutorial at

(b) You do not need candidate consent to submit www.cambridgeinternational.org/ear

enquiries about results.

To submit an enquiry for ‘NO RESULT’ or ‘PENDING’ (c) Enquiries must be submitted as soon as possible outcomes, visit the ‘Administer Exams’ section of

after we have issued results and before the CIE Direct and click on the ‘Enquiries about results’


tab. Click on the ‘NO RESULT (X Grade)/PENDING (Q Grade)’ tab and follow the same process for

(d) We will not consider:

submitting an enquiry about results. We will email any (i) any telephone requests for enquiries about further information to you.

results, including enquiries for ‘NO RESULT’ Associate Centres should submit enquiries about

or ‘PENDING’ outcomes; enquiries about results to their Cambridge Associate through CIE

results must be submitted through CIE Direct. Cambridge Associates can then approve the


enquiry and send it to us or reject the enquiry. (ii) any requests for enquiries about results

involving component(s) for which

Important dates

malpractice has been confirmed

The deadlines for submitting enquiries about (iii) any requests for enquiries about results results, including enquiries about ‘NO RESULT’ or

from individual candidates or their parents/ ‘PENDING’ outcomes, are:


any requests for enquiries about results • for a component where we have calculated

• June series: 20 September 2018


November series: 26 February 2019

the component mark.

We cannot accept requests submitted after the (e) You can only submit enquiries at component deadlines because we start to dispose of candidate


scripts shortly after these dates. (f) You can request different services for different

It is good practice for Cambridge Associates to

candidates in the same syllabus.

submit enquiries about results for all their Associate Centres before the closing date. This gives time to

(g) You can request the same or different services check the enquiry about results and resolve any

for the same candidate in different syllabuses. issues with Associate Centres before the deadline.

(h) All the component enquiries you want us to Cambridge Associates may set earlier deadlines for

review for a candidate within the same syllabus their Associate Centres.

must be submitted at the same time. We cannot accept additional component enquiries for the same candidate and syllabus at a later date.

(i) For each candidate, all the components in the syllabus for which an enquiry is being submitted must be for the same service. For example, you cannot request a Service 1S for one component and then a Service 2S for another component if they are components of the same syllabus.

(j) You can only submit one enquiry for each candidate’s result in the externally assessed components of a syllabus. You can also submit a Service 5 request in the same syllabus.

Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) 6 Results and certificates 119

6.3.3 How long does it take to process



We deal with enquiries in the order in which we receive (a) If an enquiry leads to a change in the candidate’s them. We will communicate the outcome of your

mark for a component, the candidate’s syllabus enquiry to you within 30 days of receiving it.

grade will either remain the same or go up. We will start processing Service 9 requests in the

(b) Where an enquiry does not lead to a syllabus order in which we receive them, once the deadline

grade change, but does lead to a component for enquiries about results has passed. We cannot

grade change, we will not reissue any results guarantee a date by which we will complete Service

documentation unless you ask us to by emailing

9 reports. As a result, they cannot be used to inform info@cambridgeinternational.org decisions about retake exams.

(c) Where an enquiry leads to a reduction in a For candidates wishing to retake in the next exam series,

candidate’s mark and that mark is carried we cannot guarantee that we will issue the outcome of

forward to a subsequent series, we will use the an enquiry in time to inform the candidate’s preparation

reduced mark to calculate the candidate’s grade for the retake exam.

in that series.

If a candidate’s grade goes up as a result of an (d) Where an enquiry leads to a change to a enquiry about results, and you have already entered

candidate’s syllabus grade, we will: them to retake the exam, we will refund the entry fee.

(i) notify you in writing immediately Please email info@cambridgeinternational.org with

details of your candidate and the syllabus you have (ii) issue a revised statement of results entered them for. Once your refund is approved we will

(iii) notify UCAS (the UK organisation through then withdraw the candidate and process your refund.

which applications are processed for entry to higher education), and any other universities

6.3.4 Outcomes of enquiries about results

that have requested a similar arrangement Enquiries about results: Once the enquiry is received

(iv) provide formal written confirmation of the we will upload an acknowledgement letter to the

grade change to any other university or other ‘Enquiries about results’ section of CIE Direct. We

institution at the request of the Head of will email you when this letter is available. Please call

Centre or Cambridge Associate Customer Services if it is not available within 48 hours

of submitting the enquiry. (v) not charge all or part of the fee. See section

6.3.5 for further details. We will upload the outcome of your enquiry and any

copies of scripts and reports to the ‘Enquiries about (e) You must inform the candidate of the outcome. results’ section of CIE Direct. We will email you when

(f) In the unusual event that the outcome of an they are available.

enquiry brings into question the accuracy of ‘NO RESULT’ and ‘PENDING’ enquiries: Once

the results for other candidates in that syllabus, the enquiry is received we will acknowledge it or

we will notify the Head of Centre/Cambridge communicate an outcome to you by email within seven

Associate. We will then carry out the service working days. Please be aware that the status of your

on any other candidates who may have been submitted ‘NO RESULT’ or ‘PENDING’ enquiry will not

affected free of charge. We will notify the Head update in the ‘Enquiries about results’ section of CIE

of Centre/Cambridge Associate of the outcome. Direct.

120 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) Using photocopied scripts For Services 1S and 2S, we upload copies of scripts to

the ‘Enquiries about results’ section of CIE Direct.


Only teachers at your centre can have access to the copies of scripts we return. At their discretion, teachers can decide to return them to the relevant candidates. Scripts remain the property of Cambridge International. If teachers want to use the script as an example to other students they must ask for the candidate’s permission. If they are unable to do this they must remove the candidate’s name from the script before showing it to other students and make sure that the student cannot be identified.

6.3.5 Fees

(a) We charge for enquiries about results. The fees for each service are in our fees list, which is available in the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE Direct. We invoice the Head of Centre for any enquiries about results. You will start to receive invoices 6–8 weeks after the deadlines.

(b) We will not charge the fee if the enquiry leads to a change to the syllabus grade.

(c) For Service 5 requests we will not charge the whole or part of the fee if a syllabus grade changes as a result of an enquiry.

(d) We provide explanations for ‘NO RESULT’ and ‘PENDING’ outcomes free of charge.

6.3.6 Appeals

To appeal against the outcome of an enquiry about results, please refer to the section of this handbook called ‘Cambridge International Appeals Regulations and Guidance’.

Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) 6 Results and certificates 121

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