Invigilator requirements (v) A teacher who has prepared the candidates for

4.6 Invigilator requirements (v) A teacher who has prepared the candidates for

the subject under examination must not be the This section sets out our regulations for invigilators.

sole invigilator at any time.

(a) Invigilators are the people in the exam room (vi) For listening exams a member of staff who responsible for the conduct of a particular exam.

speaks the language of the test should ideally be present to deal with any technical difficulties.

(b) The Head of Centre must make sure that suitably trained and experienced adults carry out invigilation.

(vii) In exams where questions or passages must The Head of Centre can decide who is suitable,

be read to candidates it is essential that an however, they cannot let any person who has

invigilator is present as well as the reader. an interest in a candidate invigilate an exam by

A reader, scribe or practical assistant themselves. If the Head of Centre decides to use


cannot be counted as an invigilator.

parents/guardians/carers or relatives of a candidate they must complete and return Entries – Form 1

(e) Invigilators must be familiar with the regulations before they invigilate any exams. The Head of Centre

in Parts 4 and 5 of this handbook and the contents must make sure that invigilators are fully briefed

of the Notice to Candidates, as well as any specific and trained before carrying out invigilation. See

regulations relating to the subjects being examined. section 2.1.5.

You must have a copy of parts 4 and 5 of this handbook in each exam room and a copy of the full

(c) Invigilators must give their whole attention to the

handbook in the main exam room.

proper conduct of the exam and must not perform any other task (for example, marking) in the exam

(f) Apart from a single device to ask for assistance, room. Invigilators must be present, mobile and

invigilators must not have access to any other form attentive throughout the exam.

of external communication while in the exam room. (d) Invigilator numbers

You must keep signed records of the following: (i) At least one invigilator must be present for every


• actual start and finish times of your exams

30 candidates. You must make arrangements so

• periods of Full Centre Supervision

that the invigilators can observe each candidate • invigilators used to conduct each exam in the exam room at all times.

• any changes to invigilators during each exam (ii) For practical tests there must be one invigilator

• invigilator training records.

for every 20 candidates. A teacher of the subject should also be present. For practical tests for the

We may ask to see these records at any time until following syllabuses please refer to section 5.7.4:

certificates are issued.

• Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417)

Extra guidance

• Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology (9626)

You are responsible for conducting a training • For all our art & design syllabuses, at

session with your invigilators before the

least one invigilator must be present for every exam, even if they are experienced. Download

30 candidates.

our PowerPoint presentation ‘Invigilating Cambridge International exams’ from

(iii) When only one invigilator is present, they must

be able to ask for assistance easily, without You can adapt it to train your invigilators or simply leaving the exam room or disturbing candidates.

read it to refresh your own memory.

A change of invigilators during an exam is allowed, provided the number of invigilators in the room does not fall below the number

4.6.1 Key Times

prescribed. You must keep records of this. We are an international awarding organisation working (iv) Where there are both male and female

with over 10 000 schools in 160 countries. To maintain candidates, you must make sure that both

the security and integrity of our exams we have a male and female invigilators are available to

number of arrangements in place including Key Times. accompany candidates to the washroom, if

Key Times are designed to make sure countries in required. Where there is a sole invigilator you

similar time zones have their candidates under exam must make sure that the invigilator can contact a

or supervised conditions at the same time to maintain male and female member of staff without leaving

the security of question paper content. Key Times only the exam room or causing a disturbance to the

apply to timetabled exams. Based on your centre’s candidates.

Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) 4 Before the exams 83 Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International) 4 Before the exams 83

communication outside of the supervised group under Full Centre Supervision.

• must not be allowed to communicate in any If the Key Time is before the start of the exam,

way with anyone who is not under Full Centre candidates must be supervised by invigilators from the

Supervision at that centre.

Key Time until the start of the exam. When supervised, candidates may have access to their If they have finished their exam, they may be allowed

books and notes, and talk to each other, provided that to leave the room, provided they are under Full Centre

they do not disturb candidates taking an exam. Supervision continuously from the time they leave until

If there are candidates in the supervised group who have the Key Time has passed.

already taken an exam that others in the group are due You can find the Key Times for your

to take, for example an ICT practical test, they must be morning or afternoon exam sessions at

separated from each other. See section 5.7.4 for details

of supervision arrangements for Cambridge ICT practical tests.

It is essential you check your Key Times before each exam series because they may change.

If candidates need to leave the room during periods of Full Centre Supervision for whatever reason, they

We have introduced an evening session and Key Time must be accompanied by a supervisor. Where there for centres in administrative zones 4 and 5. The evening

is only one supervisor, you must make sure that the (EV) Key Time is four hours after the afternoon (PM) Key

supervisor has the means to get help without leaving Time.

the room unattended or disturbing candidates. You You must keep signed records of the supervision

must also make sure that you have both male and arrangements for candidates under Full Centre

female supervisors available to accompany candidates if Supervision.

These records should indicate who


was supervised, for how long, and who conducted the If a candidate fails to attend a period of Full Centre supervision. We may ask to see these records at any

Supervision before or after an exam we will consider this time until certificates are issued. If you fail to arrange

as possible malpractice. Contact us immediately if this necessary periods of Full Centre Supervision, we will

happens. See section 5.6.

consider this to be a breach of Key Time regulations. If the period of Full Centre Supervision is longer than

four hours you will need to apply for a timetable

Extra guidance


Watch our video to find out how to prepare If a candidate arrives late for a period of Full your exams timetable using Key Times. It is

Centre Supervision before an exam, follow the guidance available at

in section If a candidate arrives late for a period timetablingexams

of Full Centre Supervision after an exam, contact us immediately.

4.6.2 Full Centre Supervision

Full Centre Supervision is a specific type of supervision for candidates. For timetabled exams, if candidates are not in their exam at the Key Time they must be under Full Centre Supervision until the Key Time has passed or until the exam starts.

There must be at least one supervisor present for every

30 candidates under Full Centre Supervision. During Full Centre Supervision, candidates: • must not be in the same room as any other people

except for supervisors and candidates taking the same exam • must not have access to telephones, mobile phones, laptops/computers or any electronic device with or without internet access

84 4 Before the exams Cambridge Handbook 2018 (International)

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