Conduct of participants the meeting but will not take part in it. The servicing

5.2.5 Conduct of participants the meeting but will not take part in it. The servicing

officer acts on behalf of the panel and not on behalf of All representatives and observers attending the Cambridge International.

meeting are expected to behave with courtesy to the panel, the servicing officer, and all other participants

Other people may also be present to help ensure and observers. The panel will not tolerate rudeness, the fair and efficient conduct of the hearing. shouting, attempted intimidation or other inappropriate

5.2.2 Cambridge International representatives behaviour. The Chair may ask any participant or observer who engages in such behaviour to leave. In

Cambridge International will be represented by a such cases, the decision of the Chair is final. Following member of either the Compliance team (in malpractice, an ejection, the meeting will proceed. Cambridge access arrangement, special consideration or late arrival International may also take further steps as necessary cases) or the Assessment Standards and Quality team to make sure the panel, Cambridge International (in the case of appeals against the outcome of enquiries staff and centre representatives are safe. Cambridge about results). Other subject, assessment or specialist International reserves the right to refuse future visits to staff may also represent Cambridge International. There Cambridge International premises by a participant or may be up to a total of three Cambridge International observer should their behaviour warrant it. representatives.

5.2.3 Centre representatives

5.3 The meeting

Cambridge International is an international awarding

5.3.1 Centre not attending

organisation working with over 10 000 schools in 160 When centre representatives do not attend the countries. It is not always feasible for centres to send

meeting, the order will be as follows. representatives to Stage 2 appeal meetings, so they

are designed to be equally fair, whether or not centre Introduction

representatives attend. Cambridge International representatives will be invited You may attend the Stage 2 appeal meeting but it is

to join the panel in the meeting room. The Chair will not required as the panel will consider your written

introduce the panel members and ask everyone to submissions. In most cases centres choose not to

introduce themselves. The Chair will then describe the attend. If you wish to attend the Stage 2 appeal

procedures that will be followed. meeting you must tell us when you submit your appeal The centre’s position

by marking the form accordingly. The Chair will summarise the centre’s position based on

You may send up to three members of staff to represent

its written submissions.

the centre. Candidates and their parents/guardians may Cambridge International’s presentation

not normally attend as representatives. • The Cambridge International representatives will be

As the Stage 2 appeal is not a judicial or quasi-judicial asked to put forward their arguments. process, legal representatives are not permitted to

attend or observe under any circumstances, either on • The panel will have the opportunity to ask the

behalf of the centre or Cambridge International. Cambridge International representatives questions.

5.2.4 Observers Final summaries

Observers may attend at the discretion of the panel, The Chair will then invite the Cambridge International in consultation with the servicing officer. Any observer

representatives to summarise their arguments. must be: Deliberation

1 Over the age of 18. Cambridge International representatives will be asked

2 Not attending in any capacity as a legal to leave while the panel considers whether there are any representative or legal advisor.

further questions. Observers may also be asked to leave at the discretion of the Chair. If the panel has further

If the centre or Cambridge International requests the questions, Cambridge International representatives attendance of observers, they will count towards the will be asked back into the room for the panel to ask limit of three representatives.

136 Appeals Regulations and Guidance Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) 136 Appeals Regulations and Guidance Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International)

International representatives and then the centre The panel will deliberate in private. In all cases, the

representatives to summarise their arguments. To panel will consider:

make sure all involved are treated fairly, summaries should include only matters already discussed in

1 Whether Cambridge International’s procedures were the meeting and not introduce any new material consistent with the Code of Practice; and

or arguments. The Chair will instruct the panel to

2 Whether Cambridge International applied those disregard any extraneous arguments or evidence procedures properly and fairly in arriving at those

that was not included in the Stage 2 Appeal Request judgements.

Form or permitted by the Chair under section 5.1.2 The panel may, after deliberation:

of this guidance. Deliberation

(i) find the appeal successful, in full or in part (ii) find the appeal unsuccessful; or

The Cambridge International and centre representatives will be asked to leave while the panel considers whether

(iii) require Cambridge International to carry out further there are any further questions. Observers may also be work in accordance with instructions from the panel. asked to leave at the discretion of the Chair. If the panel

5.3.2 Centre attending has further questions, both the Cambridge International representatives and the centre representatives will

When centre representatives are attending, the order

be asked back into the room for the panel to ask its will be as follows. questions. If the panel has no further questions, the Introduction

representatives will be allowed to leave.

Representatives of the centre and of Cambridge The panel will deliberate in private. In all cases, the International, along with any observers, will be invited

panel will consider:

to join the panel in the meeting room. The Chair will

1 Whether Cambridge International’s procedures were introduce the panel members and ask everyone to consistent with the Code of Practice; and introduce themselves. The Chair will then describe the

procedures that will be followed.

2 Whether Cambridge International applied those procedures properly and fairly in arriving at those The centre’s presentation


• The centre representatives will be asked to put

The panel may, after deliberation:

forward their arguments in the presence of Cambridge International representatives.

(i) find the appeal successful, in full or in part • The Cambridge International representatives will

(ii) find the appeal unsuccessful; or

be invited, through the Chair, to ask the centre (iii) require Cambridge International to carry out further representatives questions.

work in accordance with instructions from the panel. • The panel will have the opportunity to ask the centre

5.3.3 Length of the meeting

representatives questions. The Chair may, at their discretion, set a time limit on

the meeting or on specific parts of the meeting (e.g. • The Cambridge International representatives will be Cambridge International’s presentation

presentations). The Chair’s decision about time limits is asked to put forward their arguments in the presence


of the centre representatives. When making their presentations, the Cambridge • The centre representatives will be invited, through

International and centre representatives should assume the Chair, to ask the Cambridge International

that the panel has thoroughly reviewed the ‘Appeal representatives questions.

Pack’ and focus on explaining their key arguments. The • The panel will have the opportunity to ask the

centre should not introduce any arguments or evidence Cambridge International representatives questions.

that they have not previously provided in their Stage 2 appeal unless additional evidence was allowed in

accordance with section 5.1.2 of this guidance. The Chair • Representatives of Cambridge International and the Final summaries

may direct the panel not to take any extra evidence centre will be given a final opportunity to make any

into account. The Chair’s decision as to what is to be further comments responding to the presentations

considered is final.

and questions.

Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) Appeals Regulations and Guidance 137

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